An Owl's Rise

Chapter 34 34 Out Into The World

\'Okay, I think I got everything I can.\'

The eight days Evelyn had left before it was time for her to leave her sanctuary had finally arrived.

Naturally she wished she could stay longer to prepare more, but Mason had warned her that something bad was likely to happen if she stuck around any longer.

She had just finished storing the most valuable and useful items that had had left into her four storage amulets and was getting ready to leave.

Unfortunately, Mason had left an excessive amount of materials, so she had to leave a few things behind. Though none of what she was not taking was super valuable.

Mostly it was just extra supplies for different types of crafting professions in case she wanted to weave magical clothing, inscribe enchanted items, or other similar things.

Unfortunately, Evelyn could not even effectively do most sort of crafts since as an owl she did not have hands.

Still when reading about different jobs that focused primarily on magic, she had found one that she could do.

She had found that for alchemy, she did not need her hands, as she could place any ingredients into a cauldron and could stir by using her beak

Of course, while Mason had supplied her with a cauldron to use and some simple ingredients, it was not like she could become an expert in a couple of days.

All she had successfully made with her few attempts was a huge mess, but she felt that she was getting the hang of it slowly.

The biggest problem was that it was necessary to use a magically charged fire to heat the caldron, but her control over the heavenly flame was still pretty much nothing.

At best she could keep a small flame out for a couple of minutes, and anything else would go out of control and cause a huge explosion.

Nevertheless, she still believed that trying her hand at alchemy was the way to go, since it would allow her to make many useful items.

She could create potions, pills, oils, and even poisons once she had developed her skills.

These items could have various effects from what she read in the book Mason had left about alchemy. From healing wounds, to quickly replenishing magical energy just to name a couple.

But while she had been trying her hand a bit at alchemy, what she had really been doing most of the time was strengthen her magic core.

She had found that it had compounded with and boosted her beast core, and that the stronger it got, the more powerful her magic could become.

Now she was able to increase and decrease gravity to around three and half times less of more in a diameter of twelve feet, and her gusts of wind had become a lot stronger.

Along with that she had enhanced her already physically strong body with the magical energy from her magic core, making her a bit tougher than before.

All in all, she had gotten a bit stronger and created a solid foundation for herself in these ninety days.

She was around an intermediate level with the langue of this continent, and she had learned at least a bit about the world. Even if her information was outdated.

Sadly, there was one very important thing she found she was incapable of.

Human spells required both specific hand motions and to speak the name of the spell begin cast in order to activate.

In this way they took the raw form of a person\'s magical energy and affinity and created more complex effects than what could be used just exerting magical energy.

That was why her parents magic was much less focused than the man who had taken them down.

With his spells he was able to create specific phenomenon like manifesting two massive hands of earth or covering himself in a layer stone that gave him an impeccable defense and made his body a weapon.

So, while Evelyn could create gusts of wind shot out a small burst of fire, and lower and raise the gravity around her. The control over her powers were minimal.

She had even tried casting some of the wind magic spells that Mason had left behind but found that she simply could not get them to work.

This was just another difference between beasts and humans.

\'It is time to go.\'

With everything she could carry with her Evelyn exited the room that had been her home for the last ninety days.

Looking back as she exited the place, she felt a sense of sorrow for having to leave her temporary base.

It was the first place she had felt safe for the first time since her family had been captured by the humans in the woods.

This was a place that also had a connection to her brother and contained the last remnants of his existence in this world.

\'Thank you for leaving this to me Mason. It was more help than you will ever know. I promise to one day find you and thank you for it.\'

After one last look she left her temporary abode and closed the hidden wall to seal the place off.

Then she flapped her wings and took to the air. Beginning the journey through the long and winding tunnel that would take her back to the surface.

Soon she made it to the ladder that would take her to cellar of the largest house in the ruins above.

When she had climbed up, she could see just the faintest bit of moonlight shinning down from the open cellar doors.

Flying out of the cellar and then the house, she once again came out into the open air.

Taking a deep breath, Evelyn enjoyed the crisp cool night air. Before turning her gaze towards the moon that was full and bright.

It seemed to have an almost golden color tonight. Different from its normal very pale yellow that bordered on being white.

\'It looks like it is a good night for me to finally begin my journey out into the world.\' Evelyn though as she gazed at the moon.

She then turned her body towards it and continued flying in the direction it rose into the sky. Having decided to follow where it would lead her.

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