What The Luck!?

Chapter 69 - 69. Nice

"So you are ur third huh? My name is Jackson I am in class three. I\'m sure you were dragged here too. At least you look like you have extra clothing, mine is still in my locker…" The large boy could easily pass for a short man. He seemed like he barely fit in the seat he had been tossed in to, and his clothing looked like it was ready to tear.

The boy named Jackson let out a long sigh, "I really am sixteen, I just got a super power called perfect body. My body is at the peak strength for a human my age. Pretty much with ideal genes, everyone would look like me. It makes clothes shopping really hard. But it makes working in my garden a lot easier."

Asher was having a hard time grasping the situation as he listened to Jackson. His sheer size was intimidating, however, his voice was soft and his hobby of gardening was able to put Asher at ease.

"Ooo my turn. I am Laura and I bet I\'m faster than you," The girl that had somehow just popped up out of nowhere in the seat in front of Asher seemed to be vibrating in place. She was looking at everything with extremely quick glances while fidgeting. "I got really lucky and I was invited last minute. I was stuck in the hospital until they figured out my power. I have this hyper metabolism that lets me moves super fast like a humming bird. I can never get enough food, but I am ssssssssuuuppppeeerrr fast."

She spoke almost too fast for anyone to understand, \'How were they able to catch a girl like this. I can barely keep up.\' Asher gave her a good look finding that her blond hair was wild and wind blown. Her features were fairly sharp and the vibrating she seemed to have about her body made his eyes hurt.

When Asher finally started to grasp the situation and that the two others were the students he was going to camp Jewell with he decided to introduce himself. "I am Asher. I am a member of class one, please don\'t get angry at me for any bad luck you may have." His last phrase made them both confused, but hearing that he was from class one they knew that it was most likely because he had a tough super power to manage.

This excited them and made the two who were stuck in the car curious. "So what super power do you have?" Jackson was the one to ask. Laura seemed to be snacking in some protein bar she had somehow pulled out of nowhere.

"It\'s called lucky jinx. I kinda am lucky but also make other people unlucky but also make my enemies really unlucky. Or maybe I absorb luck from others...It\'s really a mess."

"So you have a unique power? Is it new or just super rare? Mine is super rare. They need three exports to stabilize me." Asher barely understood Laura but couldn\'t seem to fault her since she looked to have been trying very hard to speak slowly.

"New, that\'s why I am so lost. I think I have been catching on to it though, slowly but surely." He shook his head not wanting to focus too much on the complicated power he had gained. If he followed in Lin\'s footsteps and tried to analyze it he knew he could become even more lost.

"That is pretty cool. Being the first to have a super power could cause a huge breakthrough in gene science. Mine is really rare but widely researched and easy to control. That is why I am still in class three." Jackson looked relieved as he said this. It was only natural for someone to worry about having a dangerous power that could cause harm.

"I should transfer classes soon, my power isn\'t dangerous as long as I don\'t let myself get too excited. If I move too fast the air friction could start a fire." The two boys looked at her with wide eyes.

"Wait, wouldn\'t you get burned moving so fast? And won\'t you need a ton of food to fuel your body to even move that fast?" Asher had seen the flaws in this power quickly.

"Yup, that\'s why I need to wear special clothing and eat these pills and snacks all the time." Se geld up a small tan pill. "This is pretty much compressed calories. Hero corp made it for those who grow to massive sizes. It can feed one person for a month. I eat about ten a day."

This was a lot to take in. From the sound of it, Laura could eat every person in the city out of house and home. Not only that but if she couldn\'t control her power she could harm those around her and herself. "You must think us to be moving in slow motion…" Jackson sounded sad saying this out loud. He could only imagine how long the day must take to pass.

"It\'s not that bad. I really like to get things done. So in the time, it takes someone to do one thing I have done five. I already did my homework for two months." This comment made the two bys shut their mouths. They had just heard of the best super power to have in school ever. They could not imagine being able to get all of their home work done and then relaxing for two months.

"Get some rest back there, once we get to camp you will be starting off with basic training." The woman who had caught Asher yelled to them. Unfortunately for her this just made the three students talk more. They couldn\'t help but wonder what they would be doing and what the camp would be like. For the rest of the car ride, they talked about what they had heard of the camp and what they expected to improve on. Before they knew it the car was slowing to a stop and the side door was being opened to reveal the sunlight.

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