The Accidental Vampire

Chapter 36 Royal Bloodline


[Thousands of years ago]

A green-eyed man walked inside the forest. The man wore a beautiful black robe which created a sharp contrast with his pale skin.

The man was followed by a young woman who now looked to be in her early twenties.  The woman wasn\'t tall and only came up to the shoulders of Castiel. Her beautiful violet eyes made her look different, while her flaming Red hair were complimenting her beautiful red dress.

"Master, Can we rest? My legs are starting to hurt! We\'ve been walking for days!"

"Lilith? How many times have I told you not to call me Master?" the beautiful green eyes of the man glared back at Lilith as his long hair waved with the wind.

Lilith just flashed a bright smile, not responding.

"Sigh, you never listen." Seeing her reaction, Castiel was sure that she was going to continue doing it like she had been doing for years.

"Why do you like calling me Master?" Castiel asked. "You know it makes people think that I\'m carrying a slave with me?"

"It can get really awkward." Castiel smiled wryly. "At least don\'t do it in public."

"Haii!" Lilith nodded. "I will try."


"Hmm?" Castiel stopped, hearing the strange whistling of the wind. He could sense that someone was here.

Frowning, he stopped.

Soon, he started hearing the growling coming from every direction. It was as if many beasts had their eyes on them like they were prey.

Smiling, he kept walking. Lilith also sensed something strange. "Master, it seems we are surrounded. Should I kill them all?"

"No need to get hyper. We aren\'t here to make enemies. Don\'t attack anyone," Castiel responded lazily. "If they attack us, it\'ll be their doom. I don\'t want to start a battle first. I already had enough bloodshed in my life."

"A Vampire talking about having enough bloodshed? You don\'t often hear that," A sarcastic voice came from the distance. "You don\'t have red eyes like the ones I saw before. However, that stink of yours is enough for me to know what you are."

"There\'s a first time for everything," Castiel replied. "Why don\'t you show yourself and stop hiding?"

Footsteps kept getting closer, and finally, a figure came out of the shadows.

Five giant wolves followed the man, who appeared to be in his early twenties. The young man in the lead wasn\'t bulky. Instead, he had an athletic body like a teenager. His beautiful silver hair was short. His bright golden eyes matched the eyes of all the wolves behind him.

More wolves started stepping out as sounds of branches cracking under the footsteps of the wolves filled the entire space.

Within seconds, Castiel and Lilith were surrounded by wolves from all sides.

Lilith clenched her fist, preparing for a battle. A formation circle appeared under her as she started chanting a spell.

Castiel noticed the formation circle under them. Smiling, he turned back. "Lilith, calm down. As I said, we aren\'t at war."

He ruffled the hair of Lilith, letting out a chuckle. "Also, do you think I can\'t handle them if I needed to? You don\'t need to do anything. Just sit back and relax."

Even though Lilith was worried about the safety of Castiel, she couldn\'t go against his commands. He was her everything! He was the only family she had in this vast yet desolate world.

She stopped chanting her spell. The formation circle under her disappeared slowly.

"Good girl." Castiel commended her before he faced the young man again before him.

"That\'s a beautiful mark you have there on your shoulder," he commented on the young man\'s shoulder mark, which seemed to control the sun, moon, arrow, and swords.

That was the first time Lilith saw the mark, but for Castiel, it wasn\'t a first.

"I saw that mark once. The mark of Royal Werewolves\' bloodline. Not bad. You seem like an important person. But what are you doing so far away from the Royal Family of yours? Why are you living in this forest? Here on training?" Castiel asked.

It was only now that Lilith found out what that mark signified. She had heard that the Royal Werewolves Bloodline Members had a special mark on their shoulders which was like a mark of proof for them. If the man before her was really the Royal Bloodline Member, he certainly wasn\'t an ordinary werewolf.

However, his presence in this part of the world was really surprising. The Royal Werewolves Clan was established far away from this place. Why would one of them be here? She also thought that her Master was right. Maybe they were here for training?

"That\'s none of your concern!" The young man roared in rage.

Castiel didn\'t get angry, hearing the man. Instead, he was perfectly calm and analyzed the words and the expressions of the man. It was enough to give him some answers."

"Seeing your anger, I guess I was wrong. You\'re not here in training. That could only mean you\'ve been banished. What did you do to upset your family so much? Normally, it\'s rare for someone from Royal Bloodline to be banished. You must\'ve done something bad."

Seeing a slight distortion in the expressions of the young man, Castiel was sure that he was right.

"It doesn\'t matter. You\'re still pretty good. Awakening your bloodline at such a young age. Not many people can do that. Your talent is commendable. Your clan is missing a lot in your absence. Their bad luck," he lazily said. "Anyway, step aside. I\'m in a hurry to go somewhere."

"What if I don\'t step aside?" the silver-haired man asked, frowning. He was already enraged that Castiel brought his past up again.

"Then we\'ll have to clear the path ourselves!" It was Lilith who answered before Castiel could even say anything.

Castiel smiled. "What she said."

"As I said, I had enough bloodshed. I don\'t want more," he further continued, stretching his arms lazily. "But that doesn\'t mean I\'ll allow myself to be hostage. Let alone a young Royal Werewolf, even your ancestor won\'t be able to stop me if I wanted to leave."

"So be a good boy and step aside."

"You\'re pretty arrogant for a Vampire, aren\'t you? Then again, that\'s nothing new for you people. But if you think you can leave after entering our territory, then you\'re wrong. We can\'t let anyone know where we are, or we\'ll have to change places again. So I can\'t allow anyone to leave alive, especially a Vampire."

"Is that so?" Castiel rubbed his chin with a thumb, thinking of something. After a few minutes, he nodded. "If that\'s the case, then so be it. Let me see how you stop me."

He kept both his hands in his pocket as he started stepping toward the young man before him.

Growling of all the wolves could be heard far and wide. It only got intensely as Castiel moved closer to the leader of this pack.

Three wolves jumped towards Castiel, willing to tear him piece to piece. It was unclear if they had overestimated themselves or underestimated Castiel, but they soon found out.

The speed... Despite their special vision, the Werewolves couldn\'t even see the movement of Castiel. Within a second, Castiel appeared in a completely different place. He had moved a few meters in an instant, getting even closer to the man before him.

The wolves landed on the ground and ran towards Castiel. More wolves stepped before the young man, blocking the path of Castiel. Castiel still looked completely calm.

Seeing her master be attacked by so many people, Lilith wanted to chime in and fight, but she remembered the commands of her master. She could only begrudgingly stop herself.

She clapped her hand twice. A barrier appeared all around her, covering her in a blue light. Even though she couldn\'t fight, she could at least protect herself.

"A witch with a Vampire?" the young man muttered, seeing the barrier of Lilith. "Intriguing. I thought those two species were enemies."

"You thought right, but there are always exceptions," A calm voice fell in the ears of the young man.

Stunned, he finally came to his senses. He was only distracted by Lilith for a few seconds, and in those seconds, he had missed all the action.

All the Werewolves were lying on the ground, injured, and Castiel was standing before him. His hands were still in his pocket as a calm smirk graced his lips.

"Don\'t worry; they\'re all alive. As I said, I\'m not in a mood to kill anyone today. So step aside..." The deep green eyes of Castiel looked straight into the golden eyes of the young man.

The battle was over before it could even begin. Within a few seconds, Castiel had destroyed his entire pack. Now it is evident he wasn\'t an ordinary Vampire.

The golden-eyed man jumped back, landing in the distance. His body started transforming. Hair started growing all over his body which became bigger.

In a few seconds, the man had turned into a Werewolf. The Werewolf was the biggest in the entire pack and looked the fiercest. There was a moon symbol on the forehead of the ten feet tall wolf who growled at Castiel.

The only similarities that could be found between the wolf and the Golden eyes boy were that they both had Golden eyes. Except that no one couldn\'t guessed that these two were the same.

Castiel shook his head. "I thought someone from the Royal Bloodline would be smart like the Werewolf King. I guess I was too optimistic.

He glanced back at Lilith. "Should I get serious?"

"Master, watch out!" Instead of answering, Lilith yelled towards Castiel. The Werewolf had jumped toward Castiel, opening its mouth wide as if it was going to tear the neck of Castiel.

Moreover, it seemed to be too late already. By the time Lilith warned Castiel, the Werewolf\'s teeth were only a few inches away from Castiel\'s neck.

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