The Legacy System

Chapter 170 - 170: Second Clue & Message

His words clearly startled the people involved because each and any one of them had almost forgotten where they were, and what was the reason for all this.

They had all surrendered to their carnal desires, and pleasures, totally forgetting what they were doing there in the first place.


One could say that Eric\'s words were like cold water, to their lost and confused faces, as they were once again reminded of what they were playing for.

4 million $!

That was enough to return the clarity to the two men who had been having a really good time until now, as they once again returned to their places.

It was only now that they were reminded of what was going on a while ago, and they threw a look towards the women that they sold for the possibility of that money.

Both ladies were still on the ground, but one could easily tell from their appearance that they had just gone through something extraordinary.

But that wasn\'t all there was to it, as there was some kind of strange hidden happiness in their faces, as their skin seemed to be covered in special milk.

The duo didn\'t seem to mind that though, as they seemed like they were more into remembering and reliving all that happened a few moments ago.

This scene clearly made the two men jealous, and even angry towards them, as they were supposed to not enjoy whatever happened to them.

They were supposed just to do their \'job\', their \'duty\' and not feel anything. After all, this was happening against their wishes, and they were crying before it happened.

Yet the end results were clearly different from what they expected, and none of the two were happy about it.

They seemed to have forgotten that a few moments ago they were gloating from the pleasure that their attendants were giving them.

Still, they didn\'t dare to show any of it in their faces, as they were afraid that the masked man would cancel the game, and their opportunity to 4 million $ would go away just like that.

Right now, they wouldn\'t show any negative feelings or expressions in their faces even if the masked man tortured them, not to mention these two sl*ts.

The ladies were still a bit confused and struggled a bit to get up, as their intimate regions were extremely sensitive and sore. The masked man had been too rough with them.

"Don\'t clean yourselves, just come here and take a seat like that!"

They had just managed to get up and stand, as they were searching from some piece of cloth or tissue to wipe the special milk from their bodies when they heard the masked man\'s voice.

Needless to say that both of them were startled by his words, and were left stunned for a moment, but they didn\'t oppose him, and just did as they were told.

The two \'pimps\' were clearly dissatisfied by this inside, as they were sitting close to their naked respective women, which had another man\'s special milk all over their bodies.

When the two ladies approached the smell pricked their noses, and made them feel like they wanted to skin them alive, but right now that was impossible to be done.

They could only bear with it at the moment, and shower their anger, and wrath upon them later. They had totally forgotten that their special milk was inside some other\'s bellies.

Looking at this situation Eric had a big gloating smile inside, but on the outside, he just showed a calm, and natural indifferent look, as he said,

"Well Ladies, and gentlemen let me give you the second clue of the game!

You all know me, rather well I would say! We aren\'t just strangers who have greeted each other!"

All four of the people in front of him opened their eyes like big marble balls, as they all started to rake their brains out about his identity.

Just who was this guy that they had met, but couldn\'t remember. Was it possible to have forgotten such a character, with this air of dominance, and so much money!?

It was impossible to be done right? Especially for someone like the stingy owner who ranked people, their character, and closeness by money alone.

But right now, even he was lost about who this masked guy was. He could only try to think harder, and harder until he could come up with something, but there was nothing.

No idea! No idea at all!

Katsuto Daichi was in the same position as the stingy owner and was having almost exactly the same thoughts as him, but nothing was coming to him either.

As these two were thinking harder like this, the two ladies seemed a bit apprehensive and hesitant, but finally, they discovered some unused courage as they said one after the other,

"Miura Daichi"

"Take Nakano"

Their voices, and the names they said clearly surprised all the people in the room, as even Eric was left a bit apprehensive of what to think for a moment.

But looking at their eyes for a moment, he was able to understand what they were thinking. Those weren\'t the eyes of the two unwilling ladies anymore, but the eyes of two hunting harpies.

They were saying these two names to not only lose intentionally, but also to make their new stance shown, that the two of them didn\'t care anymore, and they wanted only to feel the same pleasure once again.

This was a clear big and heavy slap on the two men\'s face, but they didn\'t seem to care about it in the least. The two of them had already made their own stance clear by selling them like that.

From now on, the two of them were on their way, as the two men in front of them had no relation whatsoever with the two of them, they were free in their own right.

At least this seemed true for the mother, as the tyrannical bi*tch seemed to do it only out of spite towards Katsuto Daichi.

It was clear that her heart hadn\'t broken yet, and she still carried some kind of hope inside that he would become her knight in shining armor to save her.

Just how stupid could she be!? Seeing that look and expression in her eyes, Eric got angry for a moment, as he was thinking to show a bit of mercy upon her, but she clearly didn\'t deserve it.

So, he just kept his natural composure, and said,

"I am afraid that you two beauties are wrong, so you will have to be punished once again! Are you ready for it!?"

Before the two ladies could even answer to his question though, he heard Katsuto Daichi say with a cautious voice,

"Esteemed Master, the two ladies had already mentioned the two names once, and now they perhaps repeated them just from their forgetfulness.

Can the Esteem Master show his grandiose magnanimity, and forgive them just this once!?"

The masked man seemed to get angry upon his intrusion, as his eyes immediately turned dark and cold, as he said in a frightening voice,

"Are you teaching me how to direct my own game? What makes you think you can do it? Don\'t you want to play this game anymore!?

That\'s fine as well, I can get up and leave right away!"

His anger and harsh voice startled the four people in front of them, and especially Katsuto Daichi, who was also the one who incited it, as he immediately acted, even though stutteringly.

"N-no Est-esteemed Master you seem to have misunderstood me, I dare not! I dare not do such a thing, I just made a call upon your boundless and limitless magnanimity!"

As soon as Katsuto Daichi had finished with his words, jumped the stingy owner, who was more or less in the same lines as him.

"Yes, Esteemed Master shouldn\'t get angry upon such a worthless matter. We would never dare to teach you upon that. This is your game and your will! We are just participants in it!

Please calm your anger, Esteemed Master!"

They were both trying to lick his ass, as they downplayed the seriousness and the importance of the matter at hand.

As a matter of fact, Katsuto Daichi was even cursing himself inside for doing such a stupid action, that risked the anger of the masked man, just because he didn\'t want this bi*tch to get her way.

Ironically though, his selfish, and self-centered action was taken as a saving grace, and love gesture from the stupid tyrannical bi*tch that was still delusional about her chances, and situation.

On the other hand, Eric pretended to diffuse his anger, as inside he was gloating at their reactions, and words.

He continued his Oscar-winning performance by a deep-thinking moment, a few deep breathes, as he finally said with a sigh,

"Sigh~! Perhaps you are right, and I overreacted. So, let me give you two another opportunity ladies, give me two names in less than a minute!"

He still seemed unreasonable with his request, but the two men didn\'t dare to point it, as they were afraid of his short temper, and explosion.

They just stayed there with heavy expressions on their faces, as they waited for the names they were going to use.

The mother didn\'t seem to tarry in the least, as she immediately said the same name as earlier,

"Take Nakano!"

Her stance and determination were more than clear, and even the message she wanted to transmit was like a clap of thunder into a clear sky.

She had already thrown away all she had and was focused on only getting what would make her feel better right now.

The stingy owner had a really ugly and despicable expression on his face. He seemed to have just eaten the shit he had stepped upon.

While Katsuto Daichi was waiting for the tyrannical bi*tch\'s answer…

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