The Primal Hunter

Chapter 413 - The Human Has Fangs

Jake finally had a proper melee skill, one already surpassing his archery skill by quite a margin rarity-wise. Jake knew this wasn’t due to him suddenly being a more skilled fighter but due to his comprehension of whatever Valdemar had done. It was a concept he could no doubt apply elsewhere too and of a high concept that raised the rarity.

One of those places it could be applied was with Fangs of the Malefic Viper.

He had already gained experience from what the Malefic Viper had done in the vision. Jake had felt the effects of Fangs of the Malefic Viper in the claws of the Viper, so why couldn’t Jake do it with his weapon if that was his “fang,” so to say?

And as before, Jake would use the Hydra as his grindstone as they brawled. The simple nature of his opponent made it optimal for this, but it was a bit problematic that he was still getting his ass handed to him even after he gained Fangs of Man. The skill didn’t magically make Jake several times better in melee, even if it did surely improve his abilities.

The Hydra kept attacking as the two snapping maws pushed Jake back, as he now at least managed to block more than before. Moreover, he did begin to see some benefits he had not expected.

Eternal Hunger was now more linked to him than ever, which meant its use was more instinctive and innate. There was a direct connection between them that allowed Jake to pour energy not just around the blade like he usually did with skills such as Descending Dark Arcane Fang, but also directly into it. At least somewhat.

This connection turned out to only be one way, if still stronger now. The lifesteal effect of Eternal Hunger was more powerful than ever as Jake managed to land a few good blows, even if he took more himself. The regeneration offered from the Scimitar of Cursed Hunger before he upgraded it had always been low if not downright negligible. Eternal Hunger was a lot better, but it was still not a massive boon and primarily useful when he was killing many weaker foes.

But now? Now Jake saw his wounds visibly heal on his arm that held Eternal Hunger as the energy went directly through Jake’s arm, shoulder, and into his Truesoul around his heart with every strike. From there on, any remnant vital energy pulsed through his body to heal him with a far weaker effect, which did lead to the odd situation of his arm appearing near-undamaged even if the rest of his body was a bit of a mess.

As for his wooden sticks? Yeah, no matter how great a skill Jake had, he couldn’t overcome the limits of material Strength. He could integrate the sticks, but ultimately a wooden stick was a wooden stick. Valdemar had used the Viper’s fang, and even if said fang was far weaker due to it being dislodged from the Viper’s Soulshape, it was still a far better raw material than some fragile marsh wood.

Due to that, Jake pulled back as he retrieved the Bloodfeast Dagger. It was far worse than Eternal Hunger, but it was still a good weapon, and he could even use the special enchantment on it to cut himself and pour blood on his foes.

The blood in his veins was a deadly weapon after all, and the venom in his own canines was an even more improved version of that blood, so if he could bi-


Jake got an idea. He retreated further than before and flew up into the air where the Hydra didn’t even try to follow. Up there, Jake closed his eyes as he dismissed the Bloodfeast Dagger and only held onto Eternal Hunger as he tightly gripped it.

With a bit of foresight, he reduced Arcane Awakening to 30% to not burn his own life away while he experienced enlightenment.

He focused on his own body and his Soulshape as he felt the wings beating on his back and the energy moving through it. He felt the scales that covered his body, but moreover, he felt how they were connected to him. The wings had veins running through them. His own veins, which was why they could bleed even if they weren’t actually a part of his true Soulshape.

The scales were similar but also very different. The scales were not “living” like his wings but closer to teeth and hair. A part of the Soulshape, but the nature of the connection was different. There clearly was one, though, as he felt like microscopic metaphysical veins of his Soulshape moved into each individual scale. This allowed him to absorb energy from them after the legendary upgrade and reminded him a bit of the connection between himself and Eternal Hunger.

Years of training his Shroud of the Primordial had allowed Jake to truly feel his Soulshape. Feeling had led to comprehension as comprehension and feeling came together to form control. Control had given Jake many minor benefits, such as his wings being slightly better, Arcane Awakening becoming a bit more efficient, and overall he was just better at not wasting his energy.

Throughout the body of a D-grade’s Soulshape, millions of small metaphysical veins moved that allowed energy – primarily stamina – to travel. Some were larger than others and could carry more energy, such as those that followed his actual physical veins, but others were so small they barely did anything. In fact, most were barren as running energy through them was only done when using certain skills or perhaps overloading your own body. New ones could also appear and disappear at will.

These energy veins entered each scale, entered his wings, but did not enter the weapon he held. The sword was just attached to his hand like a truly dead object… at least it would be so under normal circumstances. Because a black, almost tangible vein did go from Eternal Hunger and into Jake’s Truesoul.

It was the connection formed to transfer health and the funnel of health energy. It had been further amplified by Fang of Man as many of Jake’s veins now attached themselves to the funnel. But this funnel was the only thing. It was a one-lane highway only feeding Jake and the Chimera in his Truesoul.

Jake then turned his perception to his teeth. His canines. He focused and saw a peculiar collection of veins going into each, and when he used Fangs, they all activated as the venom began just magically appearing on his teeth.

This is where he was stumped… for this was not merely due to the veins, but some higher concept. Some principal magic beyond Jake’s comprehension that there was no chance for him as a mere D-grade to learn. He couldn’t understand it… but he could feel it.

And sometimes, in the equation of getting control through understanding and feeling, one could lean enough into one part to still succeed. Jake began slowly forming a path as he used the Soulbound connection as a basis.

Eternal Hunger gladly helped as Jake almost felt guided and assisted. He remembered the feeling the Viper’s fangs gave during Path of the Heretic Chosen, and he focused on the venom he was still making inside his own mouth.

The connection was already there, connecting himself and Eternal Hunger. He just needed to expand the metaphysical highway of veins with a few more lanes to allow the toxic payload to get through. It was an arduous process as he forged the web with the Soulbound connection at the center.

But soon enough, he began feeling changes as something else vital kicked in: system assistance. Fangs of Man, his experience in the vision, and Jake’s control over his own Soulshape was enough to pass the threshold, it appeared.

As it kicked in and recognized his effort, venom began to seep out of his nails as a connection was formed to them too when the web of veins reached his hands, truly giving Jake claws.

This continued spreading as the system truly rewarded his own mentality and allowed his interpretation through. It spread through the blade as invisible veins invaded it to the delight of Eternal Hunger as the blade was more tied to him than ever before. He felt the power in it as a notification came, and he felt like he himself grew stronger.

Jake raised Eternal Hunger as venom began slowly seeping out of the edge as he regarded his weapon.

No… his fang.

[Fangs of the Malefic Viper (Ancient)] - When born, the Viper had limited weapons to fight with, yet it prevailed only with its fangs. Its bites the deliverer of death. As a human, you have taken inspiration and learned to apply the same concept. Allows the Alchemist to coat his teeth in deadly venom, sharing all the same effects as Blood of the Malefic Viper in an empowered state. Additionally, all poisons you have crafted or created are significantly more effective when injected directly into the body of your foes. Passively provides 1 Strength per level in Prodigious Alchemist of the Malefic Viper. May you bring death in a single strike.


[Fangs of the Malefic Viper (Legendary)] - When born, the Viper had limited weapons to fight with, yet it prevailed only with its fangs. Its bites the deliverer of death. As a human, you have integrated these concepts and made them your own. Allows the Alchemist to coat his teeth in deadly venom, sharing all the same effects as Blood of the Malefic Viper in an empowered state. Allows any part of your Soulshape viewed as a weapon to function as fangs, making it possible to excrete venom through them, and passively empowers any toxin upon your fangs. Additionally, all poisons you have crafted or created are significantly more effective when injected directly into the body of your foes. Passively provides 3 Strength per level in Alchemist of the Malefic Viper. May your fangs be the harbingers of death.

Out of all the skills Jake had upgraded, this was perhaps the one that differentiated the most from one of the Viper’s pure skills. He had truly deviated… at least, that was one way to see it.

Another was that Jake’s was no different from the Viper’s. What differed was merely their definition of what was part of one’s body and Soulshape and what defined a fang.

As always, Jake’s evolution was further rewarded. Even if he had noticed skill upgrades in his class not doing jack shit, the upgrades in his profession always came through, as with upgrades came levels.

*‘DING!’ Profession: [Heretic-Chosen Alchemist of the Malefic Viper] has reached level 150 - Stat points allocated, +10 Free Points*

*‘DING!’ Profession: [Heretic-Chosen Alchemist of the Malefic Viper] has reached level 151 - Stat points allocated, +10 Free Points*

*‘DING!’ Race: [Human (D)] has reached level 152 - Stat points allocated, +15 Free Points*

Jake had already felt the levels before, but he still basked in the confirmation as he felt ready. His blade hummed with power and hunger as Jake regarded his opponent down below. By now, the Hydra had mostly managed to heal itself as it now only regarded him with one head.

It likely didn’t believe Jake a threat. He had already shown himself inferior once, so it probably thought a bit of floating in the air wouldn’t change that. Quite the opposite, as it would allow the Hydra to fully heal and be able to dunk on him afterward.

Jake was keen on proving it wrong.

He felt the power in the blade as his own venom pulsed through. At the current stage, Jake was certain the best all-around poison he had available was the one on his weapon and teeth. That was something that would no doubt change as Jake improved his skills in alchemy, but for now, the best he could do was what was on his weapon already.

His Strength had also improved from the upgrade of Fang as Jake now felt more confident. Everything came together as the multiple upgrades had transformed Jake from a purely defensive fighter to one with… well, fangs.

In something out of character, Jake even went ahead and tossed the seventy Free Points he had stored up into Strength to give him more of an edge as he needed the pure power to penetrate the scales. Usually, Jake didn’t need much Strength as he just needed to do enough to inflict his poison, but the Hydra had proved that difficult as Jake had to put a lot of weight behind every blow to draw blood.

He hoped he could now more easily puncture the scales. Something he would put to the test immediately.

Jake activated Arcane Awakening at full power once more as he shot down like a meteor. The Hydra reacted as it raised both heads, not letting its guard down despite the time passing and its own state improving. Jake flew straight for one of its maws as he stopped up and stepped down had as he teleported down to the ground, appearing behind the Hydra.

With a thrash, it turned around and swept its heads towards him, but Jake dodged them as he landed a cut with Eternal Hunger. The blade more easily cut the meat of the Hydra as a few scales were sent flying and Jake felt the poison invade the body of his foe.

He was retaliated against a moment later, but Jake now had confidence and attempted to grasp the momentum of battle in a vice-grip, just like Valdemar had done. To never let up and let his foe rest but indomitably attack as if victory was a foregone conclusion.

That was the mindset Jake tried to replicate as he kept coming. The Bloodfeast Dagger was drawn again as the connection was formed. With the skill upgraded and system assistance in full effect, Fang of the Malefic Viper also worked on other weapons than those Soulbound instantly as he now had two highly toxic fangs, just like any other proper predator.

Jake kept diving in as he managed to land far more blows than before, and the Hydra noticed as it became more defensive, not only relying on its incredibly tough scales to resist his weapons. Jake would prefer to stab with his weapons to get the best effect, but sadly the fight didn’t allow it as a stabbing attack would require far too much commitment.

He did try to use Descending Dark Arcane Fang too and found the skill better than before, but sadly he once more simply didn’t have leeway to use it. He even tried to use Gaze to give him an opening, but even while frozen, the Hydra could release its own paralyzing roar somehow.

But, even so, Jake still had confidence. He felt that if the fight was long enough, he would have a chance, and maybe he could even pull a victory out of his a-

Then the entire marsh and Hydra disappeared as Jake, halfway through an attack, stood back in the same chamber he had originally entered from. He stood frozen for a moment as the scalekin projection appeared.

“Time’s up, congratulations on-“

“What the actual fuck?” Jake yelled as he looked at the projection. “Send me back!”

“I am afraid that isn’t possible, and the rewards have already bee-“

“I don’t care about any rewards; just send me back, come on!” Jake insisted as he looked at the projection with pleading eyes as the realization sank in. He kind of knew already…

“The dungeon does not facilitate that. The trial was an hour-long one, and that is something nobody can change after the dungeon rules have been set in stone and the scenario fully implemented,” the projection explained, patient to Jake’s attitude.

Jake looked at the scalekin as he deflated. He deactivated Arcane Awakening as he plopped down on the ground. “I fucking had it, man…”

“Perhaps… perhaps not,” the scalekin said, shaking his head. “No matter what, your performance was exemplary. So don’t be too downtrodden. To fight the Lord Protector straight on is no easy feat and will be reflected in your rewards.”

“Can my reward be a rematch?” Jake asked, half-jokingly but also with a bit of hope.

The scalekin took a moment to answer as he frowned. He clearly was distracted for a second or so before he spoke. “But I have been allowed to reveal to you a snippet of information. The highest level D-grade combat dungeon in the Order contains the possibility of battling the Lord Protector just before he evolved to C-grade.”

Jake heard this as he calmed down, and a goal appeared in his mind. I am fucking coming for you, Snappy.

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