World Development System

Chapter 102

Chris shook his head as he gave his hypothesis, "Nah, I think he is bluffing so that the Royal family actively starts taking action against that noble since he didn’t sell those ballistas to him . This would only corner that upstart to ally himself with Demons fully or come and ask for Lukav’s support or maybe go to Radiant church as they have a lot of influence and power . "

Casey has other thoughts, "I think Prince Lukav looked very serious today, and from the way he was talking to Prince, it looked like he was giving sincere advice to him in the end . It seems we will have to be prepared if a big war is really coming as he said . The very creation of that weapon has increased the chances of war in my opinion from the looks of it . I think many countries will start moving as well as they won’t like Aelius getting any stronger in navy as well as land . Meanwhile, from the way Prince Lukav mentioned Count John it looks like he sees him as a big deal . I guess I need to start taking him seriously since my domain is near to him below Mendez’s domain and he has those Ballistas so I guess I need to take out my biases when it comes to demi-humans and demons if I don’t wish to offend him in the off-chance I unconsciously act against his men . "

Rob rubbed his chin as he said, "It looks like Prince Lukav really has a big grudge against Prince Felix . I really won’t like Prince Lukav as my enemy as he is very infamous about torturing his enemies far more ruthlessly . Even the royal knights who were spying Prince Lukav some years back were raped and castrated before their head was delivered to the king since they didn’t speak a thing . "

Charlie signaled Rob to keep quiet and talk in a low volume, "Shh . . . Don’t mention it if you don’t want to get implicated for reducing the morale of the knight order . And even if you are discussing that you need to keep your voice low . Those weren’t just the first two who were treated like that . I guess Casey, what you are saying is correct as well . We need to be prepared at least in case something big happens . "

Rob thought and asked, "Hey, have you noticed Prince Charlie is never present whenever he hears of Prince Lukav’s arrival . I know for sure that he was going to come here today but I guess after learning about Prince Lukav’s arrival, hehe . "

Chris gave out his rumors, "I guess, he is really traumatized after that incident where he almost lost his life after entering the aristocratic circle for the first time . Anyway, let’s see what’s going on over here today . However, from what I know, he is a real cautious guy when it comes to dealing with people . "

Lukav told his goodbyes to everyone, "I guess this party won’t continue unless I leave, Well, my objectives and announcement here are done, So, Gentlemen, I would take my leave, you guys can enjoy the Sun festival and take your sweet time to think about your alliances . " Prince Lukav sarcastically ended his sentence .

Mary asked her Father, Duke Norman, "Father, what do you think? isn’t Prince Lukav making a hill out of a mole . "

Norman thought and explained, "Well, what he partly said is true, my actual reason for aligning with Hector and cooperating with him right now is so that I can legitimately steal that new weapon and all those new creations coming out of that small city as they are pretty much profitable so I guess a big war is actually brewing in the upper noble circles to get a share of pie in North-frontier city . However, people still don’t want to suffer losses first if he is somewhat of a hot iron . And from my information, after that show, many countries are moving to get that weapon as well . Which includes the Dwarven Island kingdom in East and Fire-abyss kingdom in the north-west . We don’t know anything about the elves in the south across the sea . As for the West, as you know there is always anarchy with demi-humans with various tribes controlling the Western part to resist our wars . However, the most I am worried about is the Fire-abyss kingdom’s royalty, I wonder how they will react to this news with Bluesea family having a good relationship with Count John . "

Mary asked, "And what about the war that Prince Lukav previously mentioned? could that small Count really resist attacks from all sides? Didn’t Duke Fjord also order his men to start raiding Morgan family ships in the sea from now on? I am really curious since that small count is able to raise such big waves in the kingdom in such a short period of time . He would most probably suffer for his offense for not paying respects to father and offending so many people in the upper aristocratic class . even if he has support from Duke Sapphire or Prince Lukav, I don’t think that would matter as their only access to North-frontier town is from the eastern sea while other places are landlocked in our domain . "

Norman smiled while nodding and spoke, "I guess you are starting to understand why I decided to act against him even if he has support of Duke Sapphire, this time geography played a big role in me and my court officials taking the decision to act against him, if he was near Duke Sapphire Rose’s domain then I wouldn’t have attacked him . Even those Old professors at the imperial university are offering a big price for that new type of printer and paper making machines from that domain . And there are always risks when there is war even if minimal, I guess you have to take your chances or get crushed by your rivals . Duke Sapphire’s alliance with that Count is a big headache for us as they would only grow stronger slowly but surely because of all the money he generates for them . Even he himself would become a big threat in the future from the way he is growing so fast . "

Norman spoke with clear disdain when he mentioned Lukav and continued, "As for Prince Lukav, you don’t have to worry about his Lunacy he might be bluffing the Royal family to act against him since he didn’t get those ballistas . Meanwhile, I am only worried about outside forces meddling during winter in the north . A lot of people recently came north with the intention of traveling to North-frontier town however I think many are spies . Well, it is still good since the Tourism industry is finally booming and increasing our income because of that landlocked city . "

Mary thought and laid her thoughts, "I guess it is because of their famous food and new architecture . I recently heard they started serving a new dish called Hotpot . As far as food is concerned, that Count is quite good at creating new types of food . I guess I will travel there again . Dad, can’t we bribe those Cooks from Hope to our Mansion or at least keep a spy near the houses of those cooks . "

Duke Norman sighed at his daughter’s question and spoke, "If it was easy to bribe those chefs then even the Royal family would have already gotten their hands on them . Those chefs have a very high salary that is comparable to Royal chefs and it seems that count intentionally trained the local people so that they would feel guilty if they still abandoned the city after so many changes . We were only able to get some dishes out of the locals . And it is hard to contact those chefs who are staying in those new buildings near his mansion where all those men from Bluesea house patrol for suspicious unknown individuals . Even those men who we sent for creating ruckus in that town are now being handled by that internal force called the Police force . However, we were still able to get 1/4th of new dishes created by those locals with a big sum . "

Mary murmured, "I guess promoting the food culture really helped out that town, Dad, why don’t we do the same?"

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