What The Luck!?

Chapter 325 - 325. Final Round

Asher was just staring at the place where Cara had just battled it out with an opponent he was sure his group would struggle with together. If Cara was with them he was sure that the fight wouldn\'t have been easier at all. She would have most likely lost because she would have to take care of them. 

As much as any of them could argue that they were the perfect team because they were always training together, it would be a sham. The group may know each other and they may train together. But they have not worked on their teamwork because they have been doing things to get individually stronger. 

"What do you think Cara would do against her last opponent? Do you think we will win?" The tremor in Sammys\' voice made the worry that they all felt too real. 

"I know she will win. I have no idea how, but she will." Art had an unrelenting belief that Cara would win but still showed a slight bit of worry when it came to how. 

"I think it will all depend on how well she can break the earth animals the girl makes.. I know most of us would be exhausted and slowly overpowered while the earth animals attacked us. The earth girl could just stand around and wait. But if Cara can use her sound to somehow affect the earth…" While continuing to stare at the arena, Asher was more or less talking to himself. 

"We will see now, they are finally coming back out for the last match. The healing must have taken more time because they both had pushed themselves a lot. I know that Cara will hold it in, but she had to have hurt herself with her own sound trying to beat the bull shifter." 

"Janes\' right, we just need to watch now." Louis pointed at the two walking out. 

"Go for it Cara!" Jackson and Laura cheered first in unison causing Cara to look up slightly and give a nid. 

"She will win." There was no longer any doubt in Ashers\' mind. 

"Here to try and take the top spot in the whole entire class? I wasn\'t sure if you and Billy would be able to make it to the last round. We both know that Billy only participates to make sure he can become a rescue hero." 

"I know Kim. I know. But if Billy didn\'t get to be a hero it would be a waste of who he is as a person." The earth controlling girl, Kim, nodded along with Cara. 

"So, are we showing off still or should we just go all out at the start? It\'s been a few months since we have had to spar in class." Kim was not the biggest fan of showing off since she had been doing that all day and now just wanted to have a real match. 

"We should just get it over with. I know you have been waiting to use your trump card all day. It\'s pretty obvious with the face you make when you win. You look a little annoyed." The smirk Cara had was a little too obvious that she found this fact a little more than just amusing. 

"I do, but I really thought I was hiding it. I guess that means you have something you have been hiding too?" Kim\'s eyes narrowed as she spoke. She knew that Cara could easily deafen her in this match. 

"I do, so let\'s get to it." Cara steadied herself and moved in to her stance. Kim followed suit and was moved in to a stance. However, Kims\' stance was with her hands dug in to the floor as much as possible. The closer she was to the ground the better for how she would be fighting. 

The referee motioned and shouted for the match to start and everyone watching was in the edge of their seat. No one dared yell and ruin the focus the two had. But when the entire arena started to vibrate again there were a few yelps of surprise. 

The earth was moving and Cara had a feeling she knew what was having. "You see, normally I can\'t make the earth puppets I make with my terra- kinesis protect me too closely because they might hurt me if I am not meticulous in my control. So that\'s what I trained." Kim was being wrapped in the earth and her limbs extended with it. 

The earth that covered Kims\' head formed in to a helmet but the rest of the earth body was over ten feet tall. Cara knew that for months and months Kim had been training her control of the earth. This was the pay off of all that training, and it was major.

With the rumbling figure that had enveloped Kim rushing her, Cara was forced to jump and roll to dodge a heavy kick. It was enough to send her out of the match in the first few seconds. "That\'s just crazy!" Cara couldn\'t help but shout at Kim who didn\'t even giggle. She was putting extreme mental pressure on herself and couldn\'t even hear what Cara was saying. 

"Fine, You want all out, then I will give you all out." Cara had still thought she would be able to hold off a little. But now, it was all over. 

Cara opened up her jacket and hit another button. The entire audience thought that they were about to be victims to the girl known commonly as the deafener. However, they heard nothing. Not a single one of them heard a single thing. 

Kim struck out again at Cara with one of the earth fists and managed to slightly graze her knocking her over. When Cara stood up and dodged the second hit she was noticeably slower making everyone believe that Cara had taken a heavy hit and was going to be missing out now. 

The thing that really caught the groups\' attention was that Cara was not reacting to attack in counter. She instead held the same extremely focused face that she had whenever they were learning a new move or tactic. 

The earth encased Kim struck out again with an earth fist slamming on to the ground after Cara sidestepped it. Strangely there was a shattering sound and parts of the earth first fell away. Kim tried to make it take another step more of the earth fell away. 

Kim tried to pull it back and fix the earth armor she had created but the more time that passed the more the earth crumbled away. Cara slowly moved forward and directed the speakers on her jacket toward Kim. 

With the earth crumbling away and Cara holding herself in the direction, Kim was fully exposed and Cara dropped her jacket. There was no chance for Cara to miss and no chance for Kim to move and dodge. Kim was mentally exhausted and the earth was not moving as she wanted. 

Caras\' fist knocked Kim down and she moved in to a pinning position locking her arms until the referee finally called the match to an end. Kim lay oned the ground panting trying to understand why she had lots. "My super power has never failed like that. How?" She wanted to be stubborn and not ask Cara but if she did she could think about it for days on end without the answer. 

Cara finally hit the pff button on her speaker and dropped to her knees. "That was not fun. Look at the ground around us. There\'s only one kind of mixture of earth. I changed the frequency until it vibrated and stopped the earth from melding with the other pieces. It was a lot. If I had to wait any longer I would have been done for." Cara was sure that she would have passed out before she beat Kim if the earth did not crumble when it did. 

The two looked at each other for a minute before they both laughed a little, "I guess the top student and the second student both need to deal with their headaches now." The laughter was a welcome change from the seriousness of the match. But at the end of the day, it all depended on what the scouts thought of them right now. 

"That was awesome! I have no idea how she made the earth fall apart but that earth girl turned in to a whole earth golem knight thing." Laura was exaggerating but it was the same with all of the group. They couldn\'t understand what had just happened and how it had worked. 

"Do you guys think Cara will want to teach us how that worked after her match?" The question was the same with everyone. Just because Sammy had asked if they knew that Cara would prefer to rest so they would have to wait for an answer. 

"Well, I would say no, but she has to meet with us since she is part of the group. I\'m sure that Garnet and coach Winters will grab her and bring her up here. Well, that is if we can sneak out before they get here?" Asher was feeling mischievous and wanted to just relax instead of feeling the weight of their change in grade and training. 

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