Shift! The Side-Character Heroine

Chapter 260

“If Master Leng Zi is truly a male, I want to see him in drag, and I want his address. Don’t even think we won’t forget to send you blade pieces, even if we ever get over Chu Luoxun’s death.”

However, within the field of s, “The Strongest King” which would appear as a new anime series in October, was still the most newsworthy work, as its issues were still widely published. Its ranking has been among the top 5 every month. With minimal management, it could become the number 1. But Rosemary was a lazy slob.

Although ‘Yu Shengfan’ had left the scene, countless readers were still concerned about her. This is the influence of an iconic character.

All iconic characters shared a similar trait. They will never be forgotten. Whenever there is a topic of a series related to an iconic character, the character would be the first to appear within everyone’s mind.

Yu Shengfan was not the heroine of “The Strongest King,” yet she was undoubtedly the most outstanding female character during the early stages. She had even led to the key effect of inheritance. She led Lin Feng one step further into his journey towards becoming the strongest king.

Many readers were touched by their strong bond of finding each other in their realm of loneliness. Now that the anime for “The Strongest King” is to be produced, how could they simply pick a newbie to voice act for such an important, iconic female character?

Many netizens who had quite the insight in the field of animations expressed their opinions one after another ——

“Is Tian Yi animation production company actually taking this work seriously? Are they dismissing the importance of Xiao Yu, just because she doesn’t appear for long?

“Is it due to the lack of production costs? How could they treat such a valuable intellectual property like “The Strongest King” this way? Tian Yi is not worthy of owning its animation adaptation rights!”

“I think the most worrying matter should be Rosemary, the original author of “The Strongest King.” He has always been very responsible towards his own works. I wonder if he’ll blow up when he learns of this.”

“The quality of a VA will greatly affect the outcome of a character. Frankly speaking, the VA is the soul of a character. The difficulty of being the VA of a character like Yu Shengfan is not something that a newbie VA can handle. It looks like those classical venomous phrases will most probably lose their flavor!”

“I can’t help but remember what happened to Xu Jing, the iconic female character of “Pure Romance.” She was totally ruined by the VA in the anime. I have a feeling that Yu Shengfan will probably end up being the same. Wait, this shouldn’t be Su Li’s fault, right?

“Even such a thing can be related to that cheater mangaka Su Li? As expected from ‘The Pan of This Generation!”


This time, even Xiao Yu’s most loyal fans jumped out to express their opinions. Some people ran out of patience, and tagged the experienced VA ‘Ding Hui’ who had been involved in rumors.

Ding Hui replied that she had actually received an invitation from Tian Yi to become Yu Shengfan’s VA. She had such a desire as well. However, Tian Yi changed its mind not long after the invitation, saying that they had found a more suitable candidate. She initially thought that it might be a VA who was more experienced, but it turned out to be a newbie.

Obviously, Ding Hui was a bit emotional towards the matter. The character that once belonged to her had been stolen from her. She had not actually read “The Strongest King” yet. However, this character, Yu Shengfan was so popular. There were so many fanmade video clips related to her on B-station[1]. Judging by that alone, Ding Hui could already see how popular this character was!

She believed that her VA career would have been able to enter a higher stage, as long as she manages to voice act this character perfectly.

Therefore, she did not mind adding more insult to injury. She was only one step from explicitly exposing the fact that Tian Yi had carried out some shady deals. A newbie VA getting involved in such a major role was definitely the product of questionable maneuvers!

Her Weibo was immediately shared and liked in all kinds of ways. The netizens started applying ‘human-flesh’[2] onto the mysterious newbie VA who had yet to show herself. Yet, they were going in the wrong direction!

Zhao Youyue was not even considered as a VA, yet the netizens tried to search her info from all kinds of VA Offices. This was like searching for a needle in the haystack, when it is actually in the ocean.

The big and small VA offices were very curious as well. Who was this newbie VA, having obtained such a classic character? Even if she gave up her body for that, she was still worthy of their admiration!

These days, as long as it is an entertainment related industry, unspoken rules are highly common. There have been so many good characters. Why choose you, if you are not of a higher professional standard? Those who knew how to take action from the dark will certainly be able to step ahead.

Zhao Youyue remained very calm towards the public opinions on the internet, as she was full of confidence!

No matter how incredible the other Vas are, they can never be compared to the real ‘Yu Shengfan’ snapping about into a mic.

Zhao Youyue did not want to ruin her favorite work and character as well. Therefore, she had been very well-prepared.

She believed in actions more than words. Therefore, she went to the capital. Then, she went to the voice acting studio, under the accompaniment of Rosemary and his wife.

Of course, before that, as capital dwellers, Rosemary and his wife had brought Zhao Youyue on a tour around the capital. This helped Lady Zhao obtain more material for her fame, as she loved to take all kinds of photos and share them onto her social groups.

Seeing Lady Zhao chatting and laughing with Rosemary, the High God level the students who had added Zhao Youyue’s Wechat expressed all kinds of envy, jealousy, and hate. Lady Zhao has always been so magnificent!

Rosemary Ye Hai had noticed the oppositions about the VA candidates for Yu Shengfan on the internet. He decided to remain silent. Matters such as this one will only drift further away, the more one explains. Everything will depend on Zhao Youyue’s personal capabilities!

If Zhao Youyue is not competent, she would undoubtedly be substituted production delay wasn’t a big deal. However, Ye Hai was full of confidence towards Zhao Youyue, as she was absolutely the Yu Shengfan within his heart!

Instead, Dong Yang, the animation supervisor of “The Strongest King” felt that the VA who had been chosen by Rosemary would definitely be substituted. The other VAs had doubts towards this matter as well, such as Song Gang, a VA who would be working with her more than anyone else. He was the VA for the male protagonist Lin Feng.

The moment this VA started speaking

Translation Note:

[1] B-station – B-station refers to a software called ‘Bilibili’. There is the mobile version and the PC version. You can submit videos, audio, live, etc. It is a paradise for the 2D fans.

[2] Human-flesh – ‘Human-flesh,’ also known as human-flesh searching. It refers to some kind of mass movement. It is an internet-based medium, partially based on verifying manually the authenticity of information provided by search engines one by one, and is partially based on information provided by anonymous informants to search for a person or the truth of an event. It is mainly used to find a person or information related to a person, such as QQ ID, address, etc.

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