Adorable treasured fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Chapter 731 - The Furious Bai Chang Feng (8)

“You…” Losing all color from that face, Muzhen hastens to step back from where she stood. Unfortunately for this vile existence of a woman, there’s only a window behind her, leaving no other place to run or hide.

“Muzhen, you are only afraid of us revealing your secret of killing that woman, that’s why you murdered us all! We did so much for you, I DID SO MUCH FOR YOU! No matter what, I will drag you to hell before I go!” The murderous ghost charges in a vain attempt at stealing his former liege’s life. An ethereal body has no way to make physical contact with real flesh so all that accomplished was turning the woman a dreadful white.

Muzhen’s heart was as cold as the dead right now. Looking around, her first instinct was to explain and deny: “He’s maligning me, I did nothing of that sort! I only killed him because he made a huge mistake, I really didn’t…..”


This slap across the face came from Hun Tian Yue (wife), she’s trembling all over due to the intense rage coursing through those veins. In the end, all that hate and all that anger devolves into nothing but tears of frustration and self-disgust.

“Who allowed you to touch her?” Hand clenching into a tight ball, the madam truly hated herself for acting so late. “Do you really think we would keep tolerating your insubordination? I should’ve killed you years ago, then maybe none of this would’ve happened.”

This evil witch not only killed what was supposed to be my daughter-in-law, she’s even trying to take my granddaughter as well!

Blood seeping continuously out the corner of her mouth, Muzhen didn’t care what others had to say when things have reached this stage. In her mind, the only opinion she cares for remains to be on one person and that was Yun Feng.

Turning to look up, what returned for her prayers weren’t the look of pity or sadness, only the unbridled fury of someone filled with hatred.

“My vendetta to avenge my wife will never end till the one responsible dies! Muzhen, you will pay for what you did with your blood!” Gnashing his teeth, Yun Feng squints his eyes into a menacing glare. “But, letting you die is too easy of a fate for someone like you! You killed my wife, now I won’t let you go unless I destroy your entirety!”


At the word, he directly punches the old witch’s stomach, causing her to bend over in extreme pain till she’s gagging for air.

For those watching, none of them intervened for they knew if they did, the next target of the leading family’s ire would be them. The crime Muzhen committed being too critical that it’s beyond help.

Sure enough, Yun Feng’s continuous punching didn’t stop even after the woman fell to the ground. He just kept pummeling her and pummeling her until one could hear audible cracks. It couldn’t be helped. This man who’s been lost in a world of delusion and madness for twenty years had nowhere to vent his frustration. And as it so happens, the one responsible for most of his misfortune now stands before him, letting him free to beat and slice with the blades as he please.

As for Muzhen herself, this woman had given up on her life entirely. There’s no turning around at this stage. Reputation ruined, status destroyed, and her most inner secret revealed for all to ridicule, there’s nothing else left to keep her in this world.

Perhaps this is for the best. At least I can die by the hands of the man I love….

“Father.” Suddenly, a voice throws itself into the frenzy, causing the beat red man from continuing. Turning around, Yun Feng’s eyes were starting to tear up. “Just now… what did you call me?”

He’s been waiting over twenty years for her to call him that. Now his wish has been fulfilled so of course he’s emotional. “Don’t let her blood dirty your hands.”

Want to die in the hands of the one you want? That’s only if I give you that chance!?Bai Yan snickers inside over the woman’s disgusting nature.

“Okay, okay.” Pleased right into his eye, Yun Feng attempts to cover up the emotional joy he felt only to fail miserably with that soppy face.

“You…” Muzhen struggles to raise her head against the one looking down at herself. Once she realizes what the foe intends to do, her first reaction was a huge gasp of unease: “What are you going to do?”

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