The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 709 Settling Down


Listening to the report of the returning \'knights\', Noelle sighed. "It really doesn\'t look like there are any intelligent species living nearby."

Of course, they\'d only managed to explore a few square kilometers of the forest, so it wasn\'t really much of a surprise.

Thankfully, the bounty of nature around them was more than abundant to sustain a few hundred people off of hunting and gathering alone, so the gray-haired girl was more or less able to relax.

Most of them were already trained in combat, and since they\'d brought along quite a few compound bows, they would only have to learn how to make good arrows from the available trees for their hunting to be sustainable.

Of course, anything they killed and harvested for the first time would have to be tested for poison first. Emilia had made it more than clear that she had no idea about any of that the moment they arrived, after all.

"Let\'s finish setting up the tents for the night, and from tomorrow, we can start building more permanent housing."

"You really don\'t have to be so serious, Noelle. It\'s not like we have a company to manage anymore, so why not enjoy this free life in the forest a bit more?" Sam grinned.

The gray-haired girl only gave the brunette sprawled on the ground a disgusted look before turning to Dixie. "Don\'t mind this useless sloth over here. Did you bring the sample of water from the nearest source?"

"Yes, Adele and Hazel each found a pond and a small stream." The dark-haired girl took out a vial from her bag before handing it over to Noelle. "I told them to explore further ahead in case we can find something better, but I\'ve brought the sample from the pond with me, and Michelle should be getting back with the one from the stream soon."

Noelle nodded in satisfaction. "Good. We can get them tested and see if they need to be purified first or not. Crystal?"

The blonde girl waved at her absentmindedly, her gaze focused on the hut in the distance. "Wait a minute… it looks like Emilia is out."

Her words inevitably caused a wave of excitement, but as the crimson-haired beauty got closer, they soon realized that although she smiled and waved at them, her aura was far from cheerful.

"Is everything okay?!"

"Did something happen?"

Emilia quickly hugged both Sam and Crystal to assuage their worries, and smiled. "I was just thinking about how to handle my next mission, but don\'t let it bother you. Instead, how about you let me know how things are going here?"

Noelle quickly filled her in on their \'progress\' so far, and the crimson-haired girl couldn\'t help but sigh in relief. "Really, if not for you so meticulously taking care of what comes along in each backpack, I have no idea how we would have managed everything."

The gray-haired girl chuckled. "I don\'t know about the others, but this little sloth would definitely starve to death without me around."

Sam cried at Noelle\'s playful kick, and happily took the opportunity to glomp onto her little sister. "Look, she\'s bullying me again!"

Emilia giggled while patting the taller girl\'s back. "Isn\'t it because you always cause her trouble, big sis?"

The taller girl gave her a pout, but couldn\'t refute that point, so she only hugged her tighter. "Even you\'re bullying me, ahh! I need consolation, consolation!"

One didn\'t need to have an ability like Crystal\'s to understand what kind of consolation a supreme siscon pervert like Sam might be hoping for, but just when Noelle was about to kick the taller girl\'s shin again, Emilia sighed.

"Actually, about that… I might have to leave soon."

Fortunately, there were only a few of them around, or the cries of disappointment and despair might have directly torn Noelle\'s eardrums to shreds.

But hearing about the crimson-haired beauty leaving so soon after their arrival into her world, even the usually calm Noelle couldn\'t help but frown. "Like, right now?!"

Emilia nodded, her expression grim. "Although I can stay for a few days to accompany everyone if really needed, but… I haven\'t been very good to Cynthia, and it would really be too bad of me to not properly keep my end of the promise just because she\'s given me so much autonomy."

Not knowing the exact contents of this \'promise\', the rest of them could only guess that it must have something to do with the \'missions\' Emilia needed to complete in their world.

Obviously, they didn\'t want their precious princess to have to bear such guilt on her shoulders when they could just as well wait for her to return, and Emilia seemed to know that too.


"Will you be alright?"

Crystal\'s worried words also echoed the thoughts of everyone else, and Emilia couldn\'t help but smile.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll be back in… eight, no… ten hours. Promise."

It was impossible to not be disappointed, but just as Emilia was kind and indulgent to them, they were also more than willing to compromise for her. After all, they\'d even left the world they were born and raised in for her sake.

Emilia sighed. "Actually, there was something else I needed everyone to be here for, too…"


Those who had gone out to scout or gather samples or supplies soon returned, and were gathered in the large tent turned into a temporary meeting hall by Noelle.

Of course, they were excited for the first meeting with their princess in this new world.

"What do you think, Adele? Do you think one of us might get lucky tonight?!"

The spectacled girl gave her squealing tanned companion a disgusted look. "Given how you sound like a pig in heat right now, I doubt you\'d be picked. Plus, is it our place to speculate on the holy thoughts of our princess?"

Hazel was obviously used to her fellow knight\'s \'directness\', however, and didn\'t let it kill her excitement at all. "Don\'t look at my face, Adele! Although I might look stupid, compared to the princess, aren\'t we all equally ugly? If you think about it that way, my chances are no worse than any other knight."

Her proud tone made it clear that she was completely serious, and Adele could only sigh. \'Even though I\'ve told her so many times, she just never learns.\'

In all the years they\'d been faithfully serving as the knights of their princess, she\'d never really liked those who desired physical affection from Emilia in any way. Unfortunately, even amongst the most faithful ones who\'d been picked this time, the number of knights who aligned with her thoughts wasn\'t very high.

Adele had already approached everyone she had even the slightest hopes for — including Emilia\'s secretary Alexandria, Cindy-Mindy, Noelle\'s little sister Nicole, that dead-faced maid Michelle, and even that little brat Bianca, and they all turned her down!

Amongst the only ten who did join her \'Holy Knights\' faction and claimed not to lust after their princess, seven were males, with the only other girls being Rhea and Kristie.

The two of them had only joined the knight order a few months after being \'rescued\' from Alexander and Amos, but quickly adapted to their way of life like fish to water under Penny\'s care.

But unlike her extremely perverted \'commander\', the two of them firmly believed that Emilia was like a goddess, only to be admired and served, not to be tainted by their touch.

Knowing that most of her holy knights were just \'coping\' or \'in denial\', Adele felt that the future was quite bleak.

Even Noelle and Penny seemed intent on corrupting her by always saddling her with this bottle of lust, Hazel.

Luckily, her gloomy thoughts were soon scattered when Penny and Noelle started instructing everyone to take lotus positions on the grass so they could see Emilia properly without a stage.

Given that there were so few of them left after the final \'pruning\', and most of them were well-trained already, it didn\'t take long.

Adele didn\'t know if it was a coincidence or what, but she was once again arranged right next to the unholy bottle of lust, and to make matters worse, the one to her right was the infamous, always-in-heat... Koko. Her nemesis, not that she would know.

The poor holy knights, mostly males, were also somehow marginalized into a distant corner, farthest away from where their princess was, all seven of them.

Even Adele couldn\'t help but complain. \'The commander is being too blatant with her bias, isn\'t she?!\'

With their princess waving at them in greeting, however, Adele could only let go of her grudge and listen attentively.

Once they\'d all turned quiet, Emilia nodded with a smile. "It\'ll probably be a little tough to cope with the lack of modern luxuries for a while, but I hope none of you are having too much trouble?"

Of course, it wasn\'t easy, but they\'d already resolved themselves to what they needed to do, so no one complained.

The crimson-haired girl shook her head with a sigh. "You\'re all really too good to me, but… I have another favor to ask of you this time."

Appearing a little embarrassed, the crimson-haired beauty blushed before continuing. "I... happen to have a skill that I need \'someone\' to help with, but… that person can only be picked by the skill itself. If any of you would be willing to test out for it, I\'ll be really happy? It doesn\'t matter if someone is picked or not, I just wanted to try."

The knights barely managed to contain their excited cheers as they raised their hands enthusiastically.

"Me, me!"

"Pick me first!"

"I\'ll go!"

Emilia giggled, slightly amused by their reactions. "Okay, one by one, then. Let\'s go randomly based on whoever this petal falls the nearest to, alright?"

Michelle obediently handed her a jar of freshly picked flower petals, already tested for being both edible and fragrant, and the crimson-haired beauty gently pressed her lips against it before flicking it into the air.

Amidst the wave of excited cheers, it landed right on Hazel\'s head, who shot off to the front like a rocket. "YESSS! It\'s me!"


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