Ball of Nothing

Chapter 366 Meeting Princess Dorothy

Chapter 366 Meeting Princess Dorothy

To say that Zero was nervous would be an understatement. Truen spent two days enjoying the luxuries that the palace had to offer before disappearing like the wind to find Dorgon Flintstock. Zero had the pleasure and displeasure of talking to King Darius who was worried and highly concerned over his daughter’s behaviour that he ranted for four long hours that included bragging about how cute and amazing Princess Dorothy was. Truen was nowhere in sight when that happened and Zero promised to pay his best friend back for the ’favour’ when he returned.

To sum it all, Zero now understood why Princess Dorothy was the way she was. She didn’t have a mother growing up and her father as well as brothers pampered her too much. Even though Dorothy seemed like a good child at heart, her actions screamed ignorant and naive due to her upbringing. Zero had to change that. For some reason, he saw himself in the princess.

Back then, Zero didn’t know anything and could not remember anything. He didn’t know what kind of opinions he had and the Great Gods took care of him. They coddled him and spoiled him all the way until Zero apprenticed under Hua Tuo. After walking beside his shifu for a while and making many mistakes, Zero finally understood where he was wrong. The trip to Hell and befriending the Demon Lords, especially Baal, was one of the best things that happened to Zero. It allowed him to understand that there were two sides to everything and a whole spectrum in between.

After going to Heaven and studying under Merlin, Zero finally understood his likes and dislikes. He also knew that he didn’t like the things Solo did and wanted to change it with his power. He learned to embrace the destructive gift he had and refused to follow the prophecy that Uriel saw. He didn’t want to be a destroyer of the world. Even if creation wasn’t perfect, it was still beautiful. Hence, Zero renewed his resolve to become a doctor and lend others a helping hand on his travels. Of course, that wasn’t to say that he would do it for free but Zero was very customer service oriented. He would take the customer’s money and make them grateful that they spent that money.

For King Darius, Zero didn’t hold back and demanded a lot in return for his tutor fee. The King was easy to convince even though the chancellor clicked his tongue in disdain. Zero smirked in victory when the chancellor had to personally visit Rocket Mountain’s treasury and talk to a few important people.

Zero’s request was simple. Before he tutored Princess Dorothy, he needed a payment deposit as well as lesson materials. Zero knew that Rocket Mountain was rich in minerals and ores. Also, they had the best rock salt that was pure and tasty. Zero didn’t have much use for minerals and ores but Half Moon Village did. The first part of the payment was to sign a trade contract with Schaf from Half Moon Village as well as a thousand gold coins so that Zero could procure the ingredients he needed to make the slimming potions.

The second part of Zero’s request and payment should he complete his mission was to be given special ranks within the adventurer guild. Zero wanted to register as an adventurer with the right to travel freely to every country but he did not want the high ranking and did not want to be registered as a combatant. Zero wanted to register himself as a doctor under the subclass of a healing mage. King Darius agreed readily and Zero was scheduled to meet Princess Dorothy.

There was one additional condition that Zero added before he started tutoring the princess. It was a condition that made the chancellor surprised and grateful. Zero didn’t know if the crafty minister changed his mind about him and Truen after hearing Zero’s condition that King Darius should apologise to all the citizens in the capital for forcing them to undergo the harsh diet regime that the princess was going through. However, Zero knew that the chancellor was more than happy to make the arrangements.

Zero’s terms were simple. King Darius had to issue a public apology for his actions and compensate the families who had fallen ill or perished trying to stick to the diet regime. Secondly, King Darius had to open his royal kitchen to everyone for six months to his people which was the amount of time that the capital spent dieting. Zero will write recipes for the royal cooks to follow to serve to the malnourished folks. At the same time, Zero will only teach Princess Dorothy for a fixed number of hours in a day. As for the rest of his time, he wanted to set up a temporary clinic to offer his medical skills to the sick and poor. Of course, for every patient that Zero treated, he would send the bills to the royal family. King Darius had no right to refuse paying him because it was his foolishness that led to the situation. The chancellor wasn’t happy but he did agree that it was the least they could do for the people. Still, he set a budget so that Zero wouldn’t go over their royal treasury limits. Zero agreed to it.

Finding Dorgon Flintstock was left to Truen and some of the royal troop commanders who escorted the archer. Zero wasn’t worried about his best friend. Truen was strong and he could easily handle any situation that arose. The one thing that Zero was looking forward to knowing was how the wood elf was going to convince the stubborn craft master to return with them to Magnus Hilda.

Once the negotiations were finalised, the chancellor ordered the butler to show Zero the way to the Princess’ quarters. Zero followed the elderly butler through the maze of corridors until they reached a room.

The old butler knocked politely and announced that the tutor was here. Running footsteps could be heard and Princess Dorothy flung the doors open with desperate eyes. When she finally saw her tutor, there were no more lingering doubts in her mind or heart that the elven tutor could transform her into a great beauty. She witnessed the miracles of this healer who, with her slimming potion, turned her pudgy father into a handsome man. Even if the magic lasted for only a day, Princess Dorothy felt more hopeful now than she ever did with all the different diet styles she tried.

"Esteemed tutor! You’re finally here. Please, come inside quickly. I’ll have someone serve tea."

Zero smiled and took a seat in the princess’ room by the window. It was a lovely room full of pink and white that reflected Princess Dorothy’s youthful innocence. Zero took a good look at the princess. She didn’t look good. The princess would have lovely golden flax hair that would shine like silk if she was in a better state of health. Her skin would be soft and supple instead of dry and dull from the failed dieting. Even though the princess was slim and thin, she lacked muscles that were required for daily activities. Right now, Princess Dorothy was like a walking skeleton covered in skin and dressed in luxurious dresses. Zero frowned. He needed to have a talk with the lady to find out more.

"Hello, Princess. My name is Zero and I am a healer," Zero introduced himself and smiled. He was going to have a long talk with the princess.

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