Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 439: Walking on Hallowed Ground

Chapter 439: Walking on Hallowed Ground

This chapter is dedicated to DespinaNY: I have been blown off my feet by your generosity. Truly. I was stunned when another author saw the notifications of both Magic Castles last night and informed me of your INCREDIBLE gifts. I literally don\'t know what to say, except that you were yet another topic for discussion and thankful prayer in my home last night. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

And to everyone else who is reading this... Thank you. Your gifts, your votes, your comments... they are all contributing to making my dreams come true and I cannot put into words what that means to me.? I am genuinely thankful for you, personally, no matter where you are, or what you\'re doing. If you\'re reading this, you are a gift to me. Thank you!



The Hallowed Grounds were an ancient site, used by the Anima for millennia. The sides of the great bowl reared out of the forest floor, rising half the height of the mountains, yet within it, the earth hollowed. As if the Creator Himself had torn the top off the mountain and scooped out its guts, leaving only the dead carcass behind.

Despite the virulent land around it, the dirt within the Hallowed Grounds was virtually barren. While trees and bushes sprouted from between cracks in its walls and reached for the sky, only sparse grasses grew from the rocky soil itself.

Flat at the center, the grounds rose towards the sides of the great bowl, creating a natural amphitheater with sides one hundred feet high.

When Reth reached the plains and saw the yawning sides of the Hallowed Grounds ahead, rocks and crevasses marking its sides like teeth in the mouth of a great giant open to the sky, he couldn\'t help but pause to take it in.

He had entered the Hallowed Grounds only twice before in his life, once as part of his education when his father brought him as a child to explain the traditions of the place, and once when he was fifteen and his father met a challenger from the Equine tribe.

That challenge had been quickly set down. But Reth remembered the feel of this place, the haunting power of it. He did not know what had happened here, only that he felt closer to the Creator when he stepped within its walls.

Now, bracketed by Brant and Tobe—Behryn having been appointed to stay in the Tree City and carry the Guard through the protection of the elderly and the young, those who were sick or injured, and the few merchants and healers who were deemed crucial to the WildWood\'s survival—the view of this incredible place took Reth\'s breath away again.

They were still almost a mile from the opening in the wall where the stomach of the Hallowed Grounds spewed out between the walls in a barren scar that slowly blended into the plains, to be swallowed by grass and brush, and eventually the trees of the forest.

Reth tensed. From this distance he could see the lines of Anima making their way to the great bowl—one coming from the north, wolves and serpents, along with some birds, the other ahead of Reth, approaching from the southwest—both lines entering the bowl with the greatest space between them possible.

Guards had been posted both at the opening, and within the bowl itself, to ensure that there were no fights among the people. Their orders were to stop any bloodshed—and if they were to begin bloodshed themselves, Reth had vowed he would personally kill the Guard that broke the terms of peace of the Hallowed Grounds.

This place was sacred to the Anima, and the only blood spilled upon it must be only by the players in a Rite who came knowingly and agreed to the terms.

The legend was that the Hallowed Grounds had once been lush. A haven. But there had been a challenge to the throne a thousand years earlier and, unwilling to accept their new King, the people fought each other on the grounds. Their blood had soaked into its rocky soil and the Creator had cursed the ground.

The death of this place was a warning to all who attended today. The Hallowed Ground was a place of peace.

To recognize this, the Anima from within the Tree City who had already reached the bowl were singing, Reth realized as they slowly approached. Their voices raised to the sky in welcome their Alpha, and to call the Creator\'s blessing on him. Reth\'s shoulders went back and his chest swelled the closer he became to the Hallowed Grounds, its walls vibrating with the voices of his people.

As the current Alpha, Reth was required to be the last to enter the grounds, so he had left the Tree City last, Brant at his side, and maintained a snail\'s pace in case any of his people had been delayed.

As the grass under their feet gave way to the barren gravel of the grounds, Reth turned to make sure there was no one behind them. Then, with the way clear, he trudged up the rolling gravel until he reached the top of the rise and the bowl opened below him in a breathtaking expanse.

With the sun directly overhead there were no shadows within the bowl. Each of the armies and tribes following him and Lerrin had taken their sides, spreading out and sitting on the risen sides of the bowl so they could see the center where Lerrin and his second already stood, awaiting Reth\'s arrival.

Brant grunted when he saw them. "He hasn\'t brought Asta," he commented quietly.

Reth, distracted from his scan of the grounds, took a closer look and realized the older man was right.

Very interesting, but not entirely unexpected. There was every chance Lerrin had left Asta behind in case this all went wrong, just as he\'d left Behryn. He commented as much to Brant, who shrugged.

They both stared down at the view before them and shook their heads. "How quick our people are to celebrate death," Reth muttered.

Brant grunted again. "The fact that you do not celebrate it with them is a big part of why you make a great ruler, Reth," he said, his voice gravel in the water. "Are you ready for this?"

Reth turned to look at the older male, his eyes crinkled and cheeks lined, though he remained strong and capable. Then he shook his head. "I doubt I am ever ready to kill… or be killed."

Brant nodded. "The day you are is the day I will cease to support your rule."

"Good to know."

Brant chuckled and clapped Reth on the back. "Your people await. The future awaits. We have blessed you, and prayed. We have prepared, and placed guards. Now there is nothing left but to walk in and see what the Creator has planned for us. All of us."

Reth nodded, then motioned for Brant to go first to ensure that he was the last to enter the grounds. The older man patted his back one more time, then began the walk down into the center, as the people continued to sing.

Cheers rose when Reth stepped into the grounds—and some growls from Lerrin\'s side. But they were quieted quickly by Lerrin and his second, standing in the center.

It took almost a minute for him to walk to the center, but finally he made it and took his place next to Brant. He kept his back to Lerrin for a moment, acknowledging his people. Then finally, with a silent prayer to steel his spine he turned and met the ice-blue eyes of the wolf Alpha.

"Welcome to the Hallowed Grounds, Lerrin," he growled. "Isn\'t it a beautiful day to die."


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