The Dark King

Chapter 551: Treatment

Chapter 551: Treatment

Translator: bingeants Editor: bingeants

As the words fell from Dean\'s mouth, Haisha closed her eyes and fell asleep. Dean was a little startled, and only then he realized that she had insisted until now and finally reached her limit. This also showed that her injuries were far more serious than he thought.

"This is the power of the Legendary Hunter, the existence that hunts the legendary monsters as food. Such terrible power, it should be ranked on the top among the Pioneers..." His eyes flashed slightly. He moved Haisha to a more comfortable position. He noticed that her armor was on the verge of disintegration. The armor that was made from special metals was full of cracks, so it was not difficult to imagine what kind of impact she had suffered.

He carefully examined her whole body and found the wounds. In addition to a few scratches on her arms, there were three serious wounds.

The first was on her left thigh. The thigh armor was cracked open and the flesh inside was badly cut.

The second was on her back. The armor was also cracked open. A nearly 20 centimeters long cut. The wound was very deep and blood was already blackened. It exuded a bad smell like it was infected with bacteria.

The third was on the temple of her head. There was a noticeable bruise, and the flesh was swollen by half an inch.

Dean frowned and pondered for a while, then turned his head and glanced around the adjacent carriages. The ground was covered with thick dust. There were corpses of mice and other unknown insects. There were also several sleeping Zombies.

Dean immediately pulled out the dagger from Haisha\'s leggings and rushed toward the carriage on the left side, killing several Zombies that had not yet awakened. The dagger was extremely sharp. The Zombies\' necks were cut without any resistance as if he was cutting a tofu.



Dean ran around the carriages and killed the sleeping Zombies one by one. After a few minutes, he finished killing all the Zombies inside the subway.

Besides Zombies, small monsters such as strange insects and magic spiders that built their nests inside the carriages were also killed by him, leaving no living being inside the subway other than him and Haisha.

Dean then returned to Haisha. He took out the clean water from his backpack and washed the dagger, then used a match to ignite the oil and heated the dagger. When the dagger turned red, he sprayed the clean water onto the dagger. Having done this, he put the dagger aside and turned Haisha\'s body over, letting her lie on her stomach.

Her armor\'s toughness was extremely high, so he had to try his best if he wanted to tear open the armor.

With both hands, he tore open the gap on the back of her armor, making it a little bigger.

There was a layer of white undergarment, which was now stained with blood, under her armor. He lifted the undergarment and revealed the wound inside.

His pupils shrank when he saw the wound. The wound was purplish and the blood was foaming. The wound was festering because of the foaming blood. Obviously, the blood was poisoned.

Dean no longer hesitated and grabbed the sterilized dagger. He took a deep breath and cut the festering flesh.

During the excision, Dean looked at Haisha\'s reaction and saw that she was still asleep. His heart was relaxed, but simultaneously somewhat worried. Apparently, it was not as simple as sleeping like she said, but she lost consciousness and went into a coma.

Dean\'s movement was fast. Cutting along the edge of the wound, he quickly removed the festering flesh. However, after he removed some of the flesh, the blood that flowed from the wound was still foaming slightly and made the surrounding white skin gradually show signs of festering.

"Damn, the poison has penetrated too deep." Dean frowned, and then took two bottles of detoxification powder from his backpack. One bottle was his own, and one bottle was Ruby\'s. Both levels were different, so the effectiveness was also different.

Dean first took out Ruby\'s detoxification powder and sprinkled it. The powder was redeemed from the Dragon Family using medals, so the effect was much better than his. If it was only some small poisonous insects, the poison would be cleared right away.


After the powder was sprinkled, Dean saw the blood that flowed from the wound was still black and foaming. It was not neutralized by the powder; instead, the powder was quickly corroded by poisonous blood, and the color became black, like rotten soil.

Dean\'s face changed. He did not expect the poison to be so powerful.

"The poison is too deep. It can\'t be eliminated relying on the detoxification powder alone. I have to find a way to wash her blood, but the medical treatment in this era can\'t accomplish this. It needs the advanced equipment from the old era." Dean looked out of subway gloomily. When he saw the devastated ground outside, the thoughts that had just emerged in his mind were suddenly dispelled. After 300 years, most of the equipment in the hospital was already corroded by the air and could not be used any more, so even if he found one, it was only a pile of scrap iron.

He looked down at the unconscious Haisha. He was anxious in his heart. "Can I only helplessly watch as she dies?"

He opened his backpack, turned it upside-down, and shook it until everything inside fell to the ground. He immediately grabbed two bottles of therapeutic powder. He first used the dagger to scrape the blackened powder from her wound, and then sprinkled the therapeutic powder. The therapeutic powder slowly penetrated into her wound and stopped the bleeding.

Seeing that it was effective, Dean was surprised and overjoyed. He immediately took out a clean towel and affixed it to the wound, draining the black blood, and then sprinkled the therapeutic powder again.

Soon, the wound stopped bleeding.

Dean breathed a sigh of relief. He took a roll of gauze and wrapped the wound with two layers of it. It was to prevent dust and micro parasites from falling into her wound, causing the wound to get worse.

Dean took out the clean water after he finished these. He lifted Haisha\'s head, opened her mouth, and gently poured the water into her mouth. Giving her a drink was to promote her body\'s metabolism, so she could wake up as soon as possible.

Afterward, Dean cleaned the other wounds with a towel, then applied the therapeutic powder and wrapped it with the gauze.

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