Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 1058:

s things. If he wins enough battles

Gong, everything, everything, can be obtained.

And this is emptiness.

A world where the strong run amok.

There are no rules of the starry sky, no taboos of the dragon race.

Some are just that the strong act recklessly and follow suit.

whatever you want.

And this, for the... Poison Dragon King, is not a different thing.

a surprise.

Of course, the premise of all this is not to offend the void


Just because, the Lord of the Void, is the transformation of the rules of Void


It is the root of the Void-Clan.

His existence is not the ancestor, but the ancestor.

"In the void, as long as you don\'t offend the sky above you,

Is everything okay?"

In a soft whisper, the depths of the Poison Dragon King\'s eyes are also

Flashing inexplicable luster.

Maybe. He can be really stuffy in the depths of the void

Get out of the world. r/>

But now is not the time to think about that.

Just because it is more important now than this, and

It is to suppress the ancestor dragon.

According to the meaning of the world tree, if this end

Ancestor dragon, able to win the joy of the Lord of the Void

Hi, that is a great achievement.

It\'s not just talking

And while World Tree was chatting with the Poison Dragon King

What they don\'t know is that far away, the void is the deepest

At the place, a figure that has been sleeping for a long time, also slowly

Wake up slowly.

A long dragon roar echoed in the depths of the void.

Rolled up in circles and circles, like waves

Sound wave path.

Accompanying it is a 1 as huge as a star

The big purple dragon head rose slowly.

Grim, yet noble.

Terrifying, yet overwhelming.

Just like, between heaven and earth, the most perfect creation, it is unbelievable

Lose your mind.

And now, from the body of the sky-reaching purple dragon, the consciousness is slowly

The revived Yu Ziyu also raised her eyes, looking at her.

far away.

There, there is a slender figure, waiting quietly


The Holy Maiden of the Void-Clan, Yi Zier.

Void-Clan, whose status is second only to Yu Ziyu\'s existence


"The master, the third king, and others captured the master level.

The ancestral dragon. I want to dedicate it to you"

Suddenly speaking, the smile on Zi\'er\'s face disappeared.

Don\'t go.

"The Great Ancestor Dragon"

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu was also slightly - startled.

My mind was already prepared.

But now that he heard it, he couldn\'t help but feel


The dominance level is still the origin of the bloodline of the ancestors of the dragon clan

Ancestor dragon.

No matter which one of these, it is enough to make Virgin Yu heavy


Not to mention, the two in one.

And this, I have to say, really gave Yu Ziyu-

An amazing surprise..

Chapter 1706: Void Dragon Race? (Second)

\\"This great ancestor of Yuanzu is really beyond my surprise."

Feeling closed, Yu Ziyu didn\'t think of his layout, and it ended up like a slap in the face.

Yuanzu Juzhu, send a chess piece.

Now, as he wished, he broke the foundation of the だ clan. What\'s more, stepping into the realm of dominance, he became a very good joke.


Heart tip-laughs, Yu Ziyu is also a little proud. Tsuji now, the most important embryo is Ting to see a gift from the third king and his quasi-breast. Thinking of Xili, Yu Ziyu\'s body is sky-high and the eyebrows also shoot out fiercely. There was a purple light.

Accompanied by a terrifying roar of envy, the purple-shaped phantom had already broken through the void and left.

It is the Yuanshen of Yu Ziyu Tongtian Ziya. Tongtian Zishen\'s body juts out in Taitsuji and shelters it. If there is a slight robbery, there will be a feeling of heaven and earth being broken. In this way, the primordial spirit who emerges from Jiexiangxiang is the best.

It is said that Zaika is only one of the eleventh, but it is convenient for the stomach

And not long after Komi, the Void Territory ruled by the third king.

Level sound K laughs to Xiang, the Wu Yin of Dao Liang Tian Tribulation also tore apart the void, oh Chu Yu Tian Xiang.\\"I will worship the Lord of the Void."

\\"I will wait to worship the Lord of the Void\\"

At the call of the voice, countless void creatures kowtowed.

And just under the engraving, imprinted into the eyes of countless void creatures is the purple flower phantom.

夂夂 appears, heaven and earth are


gram, Mo Tsuji, who felt the deepest feeling, roared at Yuanzu Jushu and Poison King.

\\"How is the text possible"

In the terrified voice of the board, the Poison King, who was kneeling on the ground, looked at the Taoist-shaped figure wandering in the sky team, and also hated it.

Send--the bloodline is powerful, what is the level of the ancestors of the ghosts. The bad is not the level of the ancestors. I feel that the souls are indescribable by gods.

\\" Actually, it is more terrifying than the bloodline of Yuanzu Juju.

Yueyou. In the horrified voice, the Poison King couldn\'t believe it.

How could it be possible to send the bloodline of the ancestor of the flower family, it has always been a fixed number.

It is like a giant ancestral vein, which has three bloodlines of the ancestors, the giant flower of the ancestor, and the giant flower of the gods, which is like a real flower-vessel, with four bloodlines of the ancestors, a touch, and a nine-clawed golden flower. In the blood of the ancestor, there is absolutely no lord of the void, Xianxiang, who has six wings on his back, and his eyes are like the sun, moon, and stars.

Tiao Shi\'s tail, yanked back, and the hurricane oscillated toward the swimmers.

And 込, it is impressively, Yizhong\'s brand-new ancestor bloodline. The emperor flower that came to the void, Yitongtian Zihua.\\"You. It\'s very cool."

The faint voice suddenly swelled at the top of my heart, but it made the poisonous king Yi-zhen [see more VIE chapter サ novels, Jingfang to www.]

Just because, sending an inch, a purple head appeared in front of him.

\\"I dare not, my subordinates dare not.

There was a trembling in his voice, and the poisonous king hurriedly said.

Said, compared to him, male-辺, he has already turned into a blade disease, and his sanity is a lost Yuanzu giant flower, but it is a bit bad-Xiang.

As if the roaring ten-day from the ancient times, the Yuanzu Jushu is like a big old story.

At the same elbow, Jin Can\'s Guangmu continued to gather in the river, and it was behind him that he outlined the phantom of Roshan - Dao Zheng Hunt to Ban Dian\'.

The bloodline of the first ancestor of the Yuanzu Jushu, Chadang came to the crisis of Mo Ming, and finally served Xia Fen.

Just, don\'t wait for him to build the bottom of Xiafen-

The voice was cold, and the heaven and earth turned into day. Looking for the inexplicable brilliance, I saw that there was a human snake\'s tail, and two figures with two real figures on the tip of the shoulders came slowly.

And along with his coming, the bloodline that is completely invincible to Yuanzu Jushu also rises.

The bloodline of the ancestors of the Zhensuo family is the bloodline of the ancestors of the Chushu family, and it is also the bloodline of the gods.

But now, the bloodline of the ancestor of the ancestors turned into heaven and earth. In the daytime, the giant flower of the ancestor was completely suppressed.

In the stammering voice, the eyes of the Poison King were all dull.

What are you joking about, the Void family actually has two great ancestor bloodlines-

God never said nothing.

Sending the real --- the blood of the ancestor of the clan, how did it appear in the 込li, you must know, the clan has been around for many years, and also gave birth to the ancestor of the ancestors. Wang Du pheasant hides the shocking look on his face.

Just because, sending Ruo Ruo out, I\'m afraid it will prove to be the Liang Jie Xing Wan clan fat.

The bloodline of the ancestors of the Shi people, it is a bloodline that is so terrifying.

Being an adult means being the master, not to mention.

If there is no reason for the same, it is almost incomprehensible.

Moreover, what is more important is that if the blood of the two ancestors is sent to the 尨 clan, the powerful だ clan will probably disintegrate most of them in an instant.

And 込, it\'s not. It\'s just what Yue said.

After all, it was the blood of the first ancestor.

Like Mashu, who has part of the bloodline of Yushu, everyone will bow their heads

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