Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Chapter 28 Endless Evolution [2]

He had read about mistwalkers before, but even though he hadn\'t experienced their might firsthand, he knew it would be a pain in the ass. Their main ability was to create a thick mist blanket that obscured vision. They could even summon tendrils of mist to ensnare or disorient their prey.

Suddenly, a low growl entered Silas\' ear, and when he looked back, he saw a feline monster ready to jump on him.

\'This is sure going to be a very long night.\' Silas sighed while reeling his arm back and stabbing it through the neck of the beast as it was in the air. The sound of battle continued, and over time, the moon was beginning to descend, and the night was reaching its end.



Two loud knocks on a wooden door rattled the building\'s foundations.

The knocker was clearly strong.

"Chief! Are you there, Chief?" A man wearing a black robe shouted. For a few seconds, there was no answer.

However, a moment later, the man heard a low annoyed grunt from the other side of the door.

The door unlocking sound reverberated throughout the house before it opened and revealed a burly man behind it.

He had a neat black beard with two white stripes on it. His hair was longer than most. It was usually tied up into a half-bun, but since it was the middle of the night, the chief had his hair down.

"What\'s the matter...?" The chief glared at the man, who felt like an ant before him.

"T-The Night Watch has reported that Uladia\'s beasts have been acting weird. There have also been several sightings of monsters in the area. One of them said they even saw a mistwalker and shadowswarm in the same area." The man stuttered.

"Are you sure of these reports?" the chief asked. He wasn\'t the kind of person to dismiss it as impossible. If his men said they saw something, he made sure to investigate it himself.

"I can\'t testify for the monsters since I wasn\'t there, but I can tell you right now that there is something wrong with the forest beasts. I think there is a chance that a beast-monster horde is forming." He explained, this time a lot calmer.

"If that is the case, we\'ll have to remove it at its source. I\'d rather not have another situation like we had a couple of years ago." The chief scratched his beard. After a long pause, the chief opened his mouth and spoke again.


"Yes chief." The man replied.

"Wake up Gina, then go to the Skylark home and call Keira and Lochras too. Send one of your men to Diveen\'s home, too, and have her ready for the white knights of the church. If this becomes as severe as I think it is, we\'ll need all the warriors we have to contain it. Understood?" The chief asked.

"Yes chief!" The man saluted before heading toward Gina\'s small house without a second thought.

Looking at him, the chief gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into large fists.

\'I really hope I won\'t have to call those guys for help...\' He thought, his head slowly turning in a certain direction. His eyes narrowed at the distant horizon with contempt and anger.


The sky turned a shade of blue as the twilight shined through the light clouds of the night sky.

It was a beautiful sight, one a human on earth wouldn\'t have seen due to pollution. However, in this world, pollution was virtually nonexistent. The sky was clear, allowing anyone who looked up to see the moon and stars shine among one another. They poured down their light upon Gilea, glistening in the dew that remained on the forest leaves.

However, the sounds of battle hadn\'t seized. No, they had only become louder, yet, from Silas\' perspective, the battle wasn\'t proceeding as well as he had hoped.

\'Just when I thought I had the upperhand...\' He thought, his eyes listless, and his face contorted into an expression of pain.

What was he thinking when he believed he could take on hundreds of beasts all on his own?

He must have been mad, right?

But why was everything turning out so badly?

Was he cursed?

No. He knew that wasn\'t the case... He knew that, Right?


He was just unlucky... That was it... He was just a very unlucky human.

"Belgh..." Silas spat out a mouthful of blood.

Mountains of corpses could be seen around him. Beasts and monsters of all kinds. One could even see several mistwalkers mangled and lifeless, lying on the cold ground that was still covered in the mist that was coming out of them even after the light left their eyes.

The carcass of the giant bat was sticking out of a spike made of earth. Blood dripped from it. Not a single sign of life could be seen in the bat itself.

Its organs had been ripped inside out, and its guts could be seen hanging from several trees like bloody vines.

And Silas... Well...

He was in the air, lifted up by several tendrils made of shadows that stabbed through his chest and abdomen.


[A/N: All chapters from now on will be 1k-1.2k words each. This means I will be uploading 2 chapters a day. This will make my uploads more consistent (word-wise) since you won\'t have one chapter that is only 1.5k words, and another with 2k words. You\'ll get 2k minimum from now on. For those of you worried about chapter prices in the future, those are not decided by me. They are decided by webnovel. Longer chapters cost more and smaller chapters cost less.]

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