What The Luck!?

Chapter 11 - 11. Reaction

"Well the shot was ok, my arm doesn\'t even hurt so that is pretty good." Small beads of sweat had formed on his brow. "I was knocked out for about an hour, my body felt like I was burning. I really didn\'t like it at all." This stopped all three of them from eating.

"What do you mean you were knocked out for an hour?"

"And felt like you were burning?"

"None of that is normal at all, The evo shot it painless."

In turn each of them replied to him but Asher had no answer for them. "Well I did see the clipboard the doctors had but I don\'t really have any proof other than that it said they were testing a double dose…" Asher trailed off realizing that they all were looking at him funny.

"Ha! That\'s our son! The jokes you come up with." Asher\'s father burst out laughing soon followed by his mother. Cara was the only one that seemed to believe that Asher was telling the truth.

"Ha-ha yeaa joking…" Asher started to fill his plate with tacos now that his parents were distracted, however he could feel the gaze of his sister still on him. Would she try to force more information out of him later? No way they could try it though, his mothers super power was hearing she would hear every word no matter what room they were in.

Wiping the tears from his eyes and breathing more deeply his father calmed himself, "So what did the doctor say?"

This was it, he had avoided it as much as possible. With a small sigh Asher told them what the doctor had said. " They had no idea what my power did, the doctor even had a power that let him learn details about a power and the name but all he got was the name...Lucky Jinx. That\'s all I know."

Asher was waiting for them to leave the table or tell him to get pout of the house and never come back. He was definitely a scar on their family name now, it would be the same as before.

"You have a power that was not in their database?" The serious voice of his father made Asher flinch, he even closed his eyes in fear that someone was about to physically throw him out.

"Our son has a unique power! We are blessed! What does it do? Do you have any idea yet?"

Yea spill the beans, tell us what changes you\'ve noticed."

The three of them were buzzing with excitement. They wanted all the details that he had experienced. There was no yelling, no cursing, and even more so no negativity at all. Was this some convoluted dream waiting to end so that he could be back in the torture of his real life?

"Well? Are you going to say anything weirdo?" Cara made her voice a little too loud lettering her curiosity manipulate her powers.

"Cara! Voice down, we are in the house and we shouldn\'t disturb the neighbors this late." Their mother scolded her before looking back at Asher also eager for his answer.

"Well I have no idea, nothing seemed different, the two words are opposites so I have no idea what they could do. If they affect each other i guess that leaves me as a normal person right? A jinx is unlucky and if I am also lucky then I am average?"

"Heck no! My son with an unique power can\'t be average in the least!" Asher\'s father refused to believe that a power would cancel itself out, "It will be your job to figure out what to do to use your own power. Not everyone is so lucky to be able to claim they are the only one with their super power."

Asher was stuck, he was lucky? Since when was he lucky? These thoughts ran through his mind, "I need to go to the bathroom. I will be back in a minute." Asher stood up and caught his leg on the chair. He started to fall face first in to the table behind him. The family photos getting ever closer just waiting to break.

Asher could only think, I knew it, I am unlucky even now.

Right before he was about to crash in to the table with their family photos the carpet underneath his feet shifted allowing him to only take a knee. It looked like he had just performed an elegantly dance move. "Honey are you alright? You scared us there almost falling in to the table"

Asher\'s mother was standing in shock, her son had nearly slammed his head on to a table but somehow pulled off a move to save himself at the last second. "Are you sure your power isn\'t superhuman reflexes? That was very smooth." His father was also curious about what had just occurred.

"Umm no i just tripped on the chair but also slipped on the carpet and now i\'m here." Asher stood up and headed toward the bathroom.

He did however hear his sister mumble, "How lucky that was."

Asher threw cold water on his face, not only did they not believe him about the double dose of the shot but instead of being angry about his power they were happy. This support was something he had never felt, he was just an unlucky kid who always had to deal with the worst in life. Why were so many good things happening, this was only something for lucky people not for him.

Asher looked at himself in the mirror, how could things be so good now? What about him had changed since he came to this world. It was like everything had been rewritten to make his terrible luck disappear and now he had a super power that had luck in it? Is there a chance that he is now lucky? Then what about the jinx part of his power? Is that just the doctors mistake? Asher

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