What The Luck!?

Chapter 95 - 95. Straight Path

"We can fight wherever you want since I set the challenge. Here, in the field, I\'ll even fight you on the top of the cliff." Laura could care less where she beat Asher and took the golden egg for herself. There were too many thoughts of luxury snacks, a luxury bed, luxury everything in her head.

"No cliff!" Garnet instantly put the possibility on hold. She knew that Onyx was there watching Jackson try his best to fox the prized cliff tree. If Asher went over there and risked damaging it more Onyx would lose his mind and really snap.

"Yup, I agree with Garnet. No cliff. To the field, we go." Asher understood the reasoning why Garnet had said no to the cliff and he could not agree more. \'Not getting beaten up by two counselors today.\'

Asher all but blinked and Laura was gone. She had rushed to the sparring field as soon as Asher had told her where he wanted to spar. "You pushed her in to that intentionally didn\'t you?" Asher had picked up on what Garnet was doing. It was odd she was so supportive of a sparring match all of the sudden.

"You know it. How else will I get you to start thinking more of battle strategy? I\'m fine if one of our fighters is brain dead, but in battle, you need to at least have some common sense."

Asher\'s eyes narrowed as Garnet said this. \'She just called me stupid. She totlally called me stupid.\' He wanted to call her ut on it but he knew that he would still end up losing the battle if they ended up sparring as a result. No matter what he did he would come out worse off.

"I still never agreed to join your family as a fighter in any way." Asher made sure to annunciate every word to make a point.

Garnet just smiled at him, "It would be really good training for being a hero. The best heroes can take down a villain before they even act. You will need a lot of combat experience for that." She knew to play to the hero role now, it was her sneaky strategy moving forward.

Asher felt himself becoming interested and instantly turned away. He knew that if he let himself fall in to the trap he would never escape the endless martial arts tournaments and never become a hero.

"You two took so long to get back here! I swear if I find out you were just sitting around to make me anxious I will steal all your food." Laura had felt as if she waited an eternity. In reality, it had only been a few minutes.

"You\'re so impatient. While you waited for us you could be stretching and preparing for the match. Instead, you just sat around waiting." Garnet went right in to trainer mode and reprimanded Laura for her lack of preparation. This was something Onyx had touched upon before he had lost the cliff tree.

"You shouldn\'t worry, this match will be over in a second anyways." Laura was acting a little harsher since she was being underestimated. However, Garnet knew that the one being underestimate was Asher. His rag doll style could take a hit and turn it on an opponent easily. If Laura rushed him she would end up on the receiving end.

"Get in to position, I know you have been stretching while we walked back Asger." Garnet gave him a look to make sure that he would not try and hold the match off any longer. She was getting bored of the slow movement toward actual sparring.

"Finally!" Laura\'s voice was full of relief as she crouched in to a sprinter\'s position. She was practically screaming at Asher that she would be coming head on in the first sign of Garnet saying go.

\'I need to make sure when she comes at me I am already in motion for a counter attack. If she just runs in to my punch it is less work for me/\' Asher knew he was beaten in speed, so he chose the lazy way. When he heard Garnet say go he would just throw a fust out and hope everything worked out the way he wanted. If not then so be it, he would just be stuck waiting t find the egg the next day.

Asher fell in to his usual stance and waited to hear Garnet start ti say the G in go. That was when he would act. Watching Laura bunce in her crouch was strange, it was the most still she had been since Asher met her. It was almost unnatural.

Garnet looked on in anticipation, she wasn\'t sure if Laura had any combat training or ability. She was always excited to see a new style of fighting to use to supplement her own. Being the counselor in charge of the sparring fields was one way she had learned a myriad of movies and counters. Most of her many wins could be attributed to those she trained or those that she saw training.

Garnet raised her hand and looked at Laura. Laira gave a quick nod. She then looked at Asher who gave a slow nod, he had not taken his eyes from Laura in the slightest. "Go!"

Before she had said the full two letter word Laura had already disappeared from her spot. Asher was raising his fist and driving it forward. Garnet could barely make out the way the two were moving.

Laura had a strained face on as she tried to twist her body away from Asger\'s raised fist. She had sped toward him faster than she could adept making her path lead directly to his attack. The only problem was that there was too much force. Asher would definitely be hurt and Laura was going to take some serious damage.

The two had the instinctual cringe, making them both twist away. Asher\'s fist barely made contact with Laura\'s shoulder. The two were both thrown to the ground since the force was enough to affect their entire bodies. Asher was able to roll through the fall but Laura hit the ground with a heavy thud since she lacked the training to roll when falling.

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