Ball of Nothing

Chapter 486 King Brice's Request

Chapter 486: King Brice\'s Request

The king didn\'t look very athletic and Truen thought he was rather similar to Wiser who was also pale and sickly looking. The King was very exhausted but Truen continued to observe him from beneath the floorboards while Mitchnew offered him a seat.

"We finally meet. To what do I owe the pleasure for King of Smargdas to visit my humble abode at such an ungodly hour?"

King Brice didn\'t look very much like royalty in his humble clothes and humbler attitude. Zero never thought he\'d ever see an unkingly king but King Brice was bowing to Mitchnew with unshed tears as he begged for her to save someone called Misana.

Mitchnew played it cool. At long last, the mysterious client appeared in person. She couldn\'t agree to his request so readily until she knew more no matter how desperate King Brice was.

"Why should I help you? We are in information guild that takes on the occasional assassination requests. Finding a person is not our job, this should go to the adventurer\'s guild."

King Brice apologised and Mitchnew sighed. This wasn\'t the first time he requested them to do something out of their job scope. The last time, he made a request for Mitchnew\'s guild to steal back the refugee relief funds that Duke Zurich\'s allies stole. She rejected the request formally but still decided to deliver justice in her personal time as a favour because that was something Zero would have done. This time, it was finding a missing person... did King Brice really not have any other people to turn to?

"Lady Death, please! In this country, I have nobody else to turn to... Misana is a very important person to me, please help me out just this once! I know that your guild doesn\'t deal with finding missing people or rescue missions but I really don\'t know anyone else who will help me. I heard that Half Moon Village\'s Chieftess is half beastfolk. Surely there can be some common grounds to discuss this favour, I will pay any price you quote me!"

Mitchnew sighed. This really wasn\'t something within her jurisdiction. Seeing the pitiful King, Mitchnew told him to stop bowing. It wasn\'t befitting of a King at all.

"Who is Misana?"

With slight hesitation, King Brice told Mitchnew that Misana was a squirrel beast folk girl who had been his closest servant and aide ever since he was young. They practically grew up together.

"I asked everyone to search the castle for her but nobody knew where she went. The only clue I found was this," he took out a strip of cloth torn from someone\'s clothes.

"After tracking down the person who kidnapped Misana, I found him to be one of the slave traders. I\'m almost certain that my royal uncle is behind this but I don\'t have evidence and cannot go against him. Therefore, I need your help."

Mitchnew sighed. "You say that every time in your letters. Why don\'t you ask the church?"

King Brice grimaced. "They don\'t like Misana because she is a beast folk. In fact, most people in Smargdas don\'t treat them fairly. If only I wasn\'t so powerless, I could do something..."

Mitchnew rolled her eyes. If Zero were here, he would have agreed to help this fool of a King but Zero wasn\'t here now. Truen was hiding beneath the cellar, listening to everything and he too closed his eyes. What a dilemma!

"Go back," she told the King strictly. "I\'ll contact you again tomorrow using the same channel. Also, the heroes have returned. Aren\'t you going to ask them for help?"

Beneath the floorboards, the dragon warrior stiffened. Fighting in the wilderness was less scary than entering the palace. They silently cursed Mitchnew and Olaf started planning his excuse to ditch the royal summon.

King Brice sighed. "I wish to but the church has already been opposing my decision to name them heroes. I went ahead with it and this has caused a rift between me and the church. They believe that the dragons are a sign of calamity and Olaf has demon blood."

Mitchnew nodded. "My husband is a half-demon. They really ought to watch their tongues..."

King Brice swallowed hard and became as white as wool. "I\'m sorry, I didn\'t mean..."

"It\'s fine," Mitchnew cut him off curtly. "It\'s late, your majesty. Please return for tonight. I will contact you tomorrow with a definite answer. Don\'t harbour hopes, we are an information guild and not an adventurer\'s guild but I shall see if there anyone else is interested in taking on this private assignment within my contacts."

Unable to do anything else, King Brice thanked the dark elf and left. The group in the cellar waited for a while until they were certain that it was safe to come out. Truen was glad for space after getting out of the cramped cellar. Desert Lily\'s lips were turning blue slightly because of the chill and Vrald helped her to warm up with fire magic. Olaf was completely unaffected by the cold but he gave Mitchnew a stern look.

"I\'m not taking on that troublesome quest," he told her and Mitchnew didn\'t think Olaf would volunteer.

"I know," she told him. "What about you?" she asked Truen.

The archer sighed. "I don\'t know... depending on Zero\'s schedule, this could be delayed even if we accepted it. Freya\'s temple in Magnus Hilda is still not completed. Zero is also settling some matters with New Moon Village and the Work Visa for Demons. Let me discuss it over with him to give you an answer. If we cannot take this quest, what will you tell King Brice?"

Mitchnew smirked. "The usual. This isn\'t my business."

Everyone else in the room winced at Mitchnew\'s blunt answer as the dark elf went to the cellar to choose another bottle of wine. With her attitude, it was hard to believe that she was meeting King Brice for the very first time. Truen sighed wearily. Originally, he intended to take it slow and wait for the temple to be fully commissioned before they set off to wherever Zero wanted to go. Now, he was going to have to start packing.

There was no way Zero wouldn\'t lend a hand once he heard about it.

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