Reincarnated As A Plant Life

Chapter 128 Within This Kilometer I Am A... God! (1)

So in an attempt to increase his poison aptitude, he decided to pick out the snake amongst the trove. He used his knife to carefully cut away its skin, realizing it would work well as a skin bag as the worm bags were way too small for practical use.

After he had fully skinned the snake, he cut out all its organs -unsure of which could be used for concoctions- before placing them on the snakeskin.

~Speaking of which, Asclepius\'s concoction should be nearly ready by now,~ he thought to himself as he took a bite out of the remaining snake flesh.

[Catalyst absorbed.]

[Poison resistance increased.]

[Growth efficiency increased by 35%]

[Photosynthesis efficiency increased by 35%]

[Stats increased by 1.3%]

[Quest complete.]

[+200 exp]

[Quest complete.]

[+300 exp]

[Level 10!]

[New quest! -unlock new skill from 『Skill Tree』.]

~A new skill?~ Lucius thought to himself almost excitedly, already opening his skill tree tab.

Along the branch where photosynthesis was located, the circle directly above it began glowing, indicating that it could now be unlocked.

~It\'s related to photosynthesis huh? This should be interesting,~ he thought to himself, before selecting the skill.

[Use 100,000 Evo points to unlock new skill?] the system prompted.

~Yikes costly,~ he thought to himself. Though a new skill would open a whole new world of opportunities for him, so he decided to make the investment.

[1,000,000 Helios has been depleted,] it responded, and a moment after the new skill became visible.

『Solar Relay』

[This ability allows the user to mark a tree to act as a relay, allowing for increased helios absorption during photosynthesis for a duration of time. Additional helios, duration, range, and number of marks available scales according to level. Marked relays carry out photosynthesis throughout the day, and increase in level automatically.

Current Level: 1

Number of marks available: 1

Duration: 3 hours per connected being

Additional helios absorption: 1000 per second

Range of photosynthesis: 1km radius


~W-wait, what?~ Lucius thought to himself in pure shock, unable to believe the numbers that he was reading. This changed everything, the way the camp would operate, and the rate at which they could grow.

He quickly made his way towards the main camp, a thousand different questions already running through his head.

~I wonder whether catalyst absorption can be used to increase that number. Are the non-leafling restrictions applied to it as well?~ were among some of the thoughts.

Once he got to the camp, he found the arachnid baby waiting for him in front of the main cottage. Apparently, the insectoid had come home early today and was currently playing babysitter.

~Exipor!! Exerum Rexor,~ the insectoid shouted as Lucius came into view, but his mind was already focused on the task at hand.

He planned on marking the tree that they had built the cottages around. It was at the center of the entire camp and encapsulated the 8 pillars as well. So in the case he ever wanted to help them evolve, then it would be way easier.

~Mark,~ he thought to himself as he touched the seemingly dead tree.


[Linking photosynthesis to selected tree...]

[Link complete.]

[『Solar Relay』 tab has been added.]

[All attempts of access will be notified to the user.]

[A blacklist option is available to prevent certain creatures from attempting access.]

With that, the tree began shining in a brilliant yellow hue, its leaves sparkling in an almost ethereal green. The once dead tree now seemed like a mirage, an illusion of the mind. Lucius stretched out his hand to touch it, to make sure what he was seeing was real.

~I can... feel it,~ he thought to himself and it wasn\'t just in the literal sense.

He could feel everything that the tree was currently feeling, from the way its roots felt in the soil, to the way its leaves waved in the wind. He could feel the large amounts of helios it was absorbing per second, a large number to him, yet a drop to the tree itself.

He realized that his earth sense had also been magnified, he could currently sense every single shroom in the 8 pillars, and even past that. He attempted to use Elmando, at the furthest edges of what his link to the tree would allow and found that it worked.

In fact, it was not just his range that had increased, he could now move vegetation that he wasn\'t capable of moving before. At the outer edge of the second pillar, he used the shrubs in the area to build a 6-meter fence along a 12-meter perimeter.

Within the 1km radius that the mark\'s effect stretched out, he could see all; sky, ground, or even underground.

His Elmando could move just about anything apart from larger trees using the mark as an anchor. In fact, for something to attack him within the 1km radius, they would have to be able to fend off nearly every shrub in the area.

In this 1 km radius... he was... a god. This 1km radius was his playground.

However, everything came at a price.

After doing all that, Lucius felt his brain turn to mush, sap trickled out of his nose... before he inevitably passed out.


"Huh?" Lucius croaked, as he opened his eyes.

"I passed out," he whispered, remembering what had happened. He had gotten so high off the feeling of power that he had completely forgotten about his earthly body\'s limitations.

~Where... where am I?~ he thought to himself, noticing that he was sleeping inside a white building. He quickly looked at his body to make sure that he had not somehow gone back to earth, but found that he was still the same as he always was.

"Lighted One, you have awoken," a little voice said. Lucius turned to look behind him and found a kid shroom bowing towards him.

"What\'s going on?"

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