My King System

Chapter 242 - Time Flies

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in," said Yuki who was resting inside his very own room inside the castle-like building which was located where his clan, the FFF\'s WD clan operated.

After their battle with GNE, the members of FFF\'s WD clan which accompanied Yuki on that mission returned and decided to take a break. After all, they deserved it. Well, more specifically, Arthur and Batol deserved it but at least the others were there just in case things got a bit out of hand.

"Hello there Yuki," said Scar as he barged through the door in an angry tone while someone followed behind him in a mildly nervous way.

"Oh hi there Scar," Yuki said in a nonchalant way as he gave just a single nod to both Scar and Avila.

However, Scar wasn\'t going to take that type of treatment and stay quiet as he quickly raised his hand before clenching it so it would turn into a fist then punching Yuki in the face as hard as he possibly could.

Avila just stood there with a shocked face as he watched Scar do what he had just done. It was unbelievable to her that Scar would do such a thing.. Not because Yuki was their friend but because Yuki has just recently become the clan leader of both FFF and WD and forced the two to merge together and create the strongest clan to ever be seen on the face of the planet.

"What the hell was that for? Don\'t you have some manners?" Yuki asked Scar in a frustrated tone as he turned around to look like his old roommate.

"Manners?! Well you seem to know a lot about manners but wait?! Aren\'t you the same one who leaves after only returning for just a couple of days? You randomly leave and come back and it seems like you don\'t care about us! You\'re just leaching off of us. You didn\'t even bother to tell us that you planned on taking over this clan. Why do you keep hiding all these things from us?" Scar began to shout at Yuki which could be heard even outside of the room. 

"Why don\'t you just calm down for a bit, Scar," Avila said to Scar.

"Calm down?! How are you not as mad if not more mad than me?! He left us Avila! We\'re supposed to be a team but time and time again, he keeps treating us like we\'re nothing but trash to him," Scar looked back at Avila as he hoped that he would take his side.

"I understand where you\'re coming from but I don\'t think this is the right way to go about things. Maybe he really does have a proper explanation as to why he forgot about us," said Avila as she began to question why she was defending Yuki, specially when she heard the last of her words come

out of her mouth.

"Okay then, what do you have to say for yourself Yuki? Do you really have an excuse which can calm me down before I snap your neck right here?" Scar asked in an irritated tone. Although he wanted to listen to what Avila had told him, it was simply too hard for Scar which made perfect sense as Yuki had left him to take care of a helpless human who had barely any experience in the dungeons while he trailed his heart out without any handicaps.

"To be perfectly honest, I don\'t have a reasonable explanation as to why I did that. I don\'t plan on making up a random one either just to satisfy your anger. I have no obligation which forces me to be with you guys for a certain amount of time before I\'m allowed to leave again. 

"That\'s not the damn point! We\'re supposed to be a team that works together! Damn you Yuki! I thought we were supposed to stay friends forever but now, just because you became a clan leader, you think that you can look down on us and think of us as trash?!" Scar asked with a yell which finally caused someone to step into the situation and stop Scar before things got too far.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?!" Mark asked with a shout as he broke into the room where Yuki and Scar were having their argument. Seeing that a new person had decided to join the battle, Scar began to get a bit more serious as he could guarantee that Yuki wouldn\'t attack him but he couldn\'t guarantee that Mark himself wouldn\'t make a move either. Due to that fact, Scar would have no choice but to pay attention to his surroundings. However as Scar began to concentrate on his surroundings, he realized something. Avila was still there. Although with their training that took place nearly every day, he still didn\'t know if she would be able to stand up to the likes of Mark and others in the higher echelon of the FFF\'s WD clan.

As Scar began to grit his teeth after realizing how hopeless his situation truly was, Yuki finally stepped in to stop Mark from going any further as Yuki wanted to take care of the situation on his own without the help of another soul.

"Mark, please take your leave. I am in a meeting right now, if I need any assistance, I will call on you as you are one of my trusted men," Yuki explained, which gave Mark some confidence in himself before nodding once and taking his leave.

"Odd... I guess that\'s the power that the clan leader of FFF\'s WD clan commands," said Scar as he mocked Yuki.

"Anyway Scar, the reason why I kept leaving for long amounts of time was because I needed to constantly take care of something. The second I finished something, another thing came up. As such, I would have to leave as soon as possible so I could train and get strong enough to accomplish the tasks which I needed to do," Yuki began to explain.

"Although I wanted to take a break and spend some time with you guys, I never really got the chance since my schedule was always full. For that, I have no choice but to apologize to

you. However I also have an explanation for my actions as well. Every action I\'ve taken so far up until now was so that I could get one step closer to my overall goal of being the first level 100 player in the world. Although I thought it would be basically impossible for me to reach that goal since I was already a year behind everyone else, I still managed to climb the ladder and now, not only do I have the strongest clan in the world under my control but I am also currently the closest player to level 100," Yuki continued to explain.

"So tell me Scar, what is more valuable, becoming the leader of a clan which can very easily now take over the entire planet on its own if it plays its cards correctly along with having the greatest shot at being the first level 100 player in the world which would allow limit breaking. With that you must know that I would be capable of eventually having enough power to single handedly rule the entire world with an iron fist. It wouldn\'t matter who came to challenge me or how many of them there would be. At the end of the day, if I was the one to reach level 100 first, I would win every single battle I\'m placed inside," Yuki explained to Scar.

"So tell me Scar, what is more valuable, that or some friendly time with my two best friends?" Yuki asked sarcastically.

"You still don\'t get it, do you? Remember what you told me the first time we met? You told me that you had absolute control. I know you don\'t want me to reveal too much about your powers so I won\'t," said Scar as he referred to the time where Yuki had told him about Zero and One along with the fact that he was the one that created the world which they all lived in. Although it was unbelievable when Scar had heard Yuki\'s words for the first time, however after much it made sense as it would be the only way that Yuki could dominate the entire world all on his own so early into the creation of the so-called game everyone was playing. 

The only thing which didn\'t make sense to Scar was the one year gap in which Yuki didn\'t make any major moves which Yuki himself explained as it was the period of time where he spent his life with Marcell and Elpis. 

Of course that was all before the global government had finally managed to track Yuki down and arrest him. That day was the same day that marked the end of Yuki\'s happiness, at least for quite a very long time. 

If Yuki would find happiness in any form during his lifetime in the world which he created, only time could tell.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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