500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 94 [Bonus Chapter]What Is The Chance?

"I don\'t have the Mana for that!" Breya exclaimed as the Undead Riftwalker fell forward to slam down on its four arms, making the wall even over here tremble slightly.

"You do now! I am going to link with you and supply you with as much Mana as you need. You need to shield us from that thing, so get casting!" I shouted, spinning Breya around and then turning us to face the tiny glowing red light in the distance to the south.

"That light?" Breya asked as she put up her hands.

That light was starting to get bigger and faster, but I was drinking in the magic and pumping Breya with as much as she could safely hold. I didn\'t have time to try to think of them all, so it was better for someone like a Guardian Angel to do it.

"If you want to survive this, I need you to start casting. Block that light!" I shouted, and suddenly hundreds of magical circles appeared in gold.

"This is so much power! Is this what a Goddess feels like? I don\'t even need to speak, and the spells are formed!" Breya exclaimed with excitement as the spells locked.

Walls and shields of light snapped into place in an impressive display, but I took one of my hands from her and started to add my own. The light was reaching its crescendo, but I wasn\'t sure if the massive golden wall was going to hold.

In fact, there had to be less than a one percent chance that her shields were going to hold against something like this.

[Karma System Activated!]

[Target: Breya| Task: Defending against Undead Riftwalker(Warning: Negative Creature on Positive Plane)]

[What Are The Chances: Activated with 0.46% of Targets success]

[Reward: Breya receives Karmic Blessing!]

[Angelic Ward of Positive Protection: Protection spells become three times as effective when defending someone else. Positive spells can not be disrupted by Negative or Entropic Energy.]

As the words flashed into my view, a beam of light shot down from the heavens bathing Breya in white light. I was forced to let go of her as I stepped back, but suddenly all of Breya\'s transparent golden walls and shields became almost solid gold.

The light continued around her, but the Undead Riftwalker didn\'t wait and released the red beam of light at us. It instantly hit the first group of shields and destroyed them like paper, vibrating the air with a bass that dwarfed my Mega Sunbeam spell.

The red beam continued forward, but the next group of shields started to slow it down, but only briefly. Even with this boost, this would be hard to stop.

This was five hundred years of absorbed Negative Energy converted into an Entropic Disintegration Beam meant to leave nothing behind. Something like this shouldn\'t be allowed to exist in a world like this.

The light vanished from around Breya, and she was in glorious golden armor, wearing a helmet with small golden wings on the side. Even her wings were covered in golden armor, but I didn\'t waste time.

"I need more magic!" Breya shouted, and I pressed my hands to the sides of the neck as her hands went up.

More shields started to form, pushing her own walls forward as Breya created one after another. Even though her walls were still breaking, she was starting to push on the red Entropic Disintegration Beam.

"I will protect you!" Breya screamed, and she burst with her own golden aura, and shields started to slam in place even faster.

Even I was pushed to my limits to keep her supplied, but suddenly, the Entropic Disintegration Beam stopped.

"Are you okay?" I asked Breya as her hands dropped, and then she collapsed into my arms.

Breya had passed out, but she had just used a lot of magic, and this was more magic than she had probably used in her entire life. Unfortunately, only about ten minutes had passed as I laid Breya down, kissing her on the lips.

Breya\'s eyes opened, and she smiled weakly as I pulled back from the kiss. As splendid as she looked in her armor, the Angel looked exhausted.

"You did great, my Angel. I will take over for now and buy us some time, okay?" I asked. "You stay here and get some rest. I might need your help again before this is all over."

"Be careful. I will rest so I can recharge. That was too much magic at once. This feels like after going to a cake convention, I feel full and exhausted from the magic, but I still want more! I don\'t know how you have so much magic, but it was amazing to wield such power!" Breya smiled and then coughed from getting too excited.

"Just relax. Tallia should be back soon, and then Listenia. Wait for them, and I will keep this thing entertained," I said as I stood up, looking out at the massive creature that was coming this way from far south.

"You can\'t beat it? What about the power that you gave me? Can\'t you give that to yourself?" Breya asked as my wings burst from my back.

"That isn\'t how it works. I can only help people around me, and even then, there is only a one percent chance of that happening! You had less than a one percent chance of blocking, so that\'s why it activated. It seems to be an ability that works with odds of success," I explained, and Breya nodded.

"I see; well, you are already too strong in most people\'s opinions, so maybe that isn\'t a bad thing, but it doesn\'t help you here! Where are all the rest of the Goddesses? This is something that is threatening the world if it gets loose!" Breya asked, and I nodded.

"I think that is what Tallia is trying to do right now, but none want to help so far. I have to go, but wait here; I will be fine," I said, but Breya put up her hand.

"Wait! Why aren\'t you sure? You aren\'t lying, but that also isn\'t the truth!" Breya exclaimed.

This was the result of not being prepared for this, and I wasn\'t sure if I actually could survive.

"I will do my best. I have more beautiful smiles to see and create!" I said, and a burst of wind launched me into the air before Breya could reply.

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