Bored Gamer in Other Worlds

Chapter 829 829 Immortal Emperors

Chapter 829 Chapter 829 Immortal Emperors

"Hmmm... What shall i do today?" Our bored gamer thought out loud in the privacy of his chambers. He was not at home but already in the pill pavilion which he managed for the family.

This place was called Pill Emporium but there was really no serious work to be done here. Clark would only need to cater some minor troubles like late deliveries, discount pricing, etcetera.

He would not create the pills themselves nor would he be the one to market them to its customers.

Basically, all our good gamer did was sit around and wait for problems to come to him which was not a bad job at all in general.

"Should i find myself some toy to play with then?" Clark mused as he rubbed his handsome face.

A few little hairs had began to develop from the last time he shaved and he planned to grow a long beard in time.

An old soul like him loved to stroke a long white beard while deep in thought.

"Let me see what\'s out there." Our bored gamer closed his eyes and all the secrets in this universe was laid bare before him.

Nothing and no one could hide from his burning gaze at this time.

* * *

In a tranquil lake that spanned a few million kilometers of space, an unmatched beauty was currently taking a bath in her lonesome.

Everything about her spoke of grace and power that had thrived and survived the eternal vicissitudes of time.

"Who are you?" This beauty asked as she returned the searching gaze in the skies.

A blood red lotus flower bloomed around her and a world destroying force threatened to fly skywards into the illusionary phantom overhead.

"..." The set of eyes chose to ignore her and looked somewhere else instead. This has triggered a sudden fury in this lady\'s heart.

Since time immemorial, no one had offended her and lived to tell its tale.

"Lotus Flames, Scatter!" The great moonlit night grew dark before it showed a world in flames in the next instance.

Dancing lotus flowers came next which numbered in the countless and tightly locked all directions. Even the heavens and the earth were laid static by this immortal formation.

"I ask again, who are you?" The lady in the lake said. Alas, the vision in the skies had that faraway look on its face already.

It was obvious that its mind was definitely not on this place already.

"Insolent!" The Lady cried in anger and the burning world crumbled in pieces. All to destroy something that was not interested in speaking to her.

The dance of a trillion exploding lotuses pierced the eyes in the horizon but did no damage whatsoever.

The image stayed there like an ancient piece of furniture amidst the hungry chaos of its surrounding. It lingered for a few more breaths before it completely vanished in time.

"Who are you?" The lady asked this question for the third time but found no answer to her queries.

* * *

In a desolate world, an old man was meditating. His eyes opened instantly as the changes in the heavens distorted reality and more.

These set of eyes looked curious as if searching for something profound. A few seconds lasted before it vanished from its spot.

"An old immortal awakes? Someone who even i am not acquainted with? Is it a sign of more wars and chaos?"

The old daoist immortal asked himself until he once more closed his eyes in meditation.

* * *

"Interesting!" A maniacal laughter of a crazy soul boomed.




And one by one, all the Immortal Emperors were privy to this new player in the game.

The same thing could not be said to the mortals and those below Immortal Emperor cultivation base. A thing of this nature was of course beyond human perception.

Thus, the majority of existence remained in blissful innocence.

* * *

"Hmmm... This universe is truly so big!" Our bored gamer shook his head in dismay.

He stopped counting after the one million and one count of supreme existences he found and this would only mean that he would have to be stuck in this world for a long long time indeed.


"I just have to enjoy every passing day so that time will pass a whole lot more quickly for me. The world may change but some things remains luckily the same."

Clark said then stood up to make his rounds in the city.

Although there were countless of ownerless treasures to be found in this vast universe but our bored gamer had no need of them for now.

This was especially true when there were readily available ones inside his very own city.

Lucky Origin was a cultivator hub for more than 100,000 years and so it was bound to have one or two artifacts just lying around waiting to be discovered with those that had keen eyes.

"Let\'s go shopping, Xun\'er." Our good gamer summoned his lovely maidservant into this little adventure of his.

"I\'m right behind you, master!" Tian Xun excitedly hopped towards her master.

Although her master\'s courtyard had more than a hundred female servants but it was her joy and luck that her master doted on her the most.

This was also because of her continued devotion and service after all these years. While all others gave up, Tian Xun remained steadfast in her quest.

Thus in reply, our bored gamer rewarded her in full.

* * *

"Old man, how much for that broken pocket watch?" It did not take long for our bored gamer to reach his destination.

It was not inside the more deluxe stores in the market but only on a certain side street that was populated by the less fortunate individuals in the city.

The difference could be seen in people\'s clothes and attire.

"..." The old man looked up and it was easy to see that he was still in a half drunk state. The late night partying must have been worth the lack of sleep.

But when he saw our good gamer\'s excellent crimson robe, the old man seemed to be revitalized in but a blink of an eye.

"You have good eyes, young master! This pocket watch may be in this kind of state but there is a big secret behind it.

I should tell you that i found this in a big cultivators hidden cave by chance and..."

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