Ball of Nothing

Chapter 379 The Kung Fu called Speed

Chapter 379 The Kung Fu called Speed

Ordinarily, a fight against an S-ranked expert would be a highly anticipated event. However, watching this match, the princess couldn’t help but wince in pity for her godfather as Zero used him as a demonstration for some new fighting techniques that included the mysterious art of hitting acupoints.

"This is also a good point that you should try and get when you can. It’s just underneath the elbow and hitting here," Zero demonstrated with a swift jab to the point, "It will make them drop their weapons."

Princess Dorothy didn’t know if she should continue monitoring the one-sided sparring or take notes. Eventually, she settled for both and Zero moved on to the next point on the knee, causing Dorgon to crumble to the ground. The guild master might be a strong warrior but Zero wasn’t weak. He was faster and more accurate than Dorgon despite not using any magic. Training with a vampire made Zero much better than most warriors. Speed was the one Kung fu that wouldn’t betray their master.

Dorgon couldn’t understand it. Elves were known to be more nimble and agile but Zero’s speed was out of this world. It was as if the healer wasn’t even trying. In addition, the scary techniques of using acupoints to render him paralysed for a few seconds in actual combat and giving the princess a lecture made the guild master think twice. Zero was obviously toying with him but there wasn’t anything he could do.

"This here," Zero tapped the dwarf’s chest and Dorgon immediately froze. "Is something you can use to immobilise a person. Unlike the other pressure points, this is special. If it isn’t unblocked, it will paralyse a person for twenty-four hours. Any questions?"

Princess Dorothy shook her head and looked at her godfather with pity. Zero was merciful and none of what he did was considered life-threatening. Still, it must be humiliating for an S-ranked ex-adventurer to be so easily defeated. Her teacher was really amazing and for some reason, Princess Dorothy felt as if her interference wasn’t actually needed. Her godfather would be bruised at most but Zero wasn’t really going to kill him.

"Godfather... are you satisfied now? I think my teacher is overqualified for the rank but please help her to make that registration as a C-rank like what she wanted."

The dwarven hero gritted his teeth and Zero smirked at him before undoing the paralysis. "There we go, Mr Hero. I don’t usually like heroes but I’ll make an exception for you since you have a heart for the people. If you want a rematch, I’ll be ready."

Instead of letting Zero provoke him, Dorgon swallowed his anger with a huff and eyed the healer. "Very well. I will take you up on a rematch offer but not today. When we do it, it will be at Magnus Hilda after the Freya statue is complete. Dorothy, take care of your teacher. It will take a few days to prepare the adventurer’s card and a suitable mount for the siblings if they are going to Derby Desert. The road is harsh and a horse wouldn’t survive."

Overjoyed, Princess Dorothy congratulated her teacher and gave her godfather a kiss on the cheek before bidding him farewell. Zero was dragged back to the castle by the princess who wanted to tell her the good news.

Once Zero was back at the castle, Motley let Truen go. The archer didn’t spare any manners for the chancellor and jumped out of the window to greet Zero.

"Are you alright? I swear they were up to something back there... did anyone get injured?"

The princess giggled. "Other than my godfather’s bruised ego, everything is fine. Oh, teacher. I wanted to let you know that Fae King Vivian would be visiting tomorrow. He wanted to see the saviours of Magnus Hilda and extend his thanks. Won’t you stay and meet with him?"

Truen looked at the princess with worry. Zero didn’t look too confident either and frowned. "I can meet with him but will you be alright? You’ve spent a month with me going through harsh training to become a beauty but we both know there is still much to work on. Are you going to confess?"

The princess smiled. "That, my dear teacher, is for me to worry about. Fret not, as your student I will always remember your words. Even if the confession doesn’t go well, I will not neglect my duty as a princess to my people. Beauty is from the soul and I wear the title of a princess proudly. There are too many things to be done even if I suffer from a broken heart. There are many things in life to experience apart from love, I will be fine."

Hearing the words of wisdom coming from the young lady, Zero was finally reassured. Knowing that Princess Dorothy had truly matured, she would be able to handle her father and anything that came her way. "You’re becoming more and more similar to Queen Demora. I’m sure your godfather would be shocked to see the changes in the next few days. Take time to show him what you’ve learnt in that one month with me and whoop his ass! He deserves that much for being an irresponsible guild master, doesn’t he?"

The princess giggled and Truen smiled. He didn’t exactly know what went on earlier but he was now convinced that Zero handled the situation well. Whatever he didn’t know, his friend would fill him in later.

The princess took her leave and Zero twirled his heavy walking staff. "That was a good exercise," he mused and the archer shook his head with a fond smile. "Don’t be mischievous. We’re still envoys from Magnus Hilda, act like it."

Zero pouted but bounced back again in joy as he recounted his valiant fist-fight with the legendary S-rank warrior. Truen was slightly surprised to learn that the dwarf he was escorting wasn’t just a simple crafter. Who knew that he would have such a background and Truen wondered if Zero understood the implications behind defeating an S-rank warrior. No wonder King Darius and even the chancellor didn’t stop Dorgon from leaving the city. It’s not that they didn’t want to stop him, they just couldn’t stop him.

"I guess that’s one thing less to worry about now that you’re finally getting registered as an adventurer. How about we take the next few days easy? Is there anything you’d like to do?"

Zero thought about it. Then remembered that he had to pay Truen back for making him listen to King Darius brag about his daughter for four hours straight in chapter 366. An evil plan formed in his mind and Truen tried to take his question back.

"I want to go shopping tomorrow and you will accompany me the entire day!" Zero announced, finalising Truen’s death sentence.

The archer didn’t think that shopping with Zero was bad but knowing how devious the doctor had become ever since he became friends with the Demon Lords, the archer was beginning to fear what Zero was going to come up with.

Zero smirked to himself as Truen begged for him to reconsider his decision.

"You can cut off an arm!" Truen offered with a forced smile but Zero whistled and shook his head.

"It will just grow back, where’s the fun in it? Besides, I’m a doctor. I reattached limbs, not cut them."

Truen wrung his hands. "I’ll cook for you!"

Zero raised a brow. "Roasting meat doesn’t count as cooking. Besides, I was the one who taught the royal chefs how to cook diet food that they now sell in Rocket Mountain."

"I’ll help out at the clinic! Motley said that you were always busy there with the princess acting as your assistant. It’s not good to let the princess help out, I can do that instead now that I’m here."

Zero shook his head. "I’ve trained Princess Dorothy into becoming a good assistant. Also, she is my student. It’s only natural for the student to help their teacher out. You, on the other hand, will only be a hindrance. Even if you apprenticed under Hua Tuo I bet he only taught you how to cultivate. You couldn’t even differentiate between edible and non-edible herbs."

Busted, Truen thought of another way to appease Zero but was rejected before he could even try. Miserable, the archer could only wait for his fate and followed behind Zero like a kicked puppy.

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