Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 899 Return!

When Bai Zemin asked her for the reason, Kali told him that those plants were not a big deal temporarily but probably in the future they would be. Although he didn\'t understand too much, Bai Zemin decided to believe in Kali\'s judgment and obediently did as she told him.

After storing the plants and a few bags with Kali\'s clothes, she followed him in his magic wheelchair back to the castle. However, by the time Bai Zemin returned to the castle he found King Philip and Seraphina, who seemed to have been waiting for him all this time, standing in front of the great main gate.

The king stepped forward and looked at Bai Zemin for several seconds. His emerald eyes looked into those two blood-red eyes with complicated emotions before patting him on the shoulder several times.

"Child, even though many things happened during this time and many of them were unpleasant, I can\'t dispute the fact that I feel grateful and happy to have met you." Said King Philip in an honest voice. "It is a pity that you have to leave so soon, but I understand that you have your own circumstances to deal with... You\'ve been away from home for almost half a year, and I\'m sure many people are looking forward to your return."

The pale green space storage ring on the index finger of the King of Gales\' right hand glowed faintly and a small jet-colored diamond-shaped device appeared on his hand.

"Take it, this is my part of our agreement." Said the king, extending his hand forward and handing the diamond-shaped device to Bai Zemin.

Bai Zemin took the device, and as he looked at it curiously he listened to the king\'s explanation.

"You just need to connect an auxiliary link to the bottom directly to a computer to download the information inside. During the two months you were unconscious I took the liberty of asking the help of the other three kings of kingdom to help me gather information about all the human kingdoms of the world. I also took the trouble to leave a document with a summary of what happened after you fell unconscious, maybe you are interested in knowing a little of the new world that was born and is changing thanks to you."

Bai Zemin was surprised to hear the king\'s words, especially the fact that in this small device was the technology and knowledge of every human kingdom.

The king chuckled and said slowly, "I know our agreement was about you helping me become the ruler of mankind, but none of us expected that Demon Lord Ar\'gon would appear to disrupt our plans. Well, even though I\'m not the ruler of mankind it\'s not like there\'s a big difference at this point.... Not to mention the fact that thanks to you, I managed to get full revenge for my wife\'s death."

Bai Zemin looked at the small device with complicated expressions flashing in his eyes.

Fifty percent of all the effort he had put in all this time, half of the reason why he had not yet returned to Earth was in the small device he held in his hands. From a certain point of view, the small device he was holding was part of the reason why Zhong De had died.

No... not only Zhong De but many others had died during this time.

King Philip glanced over his shoulder at his daughter before patting Bai Zemin on the shoulder again. He turned around and walked back to the castle with a straight back.

"I hope to see you again someday in this life, Bai Zemin."

Despite saying those words, the king knew in his heart that the odds of such a thing happening were practically nil if not completely impossible. At the end of the day, Bai Zemin had come to this world by pure coincidence, and even if he were to activate his skill again in the future, it was simply unlikely that he would ever be teleported to Eventide World again.

After King Philip disappeared, Bai Zemin approached Seraphina and looked at her silently. The girl seemed somewhat scared to look at him as her eyes were fixed on the tips of her toes.

After several seconds, Bai Zemin opened his mouth and said in a soft voice, "Lilith told me that you were taking care of me all this time."

"... No... I just did the normal," Seraphina still wouldn\'t look at him as she gently shook her head and said under her breath, "My sister was partly responsible for your wounds after all."

Bai Zemin smiled lightly and to Seraphina\'s surprise, he took the initiative to close the distance between them.

Before she could react, he hugged her causing her pupils to tremble and her body to become rigid.

"Just say you took care of me because you care about me, we are friends aren\'t we? No need to say excuses... Besides, you\'re really bad at excusing your actions, Ponytails." Bai Zemin chuckled as he said this.

Hearing his words and feeling the warmth of his hold, Seraphina finally couldn\'t stop the tears she was holding back from starting to slide delicately down her beautiful face. Her small hands rose up and she tried to enclose him in her arms, something she found impossible due to the size difference between the two of them.

After almost 5 minutes, Bai Zemin didn\'t know whether to laugh or cry as he realized that Seraphina seemed to have no intention of letting him go. The girl probably hadn\'t noticed the passage of time at all, or maybe she felt in her heart that this was probably the last time they would see each other so she was filling up her reserves.

"Seraphina, not that I mind but I would also like to say goodbye to my friend."

Kali\'s voice snapped Seraphina out of her dream world. Her face turned red but she didn\'t let go of Bai Zemin right away despite not daring to look him directly in the face.

After a moment of silence, she asked in a weak voice, "Say.... Will we ever meet again in this life?"

"But what are you saying?" Bai Zemin said perplexed. He put both hands on her tiny shoulders and pulled her away a few inches to look at her face as he said with a smile that he tried to not look sad, "Didn\'t I tell you before? Soon I will be the most powerful being in the universe, someone the gods and demons will respect or fear... We will definitely meet again in this life."

Seraphina looked at him with teary eyes. Her mouth opened and closed several times as if she wanted to say something but it seemed to be hard for her to find the right words.

"Besides," Bai Zemin pointed to her chest and said in a gentle voice, "Remember that if you think on me and call me from the depths of your soul, if you really need me, I will come back to help you. Just, be sure to keep it a secret from others."

The second princess looked at Bai Zemin in confusion, but he didn\'t give her time to say more as he took a step back while calmly saying, "Kali, you can say goodbye to Seraphina now."

However, to Bai Zemin\'s surprise, Kali simply waved her hand and said in a monotone voice, "See you later, Seraphina Di Gales."

"... That\'s all?" Bai Zemin didn\'t know how to feel about it.

"No need to exaggerate things, we will definitely meet again won\'t we?" Kali asked as if to confirm.

"Definitely." Bai Zemin nodded deeply and without hesitation.

"Then that\'s it." Kali shrugged.

For the first time, Bai Zemin and even Seraphina saw Kali smiling kindly as she looked at her and said gently, "Seraphina, I left you a little gift at my house. Be sure to pick it up."

Before Seraphina could say anything, space twisted and within seconds a portal as black as a wolf\'s mouth appeared a short distance behind Bai Zemin.

He walked towards the portal and Kali followed close behind, stopping a step short of it. Bai Zemin looked over his shoulder at Seraphina and said in a serious voice, "Remember my words from before, don\'t forget them."

"Wait!" Seraphina shouted anxiously, but under her trembling eyes, Bai Zemin took a step forward, disappearing beyond the portal and out of her eyes.

Subconsciously, she advanced towards the portal intending to follow him but her steps stopped as Kali\'s words sounded in her ears.

"Remember to go to my house to pick up your gifts," Kali said as she controlled her magic wheelchair. Just before disappearing beyond the portal, she turned her face slightly and added, "By the way, I like the pendant you\'re wearing today."

Pendant? Seraphina was surprised. She wore no jewelry or accessories at this time other than the rings that enhanced her strength as a soul evolver.

However, to her surprise and disbelief, she soon realized that just as Kali had just said, there was a pendant that Seraphina did not recognize around her neck.

As she took it in her hands and the records of the pendant presented themselves to her, Seraphina\'s eyes grew teary and as she lifted her head to look at the portal she discovered that it had already closed.

* * *

After crossing the portal, Kali felt the world around her spinning continuously and the wind was blowing so hard that her body was sent flying from her wheelchair.

She gently turned her head to the side, and there she discovered that Bai Zemin was just ahead but some distance from her.

In a monotone but loud voice, she asked, "Bullet, is this your world?"

"I think so!" shouted Bai Zemin as he looked at the ground getting bigger before his eyes.

"In that case, can you tell me why we are falling from the clouds?" Kali asked calmly.

"... I would like to know the answer to that question but unfortunately I don\'t have it." Bai Zemin replied with an ashen expression on his face.

He turned his body so that his back was facing the ground as the wind howled in his ears. His red eyes looked up at the blue sky nostalgically as he muttered under his breath, "I\'m back."

* * * * * * *

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