Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 513: For Me?

Chapter 513: For Me?


Reth paced the floor of the bedchamber while the two females worked over Elia—listening to her heart and stomach, palpating her belly, speaking to each other in the quiet, clipped tones of those with a job to do, and very little time to do it.

Reth kept raking his hand through his hair, rubbing his face, holding a hand over his mouth. Now that someone else could watch over her, he had no strength left to fight the abject terror that ripped through him.

Elia unable to shift back to human form.

Elia in labor far too early and in her beast.

Elreth, their daughter, grown so fast, yet Aymora said even for the development she had achieved, this was too early. Would she survive the delivery, let alone life outside her mother\'s womb?

Reth groaned and Elia\'s beast whined.

Aymora shot him a look over her shoulder. Though she didn\'t speak, the message was clear—be the strong one. Don\'t add to his mate\'s fear.

Reth swallowed and prayed.

And prayed.

And prayed.

"We have to get her to eat the herbs," Aymora said seconds later. "It\'s the only chance."

"But if she\'s past the point of no return, it will slow her labor and put more stress on the offspring."

Aymora sat at the beast\'s head, stroking her fur back from her eyes and leaned in to her ear. "Elia… Elia, daughter, I\'m here. And we\'re going to help. I know you don\'t feel like eating, but there is medicine in the meat. It might… it might stop the pains. I can\'t be certain. Your body is trying to deliver now. But we might be in time. Please… if you can do anything, urge your beast to eat. We\'re here to help you. No matter what happens, we are here to help."

The beast huffed. Aymora glanced at Jayah who remained down at her belly, one ear to her flank. "The babe has shifted into position, but isn\'t engaged in her pelvis yet, if we can get it to stop now…"

Aymora nodded and offered the beast a slab of meat, not much bigger than Reth\'s hand. Bleeding and succulent, it was peppered in herbs.

Please, Reth prayed. Please, make her eat it.

The beast licked the meat, then groaned deep in her chest and closed her eyes as another contraction tightened her body from shoulder to flank.

Aymora kept petting her face. "Please, Elia. Make her open her mouth. This will help."

The beast began to pant, but even when Aymora placed the beef against her teeth, she only smacked her lips, then turned away, twisting her head.

Aymora, on her knees, sank back to sit on her heels. "I don\'t… I don\'t know what to do."

"She keeps panting," Jayah said carefully. "Will she drink?"

Aymora looked at Reth, who raced into the kitchen immediately and prepared a small bowl of water, running too quickly to bring it back so that half of it had spilled before he passed it to Aymora with shaking hands.

She placed the bowl on the furs next to the beast\'s head, and her ears pricked. She pushed herself up onto one shoulder and lapped at the small drink. It was gone in seconds and she licked the bowl before slumping back down to the furs with a sigh.

"Put the herbs in a drink," Jayah said quickly.

"They might make her sick without food. If she just throws them up—"

"Do we have any choice? If we don\'t get the contractions stopped in the next hour, there will be no going back."

Reth clawed both hands into his hair and stared at Aymora, overwhelmed with fear and pleading. "Do it," he croaked. "We can\'t… just do it."

But Aymora was frowning at the wall, clearly thinking. "Blood," she said quickly. "We need blood. It\'s more likely to tempt her, and it might coat her stomach enough to keep the herbs down. But I didn\'t bring any—"

Reth knew exactly what was needed, and hurried over to the table in the corner where he kept his knives and belts, pulling one from its sheath. "Give me the bowl."

"Reth, you cannot weaken yourself right now!" Aymora snapped.

"Watch me," he snarled back, returning to the side of the sleeping platform. "Give me the fucking bowl, Aymora."

With a growl of displeasure, Aymora picked up the bowl and pushed it to the edge of the platform where Reth stood. Without hesitation he drew the blade across the inside of his arm, holding it over the bowl so that the tiny stream ran across his skin, then pattered into the stoneware.

Reth just watched it, shaking, but certain. "How much?" he asked quietly.

Aymora tsked. "You shouldn\'t—"

Reth snapped his eyes up to meet hers, pouring every ounce of his love for his mate, every particle of his strength and control as Alpha, and every moment of the years he and Aymora had known and loved each other into the gaze.

Aymora\'s mouth closed with a snap. She blinked and tears welled in her eyes. Then she turned back to stroke Elia\'s head again. "At least half the bowl," she whispered.

Reth nodded, clenching and unclenching his fist to keep the blood flowing.

A minute later when there was finally enough, he picked the bowl up and carried it around the sleeping platform to Aymora\'s side.

Aymora hurriedly dropped several different herbs into it, then held her hand out for Reth\'s knife, and used the tip to stir it.

Then she looked at Reth and took a deep breath. "Put pressure on that so you don\'t lose anymore. And… and pray."

Reth nodded, then stopped because it made him slightly dizzy. He reached across her with his good hand and cupped the beast\'s face. "Please, Elia," he whispered. "Drink this. Drink it now and don\'t stop until it\'s gone. Do it for our daughter. Do it… for me?"

The beast groaned and paddled one paw up to hook inside his elbow, then she turned her head to lick his palm.

Reth scratched her face, then looked at Aymora, who nodded and brought the bowl to the beast\'s nose.



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