Dungeon Maker

Chapter 81

Yong-Hosaw light beyond the darkness.Itshined like the stars on a night sky and as it displayed different colors, itcreated an image.Yong-Howas dreaming and as he saw that light. He was suddenly aware that he wasdreaming and realized that this wasn’t the first time he had experienced this.Itwas similar to when he had peeked into Kaiwan’s memories.Helooked into the light. The images that the light created became a vividreality.“Elunelooked at me!”“No!Elune looked at me!”Itwas an aerial garden that was built in the demon world. Among the red and bluecolored sky, purple was also mixed in, making it seem like the sky was painted.Gusionwas standing in the aerial garden and was looking down. He chuckled when heheard the voices from the ground. They probably thought no one could hear them,but they were wrong.Theaerial garden was created by attaching large, thick chains to a enormousfloating stone. This aerial garden was one of the places that Mammon enjoyedresting in. The ones that were talking underneath the floating stone were WoodElves and they took care of managing the aerial garden.“Right,so which one did you look at?”Gusionasked while chuckling and a frown appeared on the face of the woman that heasked. She just pointed to her eyes instead of answering.Ared, leather string was covering her eyes.Thewoman had long, gold hair that went past her butt and was wearing a bright pinkoutfit. Overall, it was short and revealing, but its purpose wasn’t to make herlook more feminine. She liked it because it was comfortable and felt cool.Shewas a mix between a dragon and an Elf, but she looked like an Elf. The scalethat was located somewhere on her body was the only dragon-like feature shehad.Thisapplied to most of Mammon’s spirits, but she was pretty popular among thespirits that were in the House of Mammon. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say thatshe was the most popular.Thered string covered her eyes because she was blind. However, she had the abilityto look at the world through a different method.“Eluneis contemplating whether to get rid of this good-for-nothing spirit that jokesaround all day. No, really.”

Heheard a cheerful voice.Itbelonged to a male and this was the first time he had ever heard it. But themoment the sound touched Yong-Ho’s ears, he felt his soul tremble.

Itwas the voice of Mammon, the King of Greed.Hewanted to turn around. He wanted to turn his head and look at Mammon’s face.Buthe couldn’t. Just like the time when he looked into Kaiwan’s memories, his eyeswere fixed and the only thing he could look at was Gusion, who was busylaughing, and Elune, who was pouting.Heheard laughter. Many different laughters that were mixed in with Mammon’s. Itwas probably Mammon’s spirits.Itwas a peaceful atmosphere. It was like looking at a harmonious family.Elune,who was still frowning, looked like she was going to stay something, but in theend turned her head. Instead of using her eyes, she had a different way oflooking at the world, and she noticed something approaching the garden. Sheexpressed her discomfort when she heard Gusion’s joke.

“She’scoming. She’s by herself this time too.”

Shetried to suppress her emotions, but a part of her was still on edge.Gusionand everyone else looked in the same direction as Elune.Yong-Hoand Gusion both looked at the same thing.Awoman was on top of the aerial garden.Thewind was blowing around her red hair. &“Red.”Yong-Hoopened his eyes as soon as he had said it and instead of looking at the garden,he saw the ceiling of his bedroom. After he had obtained four horns, he wasable to see in the dark better and could make out the different patterns on theceiling.

Alongwith Kaiwan’s, he saw Mammon’s memory.Wasit a memory that remained in the mana that he had absorbed in the Arena?

‘Butstill...’Then,how come he wasn’t able to see Foras or Jungceros’s memory? Of course, he wouldonly feel uncomfortable if he did.‘MaybeMammon’s blood is the key for seeing these memories.’Hedidn’t plan on going to sleep, however the exhaustion had forced him to do so.Instead of sleeping more, Yong-Ho decided to get up from the bed. After brieflywashing his face, he headed to the library.

Kaiwancreated the library for her younger brother.Eventhough Kaiwan enjoyed books, she had major responsibilities, so she wasn’t ableto really take her time in reading the books that were in the library.Sheexpressed her love towards her brother by placing high-quality furniture in thelibrary. The library also had preservation magic, so the books looked brandnew.Yong-Hostood in front of the bookshelf that contained books related to Mammon’sspirits.Mammon’sspirits were historical figures and since they were the spirits of the mostpowerful demon king in history, they were quite popular.Thewinners of that period were usually lenient towards the dead.Whenthe House of Mammon suddenly fell, the demon kings that lived in the same eraas Mammon didn’t get rid of or suppress his spirits.Inthe demon world, there were many stories and songs about Mammon’s spirits andthere were several books about them as well.Cayenneliked these stories a lot. His journal contained many stories about Mammon’sspirits.‘Thisone?’Elune,the one that cuts down the night.Shewas one of Mammon’s spirit and at the same time, was one of the guards thatprotected Mammon’s side.Eventhough she was blind, she was one the greatest ever warriors and the citizensof the demon world adored her by calling her the Witch of the Sword.Therewere a lot of stories about Elune among Mammon’s spirits.Elunehad great beauty and even though she was blind, she was so strong that she wasgiven the name, Witch of the Sword. And since she was also in a romanticrelationship with Mammon, it was obvious that there would be a lot of storiesabout her.‘Anddeath.’AfterMammon died, Mammon’s spirits weren’t sealed away. Some lost their lives andout of those spirits, Elune was the first spirit to have died.Eventhough Yong-Ho saw him once in his dream, he thought it was really unfortunate.It may of been because he had talked to Gusion only a few days ago.Ifhe asked Gusion, assuming that Gusion would tell him the truth about her, hewould be able to find out, however Yong-Ho already knew that Elune was Mammon’slover anyway.

Theone that he wanted to ask about, was the woman with red hair that had expressedher discomfort.Hecouldn’t see her face. All he saw was her red hair dancing in the wind.Buthe was still able to tell.‘Sitri.’Hewas certain it was her. He couldn’t think of anyone else other than her.LikeSitri mentioned before, she wasn’t one of Mammon’s spirits. Then, what was herrelationship with him? Was she another lover of his?‘Wasthat the reason why she was keeping a close eye on the House of Mammon?’Becauseit belonged to the man she loved?

‘Let’sstop here.’Themore he thought about it, the wilder his imagination would become.Yong-Hograbbed the books that contained information about Elune as well as Gusion.Andthen, Lucia spoke.“Master.”“Bugrimfinished the items that he’s been working on.”

Shemust’ve waited until he finished grabbing all the books. After Yong-Ho gave herseveral tasks, he exited the library, and headed towards the workshop. ***Eventhough he was standing still as a rock, Yong-Ho saw desperation in Bugrim’seyes, Skull and Salami and Nightmare were having a staring contest.“Skulllll!”Skullraised its hammer to show respect towards Yong-Ho. After being unified with theSkeleton Mage, Skull must’ve understood the idea of showing respect because hedidn’t roll about on the ground as much as before.Salamialso bowed and to show that it wasn’t going to lose to Salami, Nightmare copiedand bowed its head as well.Yong-Holightly nodded his head in response and approached Bugrim. Bugrim, who wasn’table to speak, bowed his head and handed one of the items that was on hisworktable.Itwas a well-made saddle.Thesaddle was created from the Land Worm’s skin, that Ophelia had provided, andthe various magic, bones and leather that were in the House of Foras’swarehouse. Even though Yong-Ho was ignorant about these things, he was stillable to tell that this saddle was very well-made.‘He’sreally talented.’Afterchecking the pouch and foot pedal that were attached, Yong-Ho gave the saddleto Skull. Bugrim then handed Yong-Ho a large saddle that was made for Salami.Eventhough Salami was just as big as Nightmare, its body was different, so anordinary saddle wouldn’t fit. Yong-Ho happily took the saddle and approachedSalami. Salami looked over at Nightmare once and then kneeled on the groundafter putting its wings down.WhenNightmare saw Salami, it approached Skull. They must’ve become rivals whileYong-Ho was away.Thesaddle changed the riding experience. There was a handle on Salami’s back, sono matter how fast Salami flew, the rider probably wouldn’t fall.‘Theissue is what happens after the evolution.’Salamiwould become physically bigger after it evolved. Bugrim may have to create anew saddle every time Salami did so.Skullalso rode on Nightmare after putting the saddle on. He was pretty heavy sincehis body was made out of steel, but Nightmare didn’t seem to be bothered by it.‘Oris Nightmare just enduring it because Salami was here?’Yong-Howas going to have to search for Skull’s next unison for Nightmare. The firstthing he thought of was titanium, but he wasn’t sure if there was such a thingas a Titanium Golem. It would probably be faster to find mithril or orichalcum.Aftergetting off of Salami, Yong-Ho looked at Bugrim. Even though he couldn’t speak,Bugrim was able to communicate with his eyes, just like Kaiwan.Luciaspoke as if she felt bad for him.“Whenhe doesn’t have any work, he’ll train really hard at the training ground.”Hemust’ve heard that he needed to fill his development rate in order to get“healed.”ButYong-Ho was the only one that was able to see his stats. The only thing Bugrimcould do was work hard and train hard.Thanksto his efforts, his development rate was completely filled. Yong-Ho activatedthe Power of Evolution without any hesitation and placed his hand on Bugrim’sbulky shoulder.[ManaEvolution 1/2]Eventhough there was a green light, there wasn’t a big difference. Yong-Ho lookeduneasy when he looked at Bugrim and Bugrim looked at himself excitedly, but wassoon disappointed. But it only lasted for a moment. Even though Bugrim’s manahadn’t been fully recovered, his body was still in a better condition.Yong-Hoimmediately spoke to Bugrim.“I’msure there will be good results after you get cured one more time. But, don’toverdo yourself.”Bugrimexcitedly nodded his head. He looked like he wasn’t going to hold himself back.‘I’mlooking forward to it.’Bugrimwas able to make high-quality saddles without mana. He would be able to makeamazing magical items once his mana recovers. Yong-Ho had high expectations ondefensive items far more than weapons. Like magical armor.

AfterYong-Ho told Bugrim not to overdo it again, he exited the room with Skull.Yong-Hostopped in the dungeon passageway. Usually, he would rest up, because he wasplanning on completing the Arena’s second floor tomorrow morning.Buthe wanted to connect to the dungeon shop’s Virtual Space first. He wanted toask Sitri about Gusion, Mammon’s spirits and the Arena. He also wanted to knowif Sitri knew about Kaiwan being trapped in the Arena.Sincehe could do this in the throne room, Yong-Ho started walking. But, right whenhe passed the bathhouse there was an emergency.“Master,I received report from the Dungeon Meerkats.”“Opheliais currently approaching the dungeon at a fast pace. She’s riding a monsterthat’s able to fly instead of a horse.”“Ithink there’s something wrong.”Ophelia’svisit to the House of Mammon was always kept a secret. But it was differentthis time. If she didn’t obtain it while coming here, it meant that she hadrode that monster all the way from the Free City, which was an act that wasquite noticeable.Accordingto the conversation he had with Ophelia yesterday, she was planning on visitingtwo days later. What happened? Did she want to become a spirit that badly?There’sno way. He was sure that something serious had happened.“Lucia,call Eligor, Catalina...and Rikum to the dungeon entrance room. We’re going outto meet Ophelia.”“Yes,sir.”Yong-Horode on Salami while Skull rode on Nightmare. The two raced towards theentrance as if they were racing each other.***“Ophelia,the daughter of Endelyon, would like to have an audience with the owner of thegreat House of Mammon. We have a big problem.”Hemust have caught their eye.Yong-Holooked towards the free city again, instead of answering right away.

Hereplied with a nod. ***Thefree city could be called a ‘Dungeon-less land’.

Likea Dungeon, their were demons and beasts who all lived in one place andmaintained their own order.Itwas the three ‘Dungeon-less Kings’ who ruled the free city.Thethree Kings had power equal to one another and divided the free city into threeparts, reigning as kings in each of their districts.Ofcourse, they did not have dungeons. So in reality they were not truekings, and the power under their command was not as strong as that of Dungeonmasters.Buteven so, they were the ones that ruled the free city.Athree-man team.Amongthem, it was the owner of the pub who had asked Yong-Ho to meet with them.

Thered demon Ophelia.

Missing Chapter

I’ve just published the missing chapter - between chapters 53 & 54 -, alongside this one, and I highly recommend you read it. It is in fact quite an important chapter, and I’m not just saying that because I spent ages translating it :D. There’s a couple events and details in it, that will be quite relevant for the future, so you should definitely give it a read. I’ve provide the link below, enjoy :D:

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.