Perfect Superstar

Chapter 128

Xi Jia’soriginal work, "Uninhabited Island," is undoubtedly the biggest highlightsince the opening of the competition in Bihai singing area tonight. The top 10 championfaced the formidable opponent, revealed her trump card, and won a resoundingvictory.

A uniquevoice, powerful singing, catchy lyrics, coupled with bright and lively melody...

Accompaniedby the enthusiastic live band, the new song seemed to be like a sudden rainstormon an island on a summer night, conquering the 5,000 audiences at the scene.

Many of theaudience stood up and applauded Xia Jia for giving them a good song.

Xi Jia’sfans held up their fluorescent cards and shouted her name.

Theatmosphere of the scene reached a new climax!

Faced withthe applause of thousands of audiences, Xi Jia’s chest violently heaved up anddown a few times, her white jade face flushed with excitement, and the cornersof her eyes were a little sparkling.

She held herelectric guitar and bowed deeply to the supportive audience.

Then sheturned around and thanked the live band.

When she straightenedup again, there were two lines of tears on her face, but she still smiled, a smileof joy.

Among thefour judges, Chen Fei’er stood up and applauded for her.

Aftersitting down, the Queen of Sweet Song smiled and asked, "That was so good,Xi Jia. I remember you were covering other people’s songs in the previouscompetition. Why did you come up with this original work tonight?"

Xi Jia wipedher tears and said with a little embarrassment, "I’ve been writing thissong for a long time, and I haven’t had the right opportunity to sing it to others,but tonight is different."

After apause, she continued, "Tonight is the competition in the Bihai singingarea. I just want to use this song to express my love for my hometown and thankall my fans and audience for their support!"

"Thankyou everyone!"

The applausethat had just stopped broke out again.

Chen Fei’erencouraged, "Well said. I’ll give you 10 points!"

She pressedthe scoreboard and added 10 points to Xi Jia.

In the warmapplause, Xi Jia bowed again: "Thank you, Teacher Chen."

Then TanHong, Lin Zhijie and Zhen Zhen respectively commented, and give her the score9, 9 and 10 points!

All four areadded together. Xi Jia’s total judges’ score is 38, which is also the highestjudges’ score since the start of the competition.

The wholeaudience burst into thunderous applause.

This song "UninhabitedIsland" is a typical fast paced song, which is very suitable for the tasteof young people nowadays.

It has aunique lyrics and melody, and If it is packaged and promoted, it will have no problembeing on the original music list. There may be a chance to rush to the top tenposition.

But it’s notas good as a classic, because this song lacks enough connotation. Only underthe near-perfect interpretation of Xi Jia that it has won such a high judges’score.

Of course,originality is a plus, and the power of singing is also indispensable. Afterall, "Singing China" is not "Super Singer," so Xi Jia’sperformance is still the key to scoring.

She won sucha high judges’ score, invisibly putting a lot of pressure on Lu Chen who willcome out later.

Especially sinceXi Jia had relied on an original work.

To thetournament, the four judges’ score are much higher on the criteria, so theycan’t easily give out full scores.

Even LuChen, the judges gave him a total score of 36 and 37 in the previous twocompetition, just higher than his opponents.

Now Xi Jia got38 points, and she also occupies the home court advantage. The threat to LuChen is naturally great.

This threatand pressure were reflected to the [Whale TV] live broadcast room, and Lu Chenfans couldn’t calm down.

"Xi Jiais really good. Even though I’m the anchor’s fan, I have to say that this songis good."

"It wasvery pleasant to hear. Chen Fei’er gave her a score of 10."

"Whatif by some chance?"

"What?!I really gave it to you guys. Great Lu Fei has never met a fierce opponent."

"In anycase, General Lu will win!"

"If theanchor loses, Laozi will eat this keyboard live!"


"Bahbah, be careful of your crow’s mouth, I believe in Great Lu Fei and he willwin!" (TN: crow mouth is like "don’t jinx it")

"Supportingthe anchor..."

Amid thediscussion, Li Bai, the number one fan of Lu Fei’s live broadcast room,suddenly send out five aircraft carriers in a row.

Aftershocking the audience with that great move, he said coolly: "General Lu willwin, there is no need to doubt. After he wins this tournament, everyone shouldcome to the group to grab red envelopes!"

The livebroadcast room was immediately flooded with flattery.

It’sdifferent when a local tyrant makes a move, it instantly suppressed all thenoise.

At the sceneof the competition, after the four judges had given their scores, Xi Jia temporarilywent down the stage and will be replaced by Lu Chen.

The rules ofthe tournament are different from those of the promotion competition in thesinging area. In addition to the judges’ scores, the votes of the audiences onand off the site will be announced at the same time. Of course, the counting timeof the two contestants is exactly the same.

Lu Chen tookhis guitar and walked onto the stage again.

"Hello,four judges and teacher. Hello, audience at the scene and in front of the TV.Hello, everyone!"

"I amLu Chen!"

After that,he bowed.

The audienceat the scene was still very respectful and applauded warmly, but it could notbe compared with the previous one.

There aretwo female fans sitting in the front seat, shaking their fluorescent cards intheir hands.

The two cutecharacters "Lu Chen" above are very eye-catching.


Tan Hongnodded. He smiled and asked, "Lu Chen, everyone is looking forward to yourperformance tonight. The previous contestant Xi Jia scored 38 points. Do youfeel the pressure?"

Sinceappearing in "Singing China", Tan Hong has become a well-deservedchief judge with his rigorous style and professional judgment. Some people onthe Internet say he is too strict with the singers, but no one said he wasunfair in scoring.

He doesn’tlike to interact with the contestants very much, but he talks more about music.

Such routineinquiries have hardly ever appeared before.

It must bebecause it’s Lu Chen.

Lu Chencalmly replied: "There’s definitely some pressure. Xi Jia’s performance istoo good. Her work is really great. If I have a choice, I hope not to competewith her."

"Um.Let’s be good friends!"

There werebursts of laughter and applause in the stadium.

Lu Chen’sanswer is undoubtedly very modest and humorous, making people have a favorable impression.

The livefeed was in instantly switched over, focusing on Xi Jia, who was standing inthe waiting area.

Lu Chen’swords made her smile. She saw the camera sweep over, and she raised her hand tomake a victory sign.

Chen Fei’ersmiled and said, "If you two really become good friends, for the sake offriendship, are you willing to give her the place to be promoted to the top 10in the country?"

The Queen ofSweet Song blinked, her eyes flashing with cunning light.

This question...

Lu Chen is alittle speechless. When did "Singing China" become a "wittyresponse" program?

But hereacted quickly, and after a little consideration, he said, "I think truefriendship is based on mutual respect and understanding. Friendship has nothingto do with interest, identity or status."

"So Idon’t think contestant Xi Jia will accept the spot I gave her. She will want towin the right way!"

As soon asLu Chen’s voice fell, the whole audience applauded again, more enthusiastic andsincere than before.

For hiswonderful answer.

Xi Jia bither lip, her eyes bright.

Chen Fei’ersmiled and said, "Well said. Let’s start your performance. I’m lookingforward to it!"

It’s notjust her that is looking forward to it, but the viewers sitting in front oftelevisions and computers, and the hundreds of thousands of fans in thewebcast, were looking forward to Lu Chen’s performance tonight.

What kind ofworks will he use to meet the challenge of a powerful opponent?

Standing infront of the microphone with his guitar in his arms, Lu Chen was calm.

After somany fights, he has been really honed out, and he will not have stage fright inthe face of any big stage.

But at thismoment, his heart was not calm.

It was just fora mere moment, but Lu Chen thought a lot. A lot of the past events flashed inhis mind.

He thoughtof the dark years he had gone through. He thought of his depression after his father’sdeath. He thought of the hardship brought by the great changes in his life. Hethought of the pain and the heartbreak after his girlfriend broke up with him.

Heremembered the days of being a Beijing drifter, and in order to earn moremoney, he worked so hard that he lived like a walking corpse.

Heremembered being banned at the StarryLive and being suppressed for refusing tosign a contract...

He has notforgotten that he was attacked and even slandered on the Internet twice!

Although LuChen has broken through all the difficulties and dangers along the way,although all the troubles have been solved, he has not yet spoken his mind andhas not issued his own counterattack.

Anger, haslong been accumulated in his heart, just waiting to explode!

And here isthe best stage.

Lu Chen raisedhis chest, and a flame was lit in his eyes.

He claspedhis guitar in his arms, then turned around and gave a thumbs-up to the liveband.

It’s time tostart.

Let thewhole world listen to my voice!

The name ofthis song is "Chasing Dream With A Childlike Heart"!

"Whereis the world full of flowers,

If it doesexist then I will definitely go,

I want tostand on the highest mountain there,

It doesn’tmatter if it is a cliff!

To livebetter and love deeply no matter what it takes,

I do rightby myself rather than to seek other’s satisfaction,

I neverchoose to give up my dream,

Even in mydarkest days.

Maybe I haveno talent,

But I have apure dream,

I’ll proveit with my life.

Maybe I’m alittle more clumsy,

But I willkeep exploring,

To stake myyouth without any regrets!

To runforward against the cold shoulders and the jeering crowds!

If we didn’tgo through all kinds of hardships and difficulties, how can we feel thiswonderful life,

Fate can’tmake us kneel and beg for mercy,

Even ifblood is spilled all over my bosom!

To keeprunning with the pride of childlike simplicity,

If we didn’tpersist to the end, how can we see the glory of the life,

It is betterto burn heartily than to linger on,

One day itwill sprout again!



TN: The song: Here.

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