Monarch of Solitude: Daily Quest System

Chapter 164 - Yesterday’s Enemy Is Today’s Friend

Communication was the very first lesson Rino\'s teachers taught him when he entered the magician\'s tower. It was hard to believe how he was teaching what his teachers taught him to his subordinates now.

"Ahem!" Rino cleared his throat, even if that was unnecessary. Old habits die hard, and he was nervous with so many people looking at him from below his stone cottage roof.


"I understand that there are many concerns with so many newcomers in Town Zera. However, know that everyone in this town has a right to shelter, food, clothing, tools and educational opportunities. The town is small and growing. We do not have many resources. Hence, resources will be shared and prioritised accordingly. Everyone is given a different role, so those who work will be rewarded accordingly."

To snub out every spark of doubt and discord between races, Rino explained in a rather lengthy way how every single individual present was chosen for their strengths. It might not look like it, but through the constant progress reports he was getting, Rino knew just about every individual\'s strengths and personality even if he did not know their names or if they had names.

"You," he pointed at a female troll. "You\'re hardworking and often pay attention to details when farming. I know that you plant every potato with care and defend them from getting eaten by bugs."

The female troll was touched and bowed her head in gratitude at the acknowledgement of her efforts.

"You," he pointed to another female troll farmer. "You might not be very good at cutting up the potatoes into the right sizes, but you are stronger than the rest of your tribe and plough the soil the fastest. The genesis fairies told me that you ploughed the most land and managed to expand the farmland by an acre just by yourself without anyone\'s help."

He moved to the male trolls and pointed at one who was shorter than the rest by one head. 

"You might be small, and some of your tribe members laugh at you. However, only you can climb and sit on the wooden beams to build the roof while the others hand you materials. You might not be strong, but you are agile."

To the next male troll, Rino told him that others laughed at him for being slow in his actions. However, the lich praised his thoughtfulness when he was the only one to move the building materials into the shelter when he saw grey clouds hovering above the valley before anyone told him what to do.

The trolls looked touched at how closely Rino was looking at them and their progress. Some of the less popular trolls within their tribe found themselves wanting to serve under the magician more after the lengthy observation speech.

"Like trolls, the drows, gnomes, fairies and monsters under my kingdom\'s name have a similar role to play. Drows might not be good at building big buildings. That\'s why we\'re leaving it to the trolls. Instead, drows are better at archery and fighting. That\'s why they will hunt and patrol instead. Likewise, gnomes are too small to plough the farm. That\'s why I\'m leaving it to the trolls. Instead, gnomes are good at making things. I will ask them to help me make things like the tools you use to plough the land."

Understanding settled in the troll tribe as Rino explained what everyone was doing in Town Zera. He also explained that he had big plans and might need more citizens to join the town in the future. The Genesis Tree is also birthing new fairies who are automatically part of Town Zera\'s population. Moreover, they often have visitors from Noir Province, which was another part of Rino\'s vast territory.

"You might look different and do different things but do not forget that everyone in my kingdom has an important role. Nobody is more or less important than anyone else. For everyone who does their best to contribute, they will be fairly treated and rewarded. For those who try to skive and pass their work to others, there will naturally be consequences."

Food wasn\'t a reward for earth gnomes because they were mortals. Even drows needed to eat, unlike the shadow trolls who were undead summons. Rino specified that food was given to those who needed it not as a reward but as a payment for their work. However, Rino promised that they would be rewarded with roasted meat that the drows hunted for trolls who worked hard.

In other words, every town citizen was working collectively for a group benefit. The spectres will act as tanners and sky palanquin drivers to deliver goods produced here to exchange local products from Noir Province. Rino also promised them that there was a good thing getting experimented on in Cypress County called beer that he assured everyone tasted good.

"Therefore, please put your differences aside. Everyone is equal in death, and this is your second life. It doesn\'t have to be difficult if you work together for a common cause. Yesterday\'s enemy is today\'s friend. You need to help each other to defend Town Zera to the best of your abilities. I am powerful, but together, you can do more than me. In return for my protection, please work hard and build me the kingdom I need."

The unspoken words that Rino left at the tip of his mental tongue were that he really didn\'t care who did what as long as they completed his daily quests for him. However, as a leader, he couldn\'t be this flippant. There was no proxy to help him sugarcoat his words, and Rino hated every second of this speech. Acting like a charismatic and caring ruler was not his thing. Back in Noir Province, he did not need to do such a thing. Here, the people were a little more hostile, and a gentle touch was required.

Rino could really use some cat patting therapy or a good nap now that it was closer to noon, and he felt very sluggish.

Excusing himself, Rino checked on the Genesis Tree that was growing well. A new batch of fairies was already close to getting born, and Rino left it alone, hopping onto the teleportation pad. He needed a long alone time now that he was done playing the part of a kind king.

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