Rebirth: Tyrant's New Reality

Chapter 358 Plans And Movement

Arkhen didn\'t appoint anyone to the next Royal Family of the Sandia Kingdom. He didn\'t want the headache. So he just told them to decide among themselves.

Well, that led to a bloodbath, but Arkhen didn\'t a two-hoot about that as he and others were on their way to Frezya Empire.

Frezya Empire was situated in the inner layer of the 3rd biggest sphere of the 2nd realm, the Roaring Wave Sphere.

After arriving at the Frezya Empire, Arkhen felt the situation was tense.

In one of the big rooms in the big palace, everyone sat circled at a table as Yosin brought in some news.

"The situation is tense because of an ancient inheritance," Yosin said with a wry smile.

"As you know, all sphere\'s inner layers have many doors leading to different dimensions, and an ancient inheritance was found in one such dimension."

"So, other big forces also found that and want it?" Arkhen asked with an amusing smile.

"Yeah. Big fights will happen at that place if nothing is done, but to solve this problem, they are holding a competition for peak 5th Ring powerhouses. The winner will take the inheritance."

"Nice. I want to crash that party," Arkhen said with a laugh.

"Cough… You can do whatever you want, but I request you not to kill people on our side," Yosin said with an awkward smile.

"When will they gather?" Arkhen asked.

"Powerhouses are guarding that inheritance site until the competition starts. They have yet to decide to date, but it won\'t be that long. Hmmm, probably just a couple of days."

"Alright. Anyway, we\'ve done enough rest, and even though we can\'t start progressing towards the 5th Ring, we should still collect motes and enter Elemental Ruins to bring our other affinities to level 3."

Arkhen said as he stood up. "Let\'s go to some wilderness around here."

"There are many such places here because this sphere is too big, hahaha."

Yosin said with a laugh. "We have to kill dire beasts more often, or there will be beast tides that swallow up everything."

"Fuck! Those idiots in 2nd realm failed to capture Arkhen," General Kunik cursed as he punched the air.

A black shadow with a long black ponytail and wearing a black ninja-like robe arrived at a quick speed and knelt on the ground.

"General, the preparation regarding the 1st realm is almost completed. We will be able to obliterate it and extract its realm core after a month."

General Kunik nodded, but he was deep in thought.

Seeing him like that, the shadow figure with a long black ponytail stood up and asked, "Is there any trouble, Father?"

She was General Kunik\'s daughter, Lisa!

"This Arkhen… we have to get Reality Token from him before he grows strong."

General Kunik rubbed his head.

"Is he that strong than previous hosts?"

"Bastard got the Book of Exotic Demons. That\'s the most powerful artifact produced by this world of Nine realms. He is stronger because he got powers from those Exotic Demons."

Kunik sighed before anger surfaced in his eyes as he continued, "He was sealed by the mirror once! Such a golden chance! But luck was on his side as he managed to escape."

Lisa frowned, "Escaped from the mirror\'s seal? How?"

"As I said, he was lucky to have a realm artifact that affected the owner of the mirror seal at that place, Xiniha. Now, Xiniha is gone too, probably imprisoned by Arkhen."

"Xiniha…" Lisa\'s eyes glinted with a strange light. "So that\'s why I haven\'t seen or heard her for a while."

"Father, I have an idea. If attacking head-on doesn\'t work, then how about backstabbing him?" Lisa said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Kunin asked with interest.

"Since we can find his location, I\'ll join him. If I can seduce him, it will be easy to seal him."

"That\'s risky," Kunik frowned and shook his head. "If he uses Reality Token\'s power, he can know everything about you."

"But why would he want to know about a random girl he met while passing by, got to know, became friends with, and then more?" Lisa said with a faint smile.

"Moreover, I want you to seal or erase my memories for a certain time limit. After a year or two, you can return my memories, and I can execute the plan to seal him."

"You…" Kunik was surprised at his daughter\'s plan.

"Father, the matter regarding this World of Nine Realms was handed over to our faction. I want to complete it," Lisa said with a stubborn expression and resolved in her eyes.

"Even if we failed to collect Realm Cores and other things in this world, we must get Reality Token. That is a one-in-existence thing of a paramount power."

Lisa pressed on the matter to get her father to agree with her plan.

Seeing that her father was still brooding over, Lisa continued, "Father! Think about the Dream Token in Battle Spirit World. The owner of that Token is towering over our faction, and the only way to stop her is to get the Reality Token in our hands."

"Fine," Kunik said with a somber expression. "Let\'s go with your plan."

"Damn, why am I so weak here?" Olethros irritating said as he and other powerhouses stood on an empty grassy plain.

A humanoid with four hands and a golden crown on his head punched in the air before frowning, "I can\'t break the air here, let alone space."

Suddenly, the avatar of old man Shiron appeared in front of them and said, "It seems that you all safely arrived here. Welcome."

"Old man, what\'s with this world?"

"This is the real world… maybe. Anyway, I am sure you must be confused as to why your abilities, skills, and other powers are not working here, but don\'t worry too much."

"Why not worry? We feel so weak here. What if we die?"

Old Man Shiron looked at everyone and raised his eyebrows. "Are you feeling scared now that you lost the omnipotent powers you could only display in that little world of Nine Realms?"

"Hahaha," old man Shiron laughed and continued, "Go your separate ways and find battle dojos or sects. I repeat, only to go battle dojos or sects. Don\'t go to any other organization, kingdoms, or shit."

"As for why I said worry not… Well, you are not some little kids. You are apex beings from that little world, and even though you are not powerful now, you still have your specialty, talent, honed mind, and will."

"So, separate and go alone or in small groups to join a battle dojo or sect. Don\'t join the same, but join different ones. They will readily accept you after measuring your talent."

"Also, throw away your fancy items. However destructive and powerful they were in the world of nine realms, they are utterly useless here."

"Damn," Nixeno cursed before looking at his tail. There was a golden bangle on his tail\'s end, and he liked it very much. "I\'ll keep this for fashion even if it doesn\'t work."

"Alright. Good luck and enjoy until I call you back. At least, make sure to reach the power level of Elite Prime."

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