What The Luck!?

Chapter 287 - 287. Hooked

Asher was smiling as he saw the subtitles welcoming Jackson out in to the open as the victor. He was standing in the massive area of snow. The trees were a little ways away from him because he had unintentionally jumped and ran in to the clearing in the snowy forest arena. 

While many watched the snow evaporated and the announcer started to show the highlights of the tournament. Jackson was the first in three years to win without a single encounter with another participant. Ironically, he had run right over the top of the shifter grizzly bear before he dove in to make his own snow burrow. 

"Nice Job Jackson!" Asher couldn\'t help but jump and cheer drawing a bunch of attention. The murmurs that he was friends with a winner of another tournament made them much more wary of him. Before Asher could realize and become embarrassed he noticed that Cara and Sammy\'s tournaments were starting at the same time. 

"Hello, here. Welcome to arena eight where we will be holding the stamina race. This has been my favorite tournament since I was just a little girl. I am honored to be here today to announce for it and tell you the inside tricks to taking the top prize just like I did."

The woman that was announcing was exceptionally bubbly since she had participated and won the tournament she was announcing. "The best part about this tournament is that super powers are allowed, but people like myself and others in the past do not need their super powers to win. The stamina you have is determined by hard work. Remember kids, no matter what super power you get, you can still rise to the top!" 

The positive message caused a resounding applause, "This year we have had to expand the race track to allow the entire two hundred and fifteen participants. It is the most popular tournament this year yet again!" The number of participants was huge and Asher couldn\'t even see Cara in the coed. 

"Each participant has an anklet tracking time and distance. The combination of the two will determine the winner. Naturally those who run fast and far with a low time can easily be beaten by a slow runner who runs for a long time. The best way to take the top spot is to run far and for a long time."

"Now, there is not much else to say. Direct contact with super powers is forbidden. However, that does not mean there are not ways for them to be used so keep that in mind. Many participants will use theirs in very unique ways."

"Oh, and here\'s the count down, three...two...one….Go! They are off. We already see a few taking the slow and steady route. We will be back with constant updates so stay tuned."

Asher only had hopes that Cara would remain in pace and hopefully win the race without any effort. However, he did see a few shifter type super powers activating to take advantage and try t beat the others out. The cheetah shifter was a strange choice since Asher knew they lacked stamina. But he just tore his eyes from Cara\'s match to see the start of Sammy\'s tournament. 

"Hey there folks. This is your average jet man, the current head of the sky protection division at hero corp. It is my honor to be the announcer this year for the flying race. Flight type super powers increase every year and play a major role in our society. I just can\'t wait to see what surprises we have this year!" 

The older man announcing had what looked to be jet engines as part of his body. Asher could only shudder at the speeds the man must be able to fly. "The only rules here today are to cross the finish line after going through the course. Normally out of the fifty participants only five on average make it to the end. This tournament takes wit and determination. You never know what you will see, so keep your eye out!" 

Asher didn\'t even need to look at Sammy to know that she was nervous. However, he had a feeling that Sammy was going to do very well. It was the same feeling he had when he would slip and somehow fall in to a position to catch himself. He just knew. 

"It will be fine. It will be fine. The wind is happy today. It will be fine." Sammy had been muttering this to herself while she watched those with wings, attachments, and other super powers line up. She had some fears that she would lose after being knocked out. 

"You look new here. I would have remembered a kid like you last year. I go by the nickname dragon wings. Mostly because of well, the wings." The woman that was slotted next to Sammy seemed cheerful. "Don\'t try and keep up with me right away, These wings are prideful like a dragon and won\'t let anyone else in the front." The woman laughed which managed to make Sammy relax a little. 

"Yeah, I\'m new. But I think I can do this. I won\'t just give up. My friends are watching and waiting for good news." Sammy knew she was in one of the fastest to end tournaments due to the speed at which people would fly. This did not deter her though. She had thought of a strategy to get through the tournament whil hovering and changing directions. She knew flight was not really her thing yet. But even if she just made it across the finish line and had experience with others flying, she would be closer to flying herself. 

"Alrighty, I don\'t want to leave the eager crowd waiting. The rules are simple. If you touch the ground you are out. You must fly around the markers and be the first to touch the final gold marker. The one who does so wins! A little advice, speed can be a curse here. Watch your turns." The announcer gave a wink as he raised a cap gun in to the sky. "Heeeerrrreee! we Gooooo!" The loud bang prompted every single one of the participants to jump in the air. This included Sammy who started to rotate the air beneath her. 

The woman who had bragged about her dragon wings and helped Sammy relax a little was in the air in just one flap. The power pushed her forward and caused others around to spin out back to the ground. "Whhhoooooohooooo. I live this feeling." The dragon wing woman was already in the lead using her full power to speed through the course. 

"Ugh, these turns are harsh!" She was having trouble with the turn and felt that she was dragging. "I need to push harder!" Thinking that she would lose if she allowed herself to slow down and give in to the dragging feeling. She thought this was her body trying to resist her pushing past her limits to beat everyone. 

The crowd was totally phased out as she pushed faster. However, as she went around the turns and passed the markers the dragon winged women would have learned something important from the yelling crowd. Even from the yelling participants that were trailing further and further behind her. 

Sammy had floated up with everyone else, and she had believed the dragon winged woman about her speed. Since Sammy hadn\'t fully figured out how to fly she had devised a sneaky plan. She had set up hooks with strong wire on her gear. As soon as the gun had gone off to start she had swung a hook at the belt on the dragon winged woman.  Sammy was currently using the wind to keep herself as aerodynamic and balanced as possible. 

The other participants were cursing Sammy while she managed to use the dragon winged woman as her speed. The race was known as the fastest to finish for the respect reason that some flying super powers were just too fast. The dragon wings were one of them. 

After taking a sharp turn and feeling the massive pull back the dragon wing woman finally glanced back and saw the hook attached to her. "What are you doing! Get off of me. I am not carrying you to second place." The flight didn\'t stop but all Sammy did was smile. 

"That\'s fine, you carried me to first instead. Thank you!" Sammy unleashed a massive gust of wind to shoot herself forward as she released the hook. The speed she used at that moment was the biggest burst of win she had made yet. It was all thanks to her training withJackopsn. 

The gold marker was right in front of her face and she slapped it as she sped by. She eventually used another big gust of wind to stop her momentum and fell to the ground barely managing to land. 

"What a massive upset this year! This is going down in history as the sneakiest and most dramatic win in the history of the flying race! There are sure to be new rules next year because of this. You witnessed it live today folks. The new winner of the flying tournament; Gale!" Sammy\'s nickname she had entered echoed through the crowd. 

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