What The Luck!?

Chapter 387 - 387. Saturdays

"As everyone can see, there have been some switches to the class roster. Today we will introduce the group that has switched in to the class. Most of you have met them over the course of the vacation due to your extra activities. But today you will begin homeroom with them." Coach Winters\' had shocked the group by appearing to be the home room teacher that they all now had. Not only this but everyone that they had trained with over the last vacation was c currently in the large classroom. 

It was nice t see familiar faces of the other students but being in the same class as most of the older students was hard to get a handle on. "This is super weird, right?" Sammy was having a hard time grasping the reason behind this. 

"What other class would we be in? The extra training is kind of a secret. They don\'t want people to know that there is a class that gives special treatment to push future heroes to graduate faster." Louis had read in to all of this and perfectly understood it all. He was sure that Sammy was just overwhelmed seeing the best students in the school. 

There were a few people missing though which made Asher give a look to coach Winters\' She understood that it was because the top students in the school weren\'t [resent. "This is the majority of the class. Those that are not here are on a special privileged field trip. Only a few students get to go a week and if you can show a decent improvement you might be selected." Everyone had wanted an explanation but coach Winters just smirked and motioned for them to sit down.

"Hey, what\'s the deal with this field trip?" Art sneakily asked one of the students sitting next to them. 

"Did you not get the lecture when they transferred you over to the elite class? It\'s the field trip to hero groups and organizations. It\'s to help us find a mentor. If we find the right mentor then they might sponsor us to go to a university or completely teach us themselves to bypass a university." The student only shook his head wondering if the group had been ignoring the normal lecture that was given by the homeroom teacher when they joined the class. 

"It\'s the part you all missed by skipping. But don\'t worry. I can catch everyone up. Just make sure that you pay attention. They are going over the weekend schedule. We have sunday off but Saturday we will have a rescue challenge once a month." Cara spoke as if this was all normal. But to the rest of the group, it was a shock. They had expected to still have saturday off to train as they wished. 

"I think this is great. If we have a rescue challenge then I bet it will be behind the school. Maybe we will have a mountain rescue or a forest rescue." The excitement that Jackson had was all due to the fact that he would be able to better use his survival knowledge in such an activity. He would be able to show off his strength of skill in this way. 

"That\'s a good point. Let\'s look at the upside. We can still study and train after. But this will be a safe way to build experience. If we treat it like it is real then we will improve by leaps and bounds." The supportive words from Jane made their overall attitude improve. Lately, Jane had been more and more positive since they were all making progress with their moves. The training of new moves the day before had oppened her eyes to combinations that she had been blind to for so long. Especially when it came to the weakness of her stare freezing people that had to look at her. 

"We are expecting everyone to be here bright and early saturday. That means one in the morning. We will start before the sun rises." The look on coach Winters\' s face told them that she was not joking. "And as always I will leave a clue for what the danger will be and what causes it." She slapped a paper on to the board and let everyone look at it before walking right out of the room mumbling about getting coffee. 

"That was it? She only said that? Shouldn\'t she have told us a lot of things? What do we do here? Just sit and wait for the class to end?" Laura\'s questions never seemed to end. She had thought there would be a lot more structure in an elite home room class. Overall, it just seemed lazy and lacking. 

"This actually sounds pretty normal. We have one thing that warns us of a danger. Do you think a hero just shows up by chance in the right place at the right time?" Asher paused for a moment while he explained. "No, they have patrol routes that are decided on where crime is likely to happen and what is going on in the community around them. I would bet that that flyer says something very important." Art jumped up and went to check it out. 

The rest of the group waited with breath held to hear what it said. "The flyer is for a camping retreat. It says that the group is searching for evidence of a small beetle eating the trees in the forest. They are searching using magnifying glasses and other tools. It also says volunteered wanted." 

"Then we are the volunteers in the case. But what danger could that carry? Is the beetle poisonous?" There was a slight fear that Sammy would find herself trapped with some poisonous beetle that she had no idea how to handle. 

"No, it doesn\'t say it is. I bet it\'s something else." Art wished he had more information but couldn\'t think of any he had seen. "Actually, there was a weather report for the week on the bottom of the flyer. It showed sunny on Saturday." 

"Ha! I know what will happen. Come with me quick.": Louis jumped up and left to the hallway so that he could tell the group privately what was going to happen. He wasn\'t sure if telling the entire class was the best method. 

"What\'s the big idea? You dragged us all here for nothing?" Cara wasn\'t too happy to be dragged from her thoughts but soon caught on that Louis was completely sure he had the event figured out already. 

"It\'s a forest fire. The group goes out with magnifying glasses. Then very cliche of a fire started. I bet the heat and dry forest catch fire from a magnifying glass being left in a weird spot. The fire starts and we have to rescue those on the trip. " Louis looked like he was on cloud nine. He knew that he was making some assumptions but it all made a lot of sense. 

\'If that is whats happens then we will need some tough gear." Art knew that this was very likely. The small clues pointed to what would happen. There was a weather report on the bottom of the flyer and easily showed the bright sun with rays like flames. 

The group talked for few minutes more before heading back in to the home room. A few students look at them but shrugged them off. No one wanted to believe that they had actually figured everything out since they were newer to the class and it would take time to get better at guessing. 

Cara was a little surprised that Louis had made such a sound guess but realized why. Cara and Sammy had a family member that was once a weather man. This made them more likely to be able to spot the signs of a potential forest fire. It also meant that they were clear on what could cause such things and how to avoid them. "Just make sure that we keep this to ourselves. We don\'t get anything out of sharing with everyone." 

The advice was mostly so that the group would be able to safely prepare instead of being hounded by the other students. She was sure that someone would come to ask them for their ideas. The freshest mind was always the best to ask for a new idea. 

After they had sat for a few moments the whispered ideas drifted towards the group and they turned a blind eye and deaf ear. Asher in particular had a girl nearby ask him his opinions. Instead of answering he just pretended to be studying the academic app. Soon, the bell had rung and they were off to their first class. 

The group as a whole was very excited to get to their new class schedule and figure out what they would learn that was new. But in the end, they were actually in for a long day of catching up and additional homework. The other teachers had to get the group to the same level as other students.. They had switched in to a higher class suddenly. 

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