This Way of Transmigration Is Definitely Wrong!

Chapter 113

"Are you ready?"

In the middle of the yard, Shui Ruoshan asked the secret guards around him. Even though he was mentally prepared for it, he still felt the impulse to rant in his heart when he actually saw the secret guards wearing a variety of animal masks.

Does Yin Suye’s secret guards have mask fetish? Don’t they know that a black suit pairing with a colourful mask doesn’t match the secret guards’ rule in being low-key? Fine, so the secret guards wear a mask, but why isn’t the mask’s pattern displaying the image of tall and mighty animals, but soft fluffy little animals like the chicks, ducklings and small fishes?

This kind of style is obviously wrong for secret guards! It doesn’t feel domineering at all, a’ight?

This also gave him the illusion that he is not in Yin Suye’s secret base at all, but went to the wrong movie set instead; a farmhouse to experience the fun of raising chickens and ducks!


Farmhouse image whatnot is too weak, it should be at least a zoo! Wait a minute, his focus seems to be a bit wrong?! Right now, he should be more worried of these seemingly unreliable secret guards. Are they really not deliberately trying to discredit Yin Suye’s perfect image? As soon as he thought of the scene where Yin Suye happily raising chickens and ducks at a farmhouse, Shui Ruoshan immediately gave up his brain!

[Banana - Sorry if it’s not funny ]

Although there is a contrasting moe-gap, it will still destroys his image!

"Yes." Fox thought of Shui Ruoshan’s previous arrangements and determined that there aren’t any problem before standing up to answer.

"Fox, come over first!"

Shui Ruoshan waved at Fox and motioned him to come for further discussion. Although he knows that sudden interruption is not very good during a serious business, but having to keep facing such a row of animals will impact his efficiency when doing things because he can’t stop his brain hole. The reason why he wanted to speak with Fox was because Fox is the only person he knows in the group of secret guards. And Fox is the leader of the secret guards, so the things he knows is definitely more detailed.

"What is it?"

Obviously, Fox already has a certain immunity to Shui Ruoshan, who always doesn’t follow the norm. Knowing that Shui Ruoshan wanted to secretly talk to him, he cooperatively lowered down his voice.

"I just want to ask, whose idea was it for the secret guards to wear the mask?"

If Fox told him that the idea for the secret guards to wear a mask came from Yin Suye, he need to have a good chat with Yin Suye to discuss about aesthetics and practicality later. He absolutely will not allow his family’s perfect villain to have such a big flaw in terms of aesthetic!

"This perfect idea naturally came from me! Doesn’t this idea feels very innovative and bold, very different, very impressive?"

When he heard Shui Ruoshan asking about the mask, Fox who was originally very serious and business-like stern, immediately became proud. He couldn’t help starting to whisper to Shui Ruoshan the moment he got excited.

When his Master first started to train secret guards, he once said that as long as someone wins the first place and becomes the leader of the secret guards, he can promise the new leader one reasonable request. And so, Fox gave all his efforts to fight for the first place just for this request. The request he made was also very simple one, that is for the secret guards to wear animal masks and named after animals.

Fox felt that as a good secret guard with ideals and ambitions, it is absolutely impossible for them to tolerate generic names like No.1 and No.2... they must use some special names to highlight their existence. But considering that there are a lot of them, it would be impossible for everyone to pick different names, so he chose to use animal as their code name. As long as everyone wear the animal mask same to their code name, there won’t be a case where one cannot remember their name.

"Alright, your aesthetic sense is really not like any average person!"

Shui Ruoshan felt Fox’s aesthetic sense has reached a godly level! Sure enough, his villain(YSY) is still the most perfect person, and will not do non-standard things like wearing masks!

"Of course!" Now that someone affirmed his idea, Fox felt that it is worthwhile for him to think so hard for a long time.


Shui Ruoshan became speechless when he looked at Fox, who is completely immersed in his own self-praising.

How did he got misunderstood as praising him(F)? He is clearly talking in reverse! How much human speech can this person understand to only selectively listen to what he wants to hear?

"I have asked my question, you can go back."

Shui Ruoshan felt that if he talked about the mask with Fox again, it will be either he gets depressed by Fox, or Fox gets agitated by him. So for the sake of peace between the two of them, just let this topic slide ba!

Seeing that Fox has returned to his original position, Shui Ruoshan pretended to cough a few times and gestured to get everyone’s attention.

"Do you understand your mission?" Shui Ruoshan asked loudly.

After he returned from the dungeon, he immediately summoned all the secret guards and gathered them in the secret base. This was the scene where he first saw a variety of animal masks. Although he was worried of Yin Suye’s situation, he had to go back to the base and get the various plans he had discussed Yin Suye going. However, before leaving him(YSY), he left enough supplies for Yin Suye as backups. It was fortunate that he asked Fox to prepare enough things before he went to see Yin Suye. At that time, he had already considered the possibility of them encountering Wang Batian in the middle, so some of the things he prepared were for Wang Batian. Since Yin Suye said he wanted to ’eliminate’ the King this time, he left everything to Yin Suye and let him secretly hide it. After all, one is not allowed to carry anything with them while enduring punishment, so they can only act in secret.

As for his magic clothing, he still wears it on himself. This was not because he is embarrassed to take it off, but Yin Suye didn’t wanted it. He didn’t wanted the magic clothing, he just wanted to take advantage of him(SRS). As expected, once one turned bad, there will be no lower limit! Not even the Yin Suye who was called the ’Light of the Sun’!

"Understand!" Knowing that to a certain extent the demon in front of them represents their Master, the secret guards answered him respectfully.

"Then let’s get started!"

Shui Ruoshan lightly waved his hand at the crowd and watched as the secret guards disappear quickly in front of his eyes; he somehow had a heroic feeling like he is ordering the martial world. His actions must have been done in a noble and glamorous manner, that these secret guards was shocked by his momentum, that’s why they left straight away without a word! As expected, his image is still so aloof no matter when!

"Fox, I can also go to save those people who were secretly held by Wang Batian for experiment."

When only the last batch of secret guards were left in the yard, Shui Ruoshan came up to Fox. The earlier batches of secret guards have begun on their tasks. The remaining task, and the most important one of all tasks, is to rescue those experiment subjects being secretly held by Wang Batian and also expose the ugly side of him. In order to extend his life, Wang Batian has been secretly experimenting. His methods were extremely bloody, cruel and dark. For his goal, he has ruined countless innocent people.

It was a pity that when Wang Batian was in power, no one knew about it until the protagonist Huang Beichen accidentally stumbled across it in the Capital, who then saved those trapped innocent people. Not only he exposed Wang Batian’s evil deeds, he also made Yin Suye, who had become the Supreme King at that time, to ’carry a big black pot’ (carry the blame) as well.

Right now, Yin Suye has decided to expose this matter in advance. Not only this gave him a very reasonable excuse for his next action which is to eliminate the King, it also cut off the possibility of him ’carrying the black pot’ (carrying the blame) for Wang Batian. This definitely can be called calculating everything in one fell swoop.

"Have you forgotten your promise to Master?" Fox immediately stopped Shui Ruoshan who wanted take part in the action.

Before they left the dungeon, his Master has ordered him to look after Shui Ruoshan properly and not let him to get involved in dangerous missions. So, in order to protect Shui Ruoshan, Fox will not participate in the today’s mission.


Shui Ruoshan apparently just remembered that he promised Yin Suye that he would honestly stay in the secret base, waiting for news, and reasonably mobilize the secret guards etc etc. Although he has a title as the coordinator/strategist, it was just an excuse Yin Suye used to keep him from taking action.

"Rabbit, this task will be handed over to you!" Fox didn’t have the mood to comfort the depressed Shui Ruoshan, and turned around to hand the task to other people.

"Please call me either No.7 or Qiqi(77), thank you!"

A young man with a white rabbit mask stood up from the team, but the first thing he did was not to accept the task but to correct his address.

Their secret guards’ mask were all randomly selected, except Fox who used his privilege as the leader to pick his own mask. Qiqi’s luck was obviously not very good, he was unlucky enough to draw a cute rabbit mask which is completely incompatible with his image.

"Understood, Lil #7 Rabbit!" Fox waved his hand and uncaringly adjusted his fox mask with a completely unrepentant face.

Qiqi was obviously not satisfied with Fox’s attitude. Facing the uncaring Fox, he raised his hand towards the remaining secret guards and turned away, leaving only back of his cold figure to Fox. This sharp and neat style formed a strong contrast with the white fat rabbit mask on his face.

Fox indifferently shrugged towards Qiqi’s reaction. His task was to protect Shui Ruoshan, so other things can be handled later.


Shui Ruoshan looked at Qiqi who coolly left the yard and turned to look at Fox, who had an image inconsistency around him. Some people do have large gaps comparing to other people indeed. Finally a cool secret guard like Qiqi gave him a feeling of those cool legendary secret guards!

Shui Ruoshan immediately understood that it was not that secret guards are unreliable, he just didn’t encounter reliable secret guards!

Raw Word Count : 3212







Banana: Hey guys, I hope that you are still here yo. I apologize for missing another release again. I got sick in the weekend and headache is not the best thing to have during translation. _(;3/ Things should get back to normal next month so you guys can just wait until next month to come back yo~~

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