Blood Elf Monarch

Chapter 104 - Hybrid

Within the vast territory of Arcadian Kingdom, there were several races living and coexisting with each other. One of them was the beastman, which consisted of the pigman, moleman, lizardfolk, catfolk and a few others.

These groups of beastmen were born and raised within their circle, and although their kind was not many, they had their own community and tight relationship in Arcadia.

However, when the beast men are an evolved beast race, the hybrids are basically humans with part of their genetic code containing the bloodline of a certain creature. 

These hybrids had an innate ability to transform their body into that of their bloodline creature by using the power hidden in their blood. The transformation is not without any effect, as any kind of transformation a hybrid had would give them a certain strength or ability unique to their bloodline.

The number of hybrids seen throughout the Arcadian Kingdom was small, as they basically looked the same as humans if they did not use their transformation abilities. 

These hybrids were the people Tristan would be facing right now.

Seeing the three trappers suddenly transformed into half human half tiger creatures, Tristan swiftly instructed the system to scan them.

[Human - Tiger Hybrid]

[Battle power 78]

All three of them had similar levels of strength and similar physique.

At the moment, there were 20 human trappers and three hybrids. It was a twenty three against 7 situation, which should be disadvantageous for Tristan\'s group. Alas, these trappers were about to fight against the Arcadian King\'s elite force, a Valkyrie from Vanyar Kingdom, and a monstrous Blood Monarch.

In a heartbeat, Serene swiftly dashed towards the steel cage where the fawn was, completely ignoring the trappers that surrounded it. The trappers could not react to her due to how fast she moved.

The moment they realized what had happened, Serene had already arrived right beside the cage, protecting the animal from possible threat the trappers might desperately resort to.

These trappers were ferocious fighters, hence they were going to pounce on this female elf that came out of nowhere.

However, when they saw the group following right behind the woman, their faces immediately turned into shock.

Their faces gradually became pale as they looked at the defining white uniform the Kingsblade members wore. At that moment, they finally realized they were about to fight a group of the most elite force in the Arcadian Kingdom.

Alas, they were given no chance to retreat as Tristan and the Kingsblade immediately dashed towards them when they perceived their existence was exposed. Realizing that they would be unable to leave the place without their precious cargo, the group of trappers decided to fight this battle.

The three hybrids quickly picked their opponent.

One of the tiger hybrids dared to fight a battle of strength against Titus. Their arms were interlocking together as the two tried their best to bring the other down. But as soon as Titus turned his body into metal, the stalemate between them instantly shattered as he easily broke both of the tiger hybrid\'s arms. The said hybrid screamed out loud in pain, as he dropped to the ground and squirmed in his own blood.

A volley of red spheres came crashing down onto one of the tiger hybrids as Petra managed to burn one half of the latter into crisp, while Nyx already assimilated with the shadow and leaped around stabbing his dagger to the human trappers\' back.

As the battle, or rather, massacre raged on, the last tiger hybrid decided to fight with, what he thought to be, the weakest among the seven. A middle-aged woman with short hair.

He tried to intimidate the woman with his tiger roar, but she remained unaffected. The woman looked at the last tiger hybrid calmly, as if he was nothing. Seeing that, the tiger hybrid decided to charge at her. Unfortunately, that was exactly the moment of his doom.

Before the tiger hybrid could dash a step, Raika raised one finger and pointed it towards the former. A split second later, a bolt of lightning was zooming forward and incapacitated him right away. That was exactly what he got for picking the strongest fighter in the group.

Within minutes, the 20 and so trappers were either dead or incapacitated on the ground. When the other elven soldiers caught up to the seven, they only had to do the clean up.

Just like the previous clash, Tristan did not even get a piece of the action. However, even though his body was itching for a fight, he still enjoyed observing and learning more of the Kingsblade members\' strengths.

Tristan silently approached Serene who was currently attending the fawl.

It had the same silvery fur like its mother and small silver antler on its head. Unlike its mother who was almost the size of a human, it was only the size of a cat.

"Is the little guy alright?" Tristan asked Serene who placed her entire focus on the little creature.

Serene turned her head and said, "It\'s a female, and no. She\'s not alright. Now that her mother has died, I need to take care of her until she\'s big enough."

Tristan nodded his head in understanding.

"So, what are we going to do now? What are you going to do with those trappers?" said Tristan while pointing his finger at the disabled ones.

"King Callan is very strict about unnecessary killing. Therefore, I will order my men to bring those criminals to Falkreath for trial."

"I see.." commented Tristan while he was lost in his thoughts.

Serene focused her gaze on Tristan for a while before she opened her mouth, "Thank you, Sir Tristan. For your help, that is. Now that this is all over, we can continue our journey to Vanyar."

Tristan got out of his reverie and nodded to the female elf.

While Serene and the others began packing up and about to leave, Tristan returned back to approached the sealed trappers, He secretly smiles knowing no one gives cares about his skill being used to a lowly trapper.

He had purposely not released the guy from the [Blood Seal] in secret as he needed him to deliver a certain message to their leader later. The leader he meant was the trappers\' leader. With his current condition being somehow hostage by the King, he needs to start scheming for the future.

He just hopes that the message will be successfully delivered. After making sure the guy was doing fine and escorted by the first group of elves to Falkreath, Tristan returned his attention back to the current situation.

Time to head to Vanyar.

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