Classless Reincarnation

Chapter 5 The Love Of A Father!

As Jack awoke, he realized a few things.

1. He had somehow survived.

2. He had positively gotten PTSD, even as a baby?!

3. He definitely had the most protective father ever!

Who else could say their father had gone head-on against an entire country for their sake?! The man now softly hummed as he carried him gently on their escape.

Jack couldn\'t help but stare at the man that could only be described as Sunny.

His gray hair only gave him a mysterious look that added to his handsomeness. Then there was his magnetic gaze with more depth than a bottomless abyss.

As the man lowered his eyes, his smile became even larger.

"Morning, Jack!"

Morning? Jack felt his heart flutter.

This "Morning" hit differently. It was filled with boundless love. It was so warm that it made the previous nightmarish events feel like they\'d all been a lie.

But Jack knew it had all been too real. He knew just by looking at his father\'s state.

The man was missing an arm, an eye, and a wife…yet he could smile so brightly?!

"From now on, it will be just the two of us, son. But don\'t worry, your dad\'s bringing you to an amazing place! Just wait and see! I\'m sure you\'ll love it! You and I against the world, hehe! We\'re gonna—"

The two of them against the world? This brought up so many buried memories of his past life. It all came out rushing like a torrent, tears reaching his eyes.

His original mother had also been the same, always putting on a brave front for his sake.

Even when her lungs had been riddled with cancerous cells, she had been spurring him on for him to keep dreaming. "Work hard, son. I\'ll watch over you from Heaven!"

Now, this new father, Edgar Bright, was the same.

No, he wasn\'t just his father.

He was his dad.

He deserved it.

"Gah!" (The two of us against the world!)

But to this statement, he added a silent promise. \'Dad, I\'ll give you a great life. I solemnly swear upon it. Otherwise, my name isn\'t Jack Bright!\'

Living well wasn\'t enough if his family suffered. This time he\'d protect them. He\'d get rid of all obstacles! This time he\'d—

His heroic inner monologue was interrupted by exhaustion. This wasn\'t anything new either. Turns out babies need to sleep a LOT!

Thus Jack drifted back into oblivion…




A second had barely passed that Edgar Bright\'s cheerful chatter stopped as he froze. He could feel some crazy energy being generated! An enemy attack?!

Oh god! This was the worst timing!

His Mana was basically zero, and his injuries were barely under control.

But as he lowered his eyes, none of it mattered anymore. He\'d keep fighting if he had to, no matter the price. This was his son, their son! "Don\'t worry, Jack. Everything will be alright."

He was already preparing his last stand when he stopped, shellshocked. This Mana felt so pure, so warm, and it was coming from….Jack?! How?!

It erupted out of the sleeping baby, creating a golden pillar of light!

As this light engulfed Edgar, a notification appeared.

[Cleared Hidden Requirements!]

[Class Unlocked: Father!]

[Accept? Y/N?]

He who had braved the battlefield countless times lost his cool.

He wasn\'t a stranger to the power of Faith….but this?! Father? Just father? How silly was this?! His current Fallen Saint Class had to be stronger, right? But before he could refuse…

A dozen figures came flying from the horizon, riding winged lizards. Rough-looking, with armor and weapons meticulously polished. Mercenaries…

"Did you guys see that light?!"

"Treasure, treasure, treasure! It has to be!"

"Wait…careful! There\'s some old guy already!"

The greed in their eyes turned to wariness as they eyed Edgar. There was something about his appearance that screamed DANGER. But then they observed him carefully….

He was definitely some big shot, the kind they\'d usually avoid like the plague…but he was also on the brink of death. He looked so tired that he was about to keel over anytime.

Then there was the baby he held in his arms….seriously, what was up with the glowing baby?! They looked at one another, shocked….but then they all came to the same conclusion.

"Old man, hand over the baby, and we\'ll let you live!"

"No way! He\'s my son!"

"Son? As if we\'ll believe that! Come clean, old man. This is the treasure, right? You disguised it as a baby to try to fool us, right? But we\'re not that dumb!"

Edgar felt at a loss. How was he supposed to explain this?! Even he didn\'t understand it! "You see… It\'s a father-son magical ability. All it does is…." He tried BS-ing his way out.

But it was no use. To the mercenaries, this baby was the greatest treasure ever! After all, only the most incredible of magical items could create such an aura!

Edgar felt like cursing as they rushed at the father-son duo like bloodthirsty hounds. \'Goddammit!\' What would he have to sacrifice this time around?

His remaining eye? How could he protect his son if he went blind?!

A leg? No way they\'d be able to outrun their pursuers if he did that!

What about his other senses? He had already sacrificed his sense of taste, smell, and touch…but there was still his hearing? That was the best option!

Tears streamed across his cheeks. This would be the last time he heard his son\'s voice….but it was worth it to save his life!

But just as he was about to do it….

[Class Unlocked: Father!]

[Accept? Y/N?]

This taunted him, giving him an alternative solution. Could something so silly actually be helpful right now? He approached a trembling hand toward it.


Unlock Legendary Father Class!

+ D Tier Lifestyle Magic Affinity!

+ D Tier Fist Affinity!

+ S Tier Fatherhood! ️


S Tier Fatherhood!: Increase all Stats and Mana Regeneration based on the strength of the bond between you and your children. There is nothing as strong as a father\'s will!

Mana?! That was the one thing he was missing right now!

As he gazed at his son\'s sleeping face, all tension suddenly left his body. The bond between them, was it? Theirs wouldn\'t lose to anyone!

Edgar decisively accepted the Class Change.

The mercenaries had already begun attacking him when a miracle happened. The golden Aura around Jack started swirling like a tornado.

Then all that Divine Energy headed straight for Edgar, filling him under the shell-shocked gazes of the aggressors. That\'s when they knew they had fucked up.

Edgar\'s Bright eyes now radiated with power.

The weak and almost dead man was nowhere to be seen!

"A-actually, there\'s somewhere we need to be! Take care, later!"

The mercenaries turned tail and ran. Whatever this power-up was, they sure weren\'t gonna stick around and find out! However, it was already too late…

"No one touches my son!"

With a stern bellow, Edgar went on the offensive.

He had taken a dagger out of nowhere and was already slicing his enemies up. He was using all his knowledge to disable them as quickly as possible.

In a matter of seconds, the ruffians were lying in pools of their own blood, agonizing. Horror filled their eyes as they gazed at their executioner. He was still holding the baby!

He wasn\'t human. He was a bloody devil!

"Y-you, who are you?!"

"Just a father…."

What kind of answer was this?! But they were already dead before they could dwell on it. All that was left was a bloodstained man gently cradling a sleeping baby.

"Sleep well, Jack. Soon we\'ll be at our new home…."





Jack Bright (Classless)


BODY 0 (STR 0 / AGI 0 / RES 0)

SOUL 35 ( MAGIC 1 / SENSE 16 / WILL 18)


Titles (4)

- PTSD (+Nightmares)

- Holy Goddess\' Cursed

- Self-Taught (+Learning Speed)

- Slumbering One (+Rest Efficiency)


Skills (4)

- Danger Sense (S)

- Mana Sharing (F)

- Mana Manipulation (F)

- Dormant Obliteration Curse (SSS+)


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