The Sins of Anna

Chapter 86 I Was Wrong 33.1

"Where have you been?" I can tell he was concern and was going to ignore how he was practically yelling at me like an accusing husband.

"She was attending to important matters at Feng manor with me. I didn\'t think Lady Darkz needed permission from her subordinate before she went anywhere. Next time I will make sure to ask you before I whisk my fiancée off somewhere." The smug look on Ren\'s face grows as Jacks expression becomes harder and more pained as he looks back and forth at us.

"That\'s enough! Geez I swear your like a damn child waving a cookie in front of another\'s face." I elbow him in the ribs as I walk past both men who are puffing up as if to try and see who\'s the better man. "Besides I don\'t think I actually answered you yet Lord Feng. You are getting cocking assuming my answer." I shout back as I walk up the stairs to head to my room. Jack steps into place following behind me as if he has unfinished business with me.

"Angel face we both know you like how cocky and arrogant I can be." He hollers after. I turn back his smug smile with warmth shining in his eyes as he looks up at me. I smile back but his smile drops when his phone rings and he pull it out and answers it.

"Talk." Is all he says. I wait anxiously examining his face. When he suddenly looks up at me in surprise. "Hold on." I hear him say on the phone. He heads towards me and Jack and motions that we all go together. I follow him to my room where he closes the door. He puts the phone on speaker.

"All right continue she\'s here." He says calmly. I expected to hear Maliki on the other end. It was Shion.

"Anna?" The soft voice cried out.

I feel my heart race I knew she was at Feng manor, but I had forgotten about her blinded by David. "I\'m here."

Her voice cracked as she began to cry. "Please make it stop." My heart tightened I once called her friends. I looked at Ren who shook his head no.

"I\'m sorry Shi.." my voice cracks a little I hadn\'t wanted to see her being tortured. Why was Ren making me hear her plea?

"You said you had something to tell Anna, depending what it is this all ends." Ren says calmly almost seductively.

"David came to my house about a month ago. Asking for my help I never imagined what he was into. I swear." She cried out. I hear someone yell get to the point in the background. "I always hated you for stealing him from me a long time ago so when you talked about how he wouldn\'t even touch you I thought maybe I still had hope. I was stupid because I know he was just using me. Still when he came back asking to crash with me, I couldn\'t say no. He had changed I thought I could help but it was a lie I over heard him one night talking about getting his hands on a high score and setting up a sell, all he had to do was wait for it to get there. He stayed at my house day and night waiting. Then you showed up I didn\'t know what to think. Anna I was jealous and worried."

"Hurry the hell up" The man in the background hissed out on the other end.

"Let her talk!" I his bark over the phone. It goes silent for a second.

"Sorry my lady."

"There is a note book at my house where he wrote something in after that phone call. I don\'t know what it was all about maybe he was going to sell you off like a sex trafficker but what ever it was it\'s in there. Please help me!" I hear her cry again. Ren picks up the phone taking it off speaker and walks out of the room. I stare at the door impatiently my stomach in knots. Few minutes later he comes back in.

"We need to go back there!" I say not giving him a chance to speak.

"Mikes on his way now." He says calmly meeting my eyes as he elegantly glides towards me like a panther on the hunt. "If I had guessed it might have been that kind of trap, I wouldn\'t have let you go in there alone at all. He says wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me close against him.

"You let her what?" Jack shouts causing me to jump. "You where suppose to go get her and bring her back safely not let her go in head first into danger." He was still shouting.

"Why are you even still here?" Ren cuts his tantrum off. I see his anger grow more.

"Why you…"

"Both of you just stop!" I step back and shout annoyed. "Ren dragged me out of the bar thanks to you. Only plus side is I at least got a lead before it happened. Secondly, he didn\'t have an option in my going to face David alone. Maliki took me. They took me because they knew if they didn\'t, I\'d go on my own alone and that be worse, and it\'s good they did. Because if they hadn\'t, I might have been in serious trouble. They where acting and staying a step ahead of me knowing that I would act recklessly, he did what you instructed. He made sure I was safe.

"Yeah I can see he did a great job of that with that giant ass bruise on your face or was that from him." Jack glared at Ren.

I can\'t help sighing deeply "Jack no matter how much you hate him, please do not talk about Lord Feng this way no matter how much we fight he would never hurt me like this." I touch my face.

"Bullshit he kicked you so hard in the chest he could have killed you, he practically tried to kill you." Jack spit out.

"That was!" I try to argue back but he was right, but it was my fault.

"It wasn\'t your fault Anna," Ren speaks my thoughts as in knowing what I was thinking. I look up at him startled by his shaken words. "Jacks right I shouldn\'t have done it ever, no matter how hurt I was. I told you once when David hurt you that it was never okay for someone to leave a mark like that on you. I hurt you that night I had no right. Jacks right." I watch Ren, my eyes wide with shock as he holds his fists tight to his side his body shaking. "Mike will retrieve what he can from your old friends place what ever her name is. If I hear anything else, I\'ll let you know, or I can just have them call you. Until the matter is settled the girl will stay in an old servants\' quarters under round the clock watch. It\'s not freedom but it\'s more comfortable. I figured you\'d be happier with that." I nod, with that he turns and walks out not able to meet my eyes.

"You know somehow I thought he would argue that what he did was my fault." Jack grumbles rubbing at the back of his neck.

"Ren can admit when he\'s wrong unlike another man child I know." I growl at him.

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