Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 859 Peculiar Dungeon: Killing andeating his own childhood

He had barely stopped during the entire journey with the silver tower he had spotted before as his target, however, the tower was clearly bigger than it looked and the distance was definitely a lot bigger than it appeared to be.

In fact, in the entire journey and despite having closed a great distance, Bai Zemin had yet to encounter any living being of any race as proof of how large this artificial world was.

A couple of hours ago, Bai Zemin had finally left the desert. He was on the verge of going insane and was sick of killing mutant desert worms. These creatures, although not particularly strong as they were only level 30, were tremendously sneaky, cunning, and worst of all, they attacked in packs!

The mutant desert worms moved under the sand without making a sound but they were able to detect when something or someone moved on the surface, waiting for the perfect moment to ambush their victims.

Bai Zemin once almost got bitten while sleeping the four hours a day he had arranged to keep his Stamina and mind at maximum; had it not been for the fact that he was alert even while sleeping he really could have been bitten, and even if the bite of a mutant desert worm was not enough to seriously injure him it would definitely be able to give him a good taste of pain as they had tremendously sharp teeth.

However, after having entered a new biome that was less hot, less brutish, and more picturesque, Bai Zemin somehow felt that the mutant desert worms were not so bad.

This was because in this grassland he was currently in, Bai Zemin had been seeing... peculiar... monsters.

These peculiar monsters were getting on his nerves.

Leaning its large body against the trunk of a tree, a strange creature rested comfortably under the cool shade. Its body was about two meters tall but what stood out the most was its big white belly.

This peaceful sleeping creature snored so loudly that the surroundings trembled slightly. Aside from the belly, the neck, and its legs with three pointed claws, this creature\'s body was completely blue. On its head were two pointed ears, it had three small fingernails for hands, a large shiny fang protruded from its mouth every time it opened to snort in its sleep, and its eyes were nothing but two thin black lines.

Bai Zemin held Annihilation of the Falling Sky in the form of a spear with his right hand and looked at the sleeping creature with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Shit, isn\'t this exactly the same as that lazy glutton named Sn*rlax?" Bai Zemin was speechless.

Even Lilith stared at the fat sleeper with a weird expression on her beautiful face.

Bai Zemin walked towards the Sn*rlax and raised his spear.

The beast still did not wake up.

He lowered his spear.

Red blood spurted out as the spear tip pierced the brain.

The beast died in its sleep.

[You have received the Soul Power of First Order Sn*rlax....]

"Pu. What?!" Bai Zemin almost fell to the ground when he saw the name of the creature he had just killed.

He looked at Lilith with wide eyes and pointed at the dead fat creature as he said in awe, "Lilith, this thing really was Sn*rlax! Sn*rlax I tell you! It was part of my childhood!"

"Good for you, you just killed part of your childhood."

"My God!" Bai Zemin was still in shock but his hands didn\'t stop as he cracked open the sn*rlax\'s head in search of a Soul Stone.

Furthermore, he didn\'t stop and as if he was angry at the sn*rlax for not having Soul Stone he started to rip off its claws and fang. However, this was only the beginning.

"... What are you doing?"

Under Lilith\'s perplexed eyes, Bai Zemin began to drain the sn*rlax\'s blood.

"It\'s for research purposes. Later, when I become the most powerful being in the universe, I will see if it is possible to create a p*kem*n world."

Those were Bai Zemin\'s words as he sliced the sn*rlax\'s flesh and carefully packed it into nylon bags before tossing them into his space storage ring.

"... The blood should contain enough Sn*rlax records to help you recreate it sometime in conjunction with the records you absorbed by the kill, why are you saving the meat?"

"Well, I\'ve been eating worms for the last two days because I have no more food in my storage ring. I refuse to believe that the flesh of this sn*rlax is more disgusting than the viscousness of those desert worms."

"... Cool, so not only did you kill a part of your childhood but you plan to eat it too."

"My childhood will always be in me!"

"Yes, of course. Whatever you say."

* * *

Another day passed and Bai Zemin did not know how much of the great grassland he had already traversed. However, there were several things that he was quite clear about now.

1) It turned out that there was actually not one Sn*rlax but there were many Sn*rlax. Bai Zemin believed that he had at least killed about 20,000 Sn*rlax in about 24 hours even if he had not strayed off the path to the silver-colored tower.

2) The silver-colored tower was getting closer and closer but Bai Zemin estimated that it would take him at least another week minimum to be sure how long it would take to get there. Also, Bai Zemin finally accepted that this dungeon was as big as at very least two Eventide Worlds put together.

3) The Sn*rlax seemed to have awakened from their sluggish state and were currently alert... or something similar to that.

Hiding in the bushes and crouching down to avoid being seen even though he was using Invisibility, Bai Zemin watched the scene in front of him in awe.

About 200 meters ahead, in a clearing surrounded by beautiful fruit trees, a herd of Sn*rlax had gathered. They were all identical, exactly the same Sn*rlax as the ones in the cartoons Bai Zemin had seen when he was younger.

"Holy... Don\'t tell me that smaller fat guy in the middle is the evolution of Sn*rlax, Munchl*x?" Bai Zemin whispered under his breath as he stared in amazement at the p*kem*n gathering of a single type.

The sn*rlax seemed to be talking about something even though Bai Zemin had no idea what they were saying as only grunts and strange snores came out of their stubby mouths. However, they were scared of something and looked around cautiously as they listened to who seemed to be the second stage of them all.

"Could it be that these Sn*rlax are on alert because I\'ve killed so many of their kind?" whispered Bai Zemin in a low voice.

"That could be the case. Dungeon monsters are connected to each other when they are the same type since they were born from the same records and mana, they are like semi-copies." Lilith pointed while hiding next to Bai Zemin as if she had forgotten that she couldn\'t be noticed if she didn\'t want to be noticed.

Bai Zemin froze for several seconds as his brain processed the words Lilith had just told him.


The sn*rlax had gathered all of their kind nearby and were planning to unite to resist the force that was slowly wiping them out. Thousands of their kin had died in the last few hours!

Under the leadership of Munchl*x who was a Second Order existence, the sn*rlax who were First Order existences felt safer and believed that they would now be able to sleep peacefully or eat lazily all day.

Just as the gathering was at its key point with Munchl*x raising its sharp claws skyward and making war sounds like a good leader, a fierce cry came from the bushes.


The sn*rlax jumped in fright while the smallest of them directly had \'X\' marks on their eyes and fell to the ground heavily with an earth-shaking bang.

Bai Zemin jumped out of the bushes and clutched his spear tightly as he rushed forward with his eyes blazing with fury and flashing with indignation.

"You\'re telling me these are all fakes?!"

Munchl*x motioned for the sn*rlax to back off as it activated his skill Last Resort.


The evolved creature\'s body glowed and in an instant it soared over 400 meters.

Bai Zemin stopped and raised his head in astonishment just in time to see the munchl*x\'s body being engulfed by red flames before plummeting straight towards him.

"You must be an imposter too, aren\'t you!" Bai Zemin was enraged and without hesitation got into a throwing stance before ferociously throwing his golden spear skyward not before activating Crimson Flame.


Two flashes of red light shone in the sky for a second before a thunderous explosion shook the clouds.


At the same time as red flames burst out from the center of impact in the sky and flew everywhere directly hitting some trees or slaughtering the unfortunate sn*rlax, Bai Zemin received his enemy\'s Soul Power after shattering its head when he threw his spear and a critical hit was triggered.

[You have received the Soul Power of Second Order Munchl*x....]

"You\'ve got to be kidding me!" Bai Zemin looked at the unlucky Sn*rlax that mistakenly decided to run right towards where he was headed and without hesitation lunged forward after retrieving his spear.

"I have to catch them all!"

The poor Snorlax tried to put up some resistance by activating their sonic skills or trying to catch the cruel human that kept killing them even though they just wanted to sleep in peace. Unfortunately, their movements were slow and their giant belly hindered the, therefore, in less than five minutes all the sn*rlax running in a northerly direction were hunted down.

"This little scoundrel..." Lilith didn\'t know whether to laugh or cry at the sight of Bai Zemin acting like a child.

Anyone who didn\'t know Bai Zemin would definitely treat him as a madman or idiot for behaving like this in this kind of situation. However, as his lover and as the person who had been by his side the longest since he had been forced to change due to circumstances, Lilith knew in her heart that Bai Zemin was behaving like this to help her not to worry so much about what would probably be a terrifying battle with his life on the line against the Demon Lord.

"Thank you." She whispered softly before following him with eyes brimming with affection.

* * * * * * *

Really thank you very much to all those who send gifts to the novel and support with valuable Golden Tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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