Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 455: The Three Families Gather

Chapter 455: The Three Families Gather

"Good for you"

Words that sounded more like comforting words to Monk than him just casually saying it to Sun Bin.

Almost an hour through the journey, they finally reached their destination while Sun Bin looked for a secluded place to park the car.

"It\'s going to be a rough night," Monk said while staring at the darkness covering the forested area of the mountain, which they are going to trek tonight to reach their destination. Not only that, they can only do it without using any torch lights, though it will certainly not be a problem for them as they\'ve brought everything they\'re going to need for their operation.

"Well, we can only do this at night and can only walk as the path that we\'re going to take is something not frequently traveled through" Sun Sin replied to him while both of them took their own luggage to carry.

Carrying a camping bag on her back and a briefcase in one hand, Sun Bin continued, "Anyway, let\'s get moving lest we get spotted and blew our chances"

Monk just nodded to her, and being the person who knows the way, he walked after Sun Bin and when they reached the edge of the forest where moonlight barely seeps through, both of them slowed down and immediately wore their night vision goggles they had brought and quickly continued ahead without pause in their movements.

A few days ago, at 10 PM, somewhere inside the Shangri La Hotel.

There\'s a group of men in black suits inside a spacious room, and in the middle of it is a round table where there are three men from various ages sitting in front of each other, checking each other out.

They observed each other for a couple of moments when finally the man with a head full of white hair opened his mouth and said, "How long has it been since the three of us had gathered like this again?"

"It has been a few years since we gathered and that was when we decided…to team up…against that person"

Kwon Jung-jin, the only Easterner among them excluding the guards answered, but at the end of his words, the sound of his voice slowly grew weaker while his eyes shook for a moment when a rush of memories he thought he had forgotten resurfaced in his mind.

He wasn\'t the only one, the other two gentlemen also had the same reactions as him as one of them even gulped down his saliva.


There was another short silence because of the horrifying memories they had with that person from their past.

"Enough about the past, that person is already dead" said the middle aged man with blonde hair who\'s holding onto a cane with a gold plated handle.

"Is he though? We just assumed he is dead because he never appeared even a year later after we killed his entire family" replied Kwon Jung-jin, among the three of them, he\'s probably the only one who still believes that person is still alive and is just waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

"It\'s been years! He\'s clearly dead!"

"Have you ever heard of the saying; when a nobleman takes revenge, ten years is not too late? We should never ever let our guard down just because it had been quiet for years""

What they didn\'t know was that the person they were talking about just tried to forget everything that happened in the past and didn\'t come looking for them, and now unbeknownst to them, that very person is suddenly now coming for their heads from out of nowhere.


With a slam of his cane on the floor, the white haired old angrily berated them saying, "Enough! We didn\'t gather here tonight to talk about that person. Though Jung-jin has a point, but I agree with what Grom said, since he\'s never made an appearance after killing all our men during that rainy night, so it\'s either that person died from succumbing to his injuries or he just doesn\'t dare to come looking for us anymore because he had gone insane after what we did to his family"

Kwong Jung-jin and Grom Biden just looked at each other for a moment after that and didn\'t say anything after.

"Enough of our past, let\'s talk about the disappearance of our people after we sent them to Central City and discuss our next move in case of Mine Tech. Industries finding out that we were behind the attack on the island"

Richard Rothschild looked at the two of them for a few moments before finally directing the conversation to the events that transpired a week ago.

"If they found out, then we just deny it! Can they do anything if we deny it?" replied Grom Biden with a disdainful sneer.

Richard and Jung-jin looked at Grom simultaneously and thought to themselves.

\'My goodness, getting associated with this person is one of the worst things that happened to me, he\'s so freaking dumb. If it wasn\'t for his brother backing him up, then he wouldn\'t even be sitting in the same room with us\'

Jung-jin massaged his temples and said with closed eyes, "Yes, we can indeed deny our involvement, but that doesn\'t change the fact that they know it was us. They would certainly attack us with all their might without caring for the consequences. It would have been fine if we were just targeting the people from their company, but our purpose when we sent our men that night was to kidnap those kids whose parents had been a thorn in our side. So we need to make counter measures in case those families attacks us"

Bewildered, Grom looked at him with widened eyes and replied, "Then shouldn\'t we start thinking about how to counter their schemes?"

When Richard heard him, the old man\'s murderous aura intensified and the hand that\'s holding onto his cane had gripped so tightly on it that if only he possessed superhuman strength that he would have been able to break it into pieces; sadly, he did not.

The two men immediately felt the change in his aura, and they also shut their mouths, and though a little bit dumb, Grom also knew when to shut up as his EQ was at least normal.

Richard just let out a sigh and continued, "Before coming here, I drew up multiple plans to counter any possible scenario that might occur"

With other matters finally put aside, the three of them finally began their schemes behind close doors.

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