Alien Evolution System

Chapter 202 - The Final Breaths

There were two more Breath variants that stood out to the Collector. These were abilities that the Collector classified as \'top-class\', indicating that they were developed by Jotnar that were uniquely powerful among their kind and had the necessary individual traits to hone a Breath into a usable form.

The Origin Rune was essentially a \'matrix\' by which the genetic expression of a vast number of Jotnar Breaths was stored. The total number of stored Breaths totaled seven hundred and sixty six (766), indicating that the Rune was essentially like a last minute genetic depository that the remaining one thousand or so Jotnar contributed to directly before engaging in their hibernation. 

By analyzing the variety of Breaths the Jotnar possessed, the Collector could tell quite easily that the entire species had been extremely pacifistic in nature. They possessed prodigious size that allowed them to fend against the vast majority of hostile specimens, but in terms of true combative adaptations, they were severely lacking.

98% of the Jotnar possessed Breath of Life variations meant solely for restorative purposes.

Some focused on restoring plant matter better, others flesh, others the environment, and so on, and because of this, they were unusable to the Collector because the Life Bringer breath from the specimen known as Eru Wun Thamir, the king of the species, was the most advanced in terms of restorative capability.

Even now, the Collector could see capacity to develop Eru Wun Thamir\'s Life Bringer Breath to higher heights, perhaps even being able to fully resurrect specimen or construct new ones in a manner akin to the Spawning Pools of the Collective\'s Hivemind. 


There were Jotnar, however, that were essentially genetic deviants that manifested Breaths that were incredibly different from mere restoration, and even then, the majority of them were simply defective, unable to properly express that Breath at significant scales or possessing Breaths that actively harmed them.

Of the deviant Breaths remaining, the Collector could identify two more that it could keep in consideration.

Breath of Self: This breath possessed the odd function of not restoring the physical bodies of others, but instead constructing a replica of one\'s own self. Due to the complex nature of the Breath of Life ice crystals and how they could quite effectively approximate even complex biomechanical functions by mimicking muscle fibers, bone structures, nerve endings, and so on, the Collector estimated that by using this ability, it could construct an ice crystal replica of itself that possessed up to sixty percent of its combat capacity.

There remained faults in the replication process such as the fact that it could not replicate certain complex and specialized biological systems such as the Collector\'s pyrocatalytic glands or superacid bilespitter, but its raw, physical power, it certainly could replicate to high degree.

The clone could also even function with its own neural processing unit and formed around a stabilized core, meaning that it needed minimal mana support from the Collector to sustain its existence. The only major downside was that this Breath could only conjure one clone at a time, and the creation process of constructing a clone took several days.

Regardless, this Breath would allow the Collector to now function in two places at once, and the applications of that were incredibly varied and useful.

The final Breath variant the Collector took note of was one that it deemed the most useful at the moment.

Fortress Breath: This breath was unique in that it \'scaled\' up to the user wielding it. All other Breaths tended to have a fixed output that was hard coded into the genetic makeup of their respective Jotnar, making many of them too weak for the Collector to use.

Fortress Breath, however, directly scaled to the Collector\'s vast mana reserves. With this, the Collector could create a moving fortress of ice. This breath was a deviant of the typical golem creation breath, but instead manifested into constructing a defensive stronghold.

The original Jotnar that possessed this breath was quite frail as a specimen, as it seemed that Jotnar that developed deviant Breaths possessed other genetic defects that rendered them physically weaker, smaller, and more prone to ailments.

Thus, the Jotnar did not have the natural mana reserves to make strong use of this ability.

Under the Collector, however, this ability could be used to its absolute maximum potential. The Collector determined that in sheer functionality and utility, this ability was the absolute strongest Breath in its arsenal, for with it, it estimated it could create a fortress capable of housing a force of up to five hundred with strong defensive capability that could weather attacks from even Fang Draconids.

The Collector tallied up its new abilities and watched as the dimensional space around it fully collapsed, the walls breaking apart to show darkness that soon swallowed over the Collector. The darkness faded in a quick instant, dissipating to reveal the Collector back at the location of the cavern hallway.

The Collector floated in the air and saw Goromir on the ground, several craters littering the floor as Kui stared at the goblin elite with bored expression.

"How do you manage to do this!?" exclaimed Goromir. "You stand so perfectly still, then in the next moment, I am thrown. No matter how much I try to react, there is nothing I can do."

"Attempting to react is a faulty and inefficient approach," said the Collector as it hovered forwards. Evidently, its reappearance had been one that was silent and without any significant influx of magical energy. Thus, the goblins were absorbed in watching the sparring. "The fighter specimen known as \'Kui\' moves at a speed beyond his own physical reflexes.

This is because he has trained fixed patterns of throws and movements to such repetition that they can automatically be performed, transcending his physical limitations and any delay required for conscious thought. The speed of these throws is thus such that even I cannot physically react to them.

However, this also means that the fighter possesses only a select number of attack patterns he can utilize at any given situation. By knowing which attack pattern he will select, it is possible to strike as you are thrown or before."

"Far easier said than done," said Kui with a nod. "Though you are correct. But I have mastered enough throws such that I can throw at any angle in both defensive and offensive situations. That you could manage to predict exactly which throw I would use at a specific time is beyond mortal comprehension."

"Because the Sovnar is beyond any mortal!" shouted Thokk proudly.

"As expected of the Sovnar," said Goromir as he shook rubble and dirt off his back. "You fought a monster like this and managed to best him."

"It was not a decisive victory," said the Collector. "The margins of error present during the battle presented more than enough variance for myself to be defeated. In addition, the fighter specimen did not utilize the full extent of his strength from the onset of combat."

"Nor were you fully charged with mana," said Kui. He narrowed his eyes as he sensed the Collector. "But now, you are in prime condition. No, even beyond it. You are ready to grow stronger. Your aura reminds me of a martial artist that is primed for a breakthrough."

So the fighter specimen could sense whether the Collector was ready to move on to its next metamorphosis stage or not.

Kui faintly smiled. "But no matter. If ever we are to duel again, I have learned from our past fight. Even should you grow mightier, you will not find me so easily defeated."

"You would turn against the Sovnar?" said Thokk  accusingly.

"No," stated the Collector. "The fighter specimen merely wishes to engage in combat for recreational purpose. Combat for combat\'s purpose."

"Yes. Anyone who has walked the path of martial arts knows how long and weary it is. The farther on travels through it, the lonelier one becomes. It is a rare and fine opportunity to clash with another who walks the path at the same level," said Kui with a respectful head bow to the Collector.

The Collector clicked its mandibles. From the very beginning, the emotions it had managed to formulate had all revolved around and developed from the primal concept of \'desire\', specifically the desire for battle in the Collector\'s case.

Thus, the Collector knew well what the fighter specimen felt.

"When my purpose is close to its end, perhaps we may engage in another duel," said the Collector.

"Perhaps," said Kui with his faint smile.

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