Confess System: Picking Up Girls After Girls, Try Not to Get Killed!

Chapter 223 The Past Of Heloise

By now, Heloise had dressed herself. She carefully folded the temporary black cloak that Felix had lent her and returned it to him when he returned.

"Lord Felix,  the Nefarious Tiger King thanks you for your aid, the crisis of rampage has been resolved."

"Haha, think nothing of it."

Observing Felix\'s warm smile, Heloise found it rather miraculous. Felix was like his cloak — plain and modest on the outside, only revealing its comforting intricacies upon closer interaction (or wearing). 

She hadn\'t felt such considerate care for a long time, not since the time when her family from the tigermen race surrounded her, back when their territory was not yet invaded.

"Heloise, shall we continue our journey?"

"The apostle of  the Nefarious Tiger King is always ready to move!"


Before setting off, Felix once again invited Heloise to ride on the horse with him, but she declined again. 

As a member of the tigermen race, running was her way of exercising. 

In addition, this time, Felix\'s warhorse no longer competed with Heloise. They maintained a steady pace, running parallel on the dirt road.

"Lord Felix, what school does your archery belong to? Your sharp aura could virtually dissipate darkness."

"Hahaha, it\'s not as exaggerated as you make it out to be. I just practiced archery while hunting."

Heloise vividly remembered Felix\'s performance in the battle just now. 

Although it was their first time cooperating, Felix was like he could predict Heloise\'s next move, always providing her with just the right support. 

This allowed Heloise to severely injure the Sand Devouring Centipede, delivering the decisive blow that determined the outcome of the battle.

This rare camaraderie during battle made Heloise subconsciously develop some fondness towards Felix. 

Considering their shared goal, after discussing the topic of the battle, Heloise continued to chat with Felix about other things.


"Felix, there\'s a faint aura of darkness around your warhorse."

"Felix, there\'s a plump pigeon on the tree ahead. Why don\'t we make it an offering to  the Nefarious Tiger King?"

"Felix, the power of  the Nefarious Tiger King is about to overflow. Please wait for me here for a moment."


By sunset, Heloise and Felix had become quite familiar with each other. At this point, Felix asked Heloise a question.

"Heloise, you said you\'re from the tigermen race, but I don\'t see any characteristics of the tigermen race on you...?" 

Upon hearing this, Heloise hummed in self-satisfaction and then explained the reason to Felix.


Heloise had been an orphan since childhood. 

By the time she had come to understand the world, her parents had long since vanished, and it was a human trafficking organization that raised her. 

Naturally, the traffickers harbored no benevolent intentions; they merely saw Heloise as a pretty prospect and were willing to feed her, hoping that when she reached her teenage years, they could sell her for a good price.

Yet, whether it was fortune or misfortune, the year Heloise turned nine, the trafficking organization offended a local lord and was annihilated overnight. 

From then on, Heloise returned to a state of abject solitude, forced to rely on her own resourcefulness to survive.

At nine years old, Heloise led a vagrant life. Unbeknownst to her, she had crossed the border with a group of refugees during the Big Migration, leaving the Wester Kingdom, and entering the neighboring Falnas Empire.

Once, while hunting for wild chickens in the forest, Heloise accidentally stumbled into the territory of the tigermen race. 

At the time, Heloise, terrified by the sharp-toothed, fierce tiger folk, trembled in fear, assuming she would be eaten. 

To her surprise, the tigermen folk treated her kindly and even adopted her as one of their own.

Time flew by, and Heloise lived with the tigermen folk tribe for five years. 

In these five years, she had become a real young girl of the tigermen race. 

Whether it was their culture or combat skills, she mastered them as if they were second nature, holding her own even when compared to real tigermen.

At fifteen, Heloise underwent the rite of passage in the tribe.

The elders, impressed by Heloise\'s graceful combat stance that was akin to a butterfly\'s flutter, and seeing her immaculate white hair, bestowed upon her the title "White Tigerwing." 

However, Heloise was unsatisfied. She said that the incarnation of the Nefarious Tiger King she worshiped was a handsome, one-eyed black tiger, so she wanted to be called "Black Tigerwing."

The people of the tigermen race were long accustomed to Heloise\'s quirky ideas, and the elders indulgently agreed to her request, bestowing upon her the title "Black Tigerwing." 

The happy and peaceful times seemed like they would last forever, but a few months after her rite of passage, the tigermen folk\'s territory was attacked by the evilkind\'s army.

The tribe\'s territory was attacked by the evilkind\'s elite troops. 

That day, the Steel Rhino Corps that rampaged across the land and the Soaring Dragon Squadron that rained fire from the sky were as fast as lightning, giving the tigermen folk no chance to react. 

In an instant, the forest was consumed by flames. 

Later, the human alliance\'s troops gradually counterattacked and eventually reclaimed half of the tigermen folk\'s territory, but this territory was not returned to the tigermen folk, but rather directly occupied by the humans.

Since then, Heloise could only wander with the tigermen folk, making the world her home, until she met "that person."

"That person was very kind to us. Not only did he provide us with a place to live, but he also arranged work for us. He also fully supported our desire to gather strength and reclaim our territory!"

"The most important thing is, he even believes in the legends of our Nefarious Tiger King, and he also gave me..."

As she spoke, Heloise paused, wondering whether she could tell Felix about the "Trial Blood." 

After thinking for a while, she felt that without the permission of "Lord Earthly Ghost," she couldn\'t tell him and changed her words: "That person also fully supports me in enhancing my power, hoping that I can awaken the power of the Nefarious Tiger King as soon as possible!"

"I see, \'that person\' is truly a great benefactor to the tigermen race." 

Felix agreed, his face showing his admiration for "that person" without any concealment. 

"Hmm, indeed, on the day the God of the Nefarious Tiger awakens, \'that person\' will be the greatest contributor."

Heloise kept nodding, her eyes full of trust for "that person."


Upon hearing Heloise\'s story, Tyler could more or less guess the ins and outs behind it. 

However, before he could obtain evidence of the Earthly Ghost deceiving the tigermen folk, the difficulty of turning Heloise was still considerable.

During their conversation, Heloise said she needed to release some of the power of the God of the Nefarious Tiger. 

Understanding her meaning, Tyler consciously did not follow her. 

Heloise walked alone in the woods, found a suitable location, but just then, the voice of "that person" suddenly came from behind her.

"Hiss... Heloise, can you hear me... hiss... it\'s urgent... hiss... I need to update you on the information about \'Banning.\'"

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