The Human Giant

Chapter 63 63: Deal

As Yoze enjoyed his meal, marveled at his new control of his Inner Vigor. Plucking a strand of hair Yoze dropped it on the table.


The moment Yoze let go of this strand of hair it fell towards the table as if it were 1000 times its weight and landed with a deep thud.

"I can now create deadly projectiles."

After reaching level 6 Yoze found that his level of control of his inner vigor had increased further. Before when Yoze manipulated his inner vigor he wanted to test if he lost an arm through battle would lose the inner vigor inside that arm.

To test this theory he placed a strand of inner vigor into one of his nails and cut it. The result was that no matter how fast he lost that part of his body his inner vigor would come back to his body.

Now after breaking through level 6 he could force his inner vigor to stay in a piece of his body even after that piece of him was detached.

"I can make some destructive and disposal weapons like throwing a strand of my hair that weighs 1000 pounds. It would pierce through anything." Yoze\'s eyes sparkled as he picked up the hair strand and reabsorbed his inner vigor.

"Can I join you?"

Yoze turned his head to see Jewel looking at him with her cheeky smile and before he could say anything she sat down.

"Before you say anything after thinking about what happened yesterday I know that I was mistaken." Jewel let out a heavy and regret-filled sigh.

"I shouldn\'t have called you out on your scheme. And I shouldn\'t be so greedy to become your student so soon. I will take it a step at a time and just accept being your human guide for the time being." Jewel\'s face lights up as she tries her best to hide the deep suspicion she had for demons.

"Are you still going about that? I won\'t be taking in any students and us working together was transactional, to begin with. Also, why are you so certain that I will hire you to be my guide for the human world when I\'m human." Yoze took a bite of his meal and felt confused about whether he should be more delighted that she had misunderstood what he had done or disappointed that she still believed it.

"Well you might be \'human\' but Yoze aren\'t you a man from the rural part of the Jade Mountain Region? Just because you\'re a scholar doesn\'t mean you know everything. You already don\'t have much understanding about this region so what about the countless other regions?"

"I can help with that. You will never have to waste precious time learning about a place in advance because I can do it for you. Plus, are you still willing to hire anyone else when there is a possibility that they too can find out your secrets?" Jewel puffed out her chest with pride as she felt like she was negotiating with a legendary demon.

How many other people are confident that they could negotiate a deal with a demon? The race is known for screwing humans over and over again and turning them into flesh-eating monsters.

Jewel knew she was playing with fire but her longing for eternal life had made her take this risk. She also felt that her life would be in constant danger regardless as the demon she saw Yoze as might think that she was better off dead even if she knew nothing.

Jewel wouldn\'t even be surprised by that fate if she did nothing, she had a deep distrust for demons from the stories and tales she had heard. And after witnessing the birth of the Serpent Demon she sensed just how weak and fragile her life was.

"If I\'m bound to die, I might as well do it with my attempt to change my fate as a mortal." Jewel\'s thoughts rapidly spun as she tried to show her value to Yoze.

Meanwhile, Yoze finally realized what he should be feeling. He should be happy that Jewel mistook him for a demon because he could benefit by getting a world-experienced expert.

Yoze didn\'t like not lacking information but he had been spending the majority of his time training his martial arts with little time to study the world around him. There were also pieces of information that Yoze just could not access. Even though he searched the first floor of the Martial Courtyard library he didn\'t find anything on the martial art sects. It was a frustrating situation for him and there wasn\'t much he could do to remedy the situation.

Yet for Jewel due to her being raised a part of a martial art family, she had a deep pool of knowledge about the community. Not only that she was also an explorer with fantastic carriage-driving skills.

Her knowledge and understanding of this world was no doubt deeper than his. She might not know everything but would be a great supplement while he filled his knowledge pool.

"You do make a great point, okay I\'ll hire you so let\'s start with your pay. I think 10 silver a month is good." Making up his mind to take advantage of Jewel\'s misunderstanding Yoze immediately tried to seal the deal.

"I won\'t accept anything less than 20 plus I want you to pay for my living expenses just like during our travels." Jewel quickly replied.

"Make it 15 and you got a deal." Yoze calculated how much he would be spending to keep up with his father\'s lifestyle and keep up with his training by using what he made back in Jade City as a reference before settling on the price of 15 silver a month.

That was a price he was willing to pay and it should satisfy Jewel seeing that she would be making almost twice as much as an ordinary person.

As Yoze expected Jewel fell silent as she thought about his offer before extending her hand.

Knowing that she had accepted his proposal Yoze smiled and grabbed her hand to seal the deal with a handshake.

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