The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 17 Returning To Earth

"You\'re afraid to admit your feelings to me right now, right? Because your memory isn\'t complete."

"How did you… Did you use your ability?"

Now that I think of it, she keeps on using that ability of hers on me.

"No. It\'s written all over your face."

Yuko then reached her hand to my face and touched it. She caressed it like she\'s memorizing the shape of my face.

"I see. You really can see through me, Yuko."

I looked at her who peeked her head out of the blanket. Her face is still red and she\'s looking at me with affection.

"Because I love you, Dai-kun. Not just the Dai-kun in my memory but also you that\'s with me right now. "

I don\'t know what to say. This Hero. To think that she\'ll be the first Hero that I supported, I guess this became the best training. I now know what to do in various situations. Maybe it will be different to others but I can refer to how Yuko acted here.

"Ever since we arrived here, you\'re always thinking about me; how to support me, how to prevent that fate of me meeting my doom here. Everyone we met, you always observed them if they would become a threat to me, not sparing even my party members."

"That\'s my job, right?"

This is just a job for me at the start. Maybe it will change along the way. But my mind is still telling me not to risk my life for another world like this. I will still prioritize saving my ass and if possible, pull Yuko along with me.

"No. You were told to be a support. Look at Noelle. She\'s the best example of a support."

"Eh? Maybe we have a different idea of support."

Right. Noelle really is a support-type but I don\'t even have a Blessing so I\'m providing another kind of support than her.

"You\'re overthinking, Dai-kun. You\'re just concerned about my safety. I know you\'ll keep doing this for the other Heroes too. That\'s why, I fell in love with that Dai-kun who does his best. Even if you say you\'re just doing your job. You\'re giving it your all even if you knew how weak you are right now."

"I can\'t say that\'s exactly right."

That\'s because I can\'t do anything else but that. And then there were even times where my dark thoughts took over me when I think too deeply. I don\'t know what Zerina thought when she saw me tormenting that guy earlier. Do I have a scary face or is it just casual? My Adaptability never told me if that was strange or cruel. If not for her voice I would\'ve tortured that guy until I\'m satisfied.

"But that\'s how I see it. So Dai-kun, don\'t hold yourself back, okay? I\'m aware of what you\'re thinking. I got a glimpsed of that earlier. Zerina stopped you. We\'ll be here to stop you if that happened again."

She pinched my cheeks. Was my thought showing on my face again? This girl…

"Then Yuko, is it fine to say I love you?"

Considering everything she revealed to me, I don\'t want to be indecisive anymore. My memory. Maybe something will change if I managed to remember that but I\'ll deal with that in the future. For now, I should just look straight ahead. I love her.

Is it fast? I don\'t know. Maybe? But that doesn\'t matter. That\'s what I feel right now. After we go back to Earth, I will be supporting another Hero so we probably won\'t have time when I go to another world.

"Of course. I\'ll be happy to hear that from you."

Yuko showed me her smile again. If someone saw this, they wouldn\'t think this is that Hero they all praise.

"Ah. You\'re too perfect for me. I grew fond of another girl even before saying this to you. I\'m the worst guy, aren\'t I?"

She just shook her head and pulled me down to her embrace. Now that she took off her armor, she\'s soft. This is really the body of a young girl.

"I told you, I don\'t mind it. I believe in your eye for people. That girl, she\'ll be stronger than how she is right now and I\'ll be needing more like her. Ah! I meant the fighting force, not more girls you will grow fond of, just so you know."

"You\'re cute when you\'re flustered Yuko. Alright. If I grow fond of someone else, you\'ll be the first to know."

The way she corrected that was too cute. Ah it\'s hopeless. I reluctantly accepted the engagement because of having no choice, but spending time with her and seeing how she attentively look after me, I guess I immediately got used to that and that led to this.

"So, you really plan on taking another."

"Eh? No… Just if."

"There I got my revenge. You\'re also cute when you\'re flustered."

Yuko giggled at hearing my response.

"Now the Hero is bullying me. It won\'t always be like this anyway. Maybe like you said, that girl just really had her fate tied to me. She\'s strong like you."

That Zerina. Even alone, she wanted to escape and come back one day. If we hadn\'t met each other, it\'s most likely that she will survive and grow up to be something amazing. She\'s like the main character of this world. Maybe even Reinys and Caila will be left behind because of her potential.

Now, with Yuko, she\'ll grow faster. Maybe when Yuko comes back here again when I am currently in another world, they can look out for each other.

Soon enough, Yuko fell asleep. She\'s really tired. Her arm is still hugging me so I have no choice but to lay down beside her.

Sleeping together, well, I\'m not unscrupulous to do something indecent when she\'s asleep. We only spent the night like that. Hugging each other.

A day later, we set off to the Western Border to see the real situation. This is our real goal. We only made a detour to this territory. Turns out we made the right decision.

After settling everything on that city. The citizens went back to normal and Zerina prepared the 3rd Lady\'s son to manage the House and the territory.

She has had education since young so she\'s familiar with administrative affairs.

The prisoners loyal to the House were all freed and were given their positions back. There\'s an elder who was previously Zerina\'s mentor. She tasked him to look after the new House Head and territory in place of her.

The 3rd Lady almost cleaned out the first two lineages of the previous Head\'s wives so the Noble House of Westcolt dwindled to just the two of them on the Main Family and a few branch family members.

Reinys then sent a letter to her father asking for help to the territory for rebuilding. I don\'t know if he will follow through though. But since it concerns his territory, he might.

Two days have already passed since we traveled to this world. My high school life is now nowhere to be seen. Maybe after we get back to Earth, I will then be assigned to the next Hero. I wonder who, and what world is it.

Well for now, we have to settle the current unrest in this world. From the Priest\'s mouth, it seems every country was already encroached upon by Corrupted Individuals like him.

Yuko sent word to every country about that occurrence. \'The World\' bestowed her system that Skill. She can send urgent messages to country leaders all around this world. If they heed her warning then good but if they ignored it, it will be their fault if their country fell before their eyes.

She\'s just one Hero, she can\'t be everywhere all at once. \'The World\' was bestowing systems to the denizens so if they don\'t use it to protect their world then what use is their country?

Most Kings and Leaders are afraid of being deprived by \'The World\' anyway, there\'s just some like that Tyrant who will be influenced by someone and neglect their duty.

When we arrived at the Western Border, we were surprised at the sight that welcomed us.

The enemies were packing up.

But yeah, the Western Border has completely fallen.

There were Huge Cauldrons like the one at the City Square and the place is already devoid of other denizens of this world.

The soldiers stationed here were annihilated.

"To think that the situation is this grave."

It was Reinys who spoke first. She\'s the Princess of this Kingdom. No matter her attitude towards me, their family ruled this land for many years.

"But why are they retreating?"

Zerina asked. Yuko took her in her Party after that night. And well, the pledge we made for each other was completed after it. The bonus I got from the completed pledge was her affection.

I almost cursed when I read that system message back then. I was expecting another stats bonus or something like a cheat item for me. But yeah, \'The World\' swindled me. Maybe the real bonus I got was that Orb of Concealment.

"The word about me defeating an incarnation of a Higher Being from their world probably reached their higher-ups managing their troops here."

Yuko answered.

That could be the only answer. This sudden retreat proved how threatened they were by the current strength of the Hero. They don\'t want to unnecessarily lose soldiers.

This is only happening in this Kingdom though, and when we go back to Earth, they will start their invasion again. That King better do something. They got it good that Yuko was here, unlike the other countries who had to deal with the threat of Corrupted Individuals alone.

"I\'ll convince Father and brother to strengthen our defences. They were too lax knowing you will be transported here."

Reinys said with conviction. I\'m changing my view of her a bit. She\'s probably better than that Father of hers. If I grow strong enough, I\'ll put her to that throne to manage this country. She\'ll surely make wise decisions, just looking at her eyes right now. It\'s the eye of a ruler.

For them to be too lax just because Yuko were set to be transported here. What are they doing?

Maybe this is why Yuko took her into her party. To let her grow alongside her.

"Next time, I will be transported to another country. You three will be notified by \'The World\' again."

Yuko faced her three companions then she remembered that there\'s an addition to her Party.

"Ah. Zerina, you will be notified too. So stay close to them or you can wait at your Manor but I suggest you take this chance to go with them and see the world we are protecting. I will soon go back to our world, together with Dai-kun, so protect this world in our place for the meantime."

Zerina and the other three nodded at her.

We went down to the ruins of the Western Border to look for possible survivors but yeah, how many days was it already? They even reached the Bluridge Territory so the chance of someone surviving right now is close to zero.

That night, after an unsuccessful search for any survivor, Yuko told me that \'The World\' already notified her of the date of our return through her system. Well, it recognized me as one of its own so I will never receive that notification.

We spent the remaining time, which is 3 days, to guard this border before fresh troops and builders arrived from the inner territories.

During the 3 days, I got the chance to talk and know everyone better not only to Yuko but to everyone, even to Reinys.

Yuko also mentioned some things about our past but since I couldn\'t recall any of that happening, it\'s somehow unconvincing, seeing that, Yuko just hugged me and told me not to think to much about it.

When I talked to Zerina though, like the pledge stated, she really started looking at me at a different light. She explained that it probably stemmed to what I did for her but yeah, didn\'t we just used each other for our own goals? But she insisted on it, especially on the words I used to cheer her up when we\'re going to the detaining area.

After two days, the fresh troops and builders arrived. Reinys\' words really carried some weight and well, it\'s probably pressure from the Hero as well. That King also received Yuko\'s message after all.

The appearance of the Corrupted Individuals and the possible descent of an Incarnation has taken this world to another level of threat. It\'s time for them to get serious if they don\'t want to be destroyed.

The day of our departure arrived soon enough.

Yuko and I were currently standing in front of the same portal we stepped in back at the Principal\'s Office.

Zerina, Reinys, Caila and Noelle were with us, seeing us off.

"We will be waiting for your next arrival Hero Yuko, and you too, Daisuke."

Caila broke the silence. Well, I don\'t know what\'s with this atmosphere, it\'s not like Yuko will not come back but Noelle and Reinys have tears in their eyes.

"I still can\'t accept that man beside you Yuko but seeing how happy you are with him then I won\'t say anything. And you, grow stronger soon and become worthy of her. My brother won\'t be happy hearing about you at the Hero\'s side."

Reinys said next, she first looked at Yuko before turning to me. This brocon princess. She\'s still pushing on that brother of hers that I haven\'t met yet.

But she\'s right. I need to grow stronger.

"Daisuke, please take care of Yuko. You\'re stronger than you think and I learned a lot from how you supported her. I\'ll get better as a support."

Ah. Even the shy Noelle mustered up the courage to say that to me. And what did she learn from me? I don\'t know. Maybe I\'ll ask her about how to get Blessings when I next come here with Yuko.

"Thank you for taking me in Hero, I\'ll take up your suggestion to see the world to become worthy of being part of your Party."

Zerina thanked Yuko wholeheartedly. Her life will change now. Her identity will not just be the 1st Daughter of House Westcolt anymore, she will now also be known as a part of the Hero\'s Party.

"And you, Daisuke. I will be able to see you again, right? You really should grow stronger. I\'ll help you with that the next time you come here. So don\'t forget about me."

She then turned her head to me and said that. This girl. Can\'t she just say she will miss me? Ah. I shouldn\'t tease her in front of Yuko.

"Dai-kun will probably not be with me the next time I come here. He\'s supporting not just me but other Heroes like me."

Yuko revealed this information to them. They have mixed reactions and Reinys smiled contentedly, knowing she might not see the next time.

"Yes. I don\'t know when I will see you guys again. I will be travelling to other worlds with other Heroes. I will keep in mind the words you told me. I will grow stronger. So I can fight in front like you guys. Please take care of Yuko in my place."

After saying that, I turned to Zerina. This girl. I might really grow to like her. But it\'s not like I can take her with me. It will be a long time until I see her again. Or maybe it won\'t be that long? I don\'t know.

"You\'ll see me again, don\'t worry. And I\'ll be stronger than how I am right now. You shouldn\'t slack off or I might scold you when I see you again."

When we are done with our goodbyes. Yuko and I stood hand in hand again in front of the portal. Just like the last time, it widened to also allow me to pass through.

Yuko looked at me and smiled. And with a step, my vision turned white again.

Ah. I should get used to this. It will happen every time, right?

And with this, my first trip to an Otherworld ended successfully. I learned a lot, not only the situation of that world but also of Earth, there are things that I need to think of or maybe have the Principal think about it with me.

That Pocket Dimension too, there\'s probably more secret to it. I should really ask the Principal. Even if he won\'t tell me everything, I can try to guess and find a conclusion from it.

The Invading World knew about the heroes, maybe soon, they\'ll focus on eliminating them. I have to grow faster and become their Ultimate Support that would save them from their impending doom.

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