The World Serpent

Chapter 1 - 1-Choice

The Sun slowly rose from the Horizon as it revealed itself to the Whole World.

The Sunrise gave the Whole World to observe all of its creation. In an Island Nation, There was a beautiful city facing the Rising sun from the Horizon. The Beautiful City was a Coastal City. It was Loft and Fine. The Sea was observable from the city, and the Breeze was cool and moist. The Waves were heard from the beaches and a New Day starts with the Rising Sun.

The Blue Sky appeared with the Rising Sun. The Fluffy Clouds passed through above the city. Birds flew through the sky like Echelons. Humans and Animals woke up for a new starting day. Tall Magnificent Buildings pierced through the heavens. The Clean Roads were slowly getting filled by Vehicles and People heading to their workplace.

Animals began Hunting and Finding food. Trees began shedding their leaves. The Leaves slowly fell to the ground as it signified Autumn or Fall. Some Trees withered, preparing for the Winter to come after the fall. Animals began preparing their foods while humans were having the time of their life.

Within this city was a Giant Hospital near the shore. It was famous for its scenery towards the sea and The High Medical Rating appointed by the Government. The Giant Hospital also was one of the places where people wanted to watch the Beautiful Scenery before their death.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

It was the sound of the Heart Rate Monitor Beeping. The Sound Echoed all around the room, and This sound signified life within someone or anyone. Where did this sound come from? Specifically in the thousands of rooms in the Hospital. There was one room that has a patient with her life slowly reaching its time in this world.

In a Room with walls pure white. It was Bland and Quiet. The Room had a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Sunlight pierces through the windows giving more light to the room. It was supposed to be the start of a good day. But although the room had a peaceful atmosphere. There was something different about it, Something that makes the heart heavier.

A Young Girl was sleeping in the White Bed of the Room. The Girl was sleeping peacefully in the Comfortable Bed. She was a Patient that has her time almost reaching its limit. The Heart Rate Monitor reproduces the sound of her beating heart. It reminded anyone that hears the sound that the Young Girl was alive. But it also reminded those who heard the sound that there would be a time where the sound will fall flat and stop.

Around the Girl were doctors from the Hospital. All of them had a saddened expression plastered on their faces. A Young man was sitting right next to the Young Girl sleeping peacefully on the Bed. He was holding the Girl\'s hand tightly, not wanting to let it go. He had a worried expression on his face, and his hands were shaking.

"Is the news true? Has the time come?" The Young Man spoke with a Quiet but quivering voice while still holding the hand of the Girl. All of the doctors lowered their heads when they heard the Young Man\'s voice. One of the Doctors took a deep breath and stepped out of the group. The Doctor arrived in front of the Young Man and spoke with a calm voice.

"Yes, It is true... she doesn\'t have much time left..." Hearing the words of the Doctor. The Young man was in silence and didn\'t speak a single word. The supposedly calm atmosphere of the room disappeared and slowly became tense.

The Young man then stares at the Doctor as he spoke with a calm voice. "Why? Is it money? Why is she still dying?" The Young man had many questions. It was clear that the Young man was not accepting the news in front of him.

"Young Man, Her body is giving up. It is starting to affect her. If we continue... It will only give her pain and suffering." The Doctor spoke as there was no use in keeping the girl alive. The Body was dying, and they have no way to stop that. Forcing the Young Girl to live will not help Girl. It would only cause her pain and suffering. There was no stopping her death from creeping out from the shadows and reaching her.

The Young man was in silence as he had nothing to counter the words of the Doctor. They seem to be conveying the message that forcing his Sister to be alive will only cause pain and suffering. It will only buy a few days, but there was no stopping her time from running out.

The Young man gritted his teeth, realizing that his Sister\'s death was unavoidable. Does the World hate his family? He was in debt due to the expenses in the hospital, and it was slowly piling up. It was creating a Big Problem, but he didn\'t want to give up.

His Sister was the only one left in his life. He promised his Father to take care of his Sister. He won\'t easily give up, and he never will. This had been his life ever since his sister was born. He had to continue moving forward and never stop until he reaches the final destination.

"We will leave..." The Doctors around him shook their heads and left the room. The Beeping sound of the Heart Rate Monitor echoed, and the Young man clearly knew what it meant. The Moment it stops and falls flat, His sister\'s life will cease to exist.

At that moment, He will be alone without anyone to live on.

The Young man stares at his Sister\'s face as she was sleeping peacefully on the bed. The Young man spoke to his sleeping Sister. "Persia, You must never give up." The Two of them were together since the beginning. They went through many hardships in their life and didn\'t give up. Such life forced them to mature early and stop them from enjoying their childhood.

But in the end, Why was his Sister losing?

He didn\'t want to accept the reality in front of him. He didn\'t dare to accept the reality in front of him. He will never give up, and even if it takes money or power... he will never stop. He just hopes that his Sister also had these words in her mind. While thinking about his Sister, A thought passes through his mind.

"I\'m selfish, aren\'t I?" He spoke with a mocking tone. He knew that it was time for his Sister to rest. The two of them face many hardships. Such hardships took a lot of their blood and sweat. There will be a time for rest. He was selfish as he knew that he was forcing his Sister to suffer with him.

The whole room was in silence, and the Young man lowered his head while sitting right next to his Sister.

What the Young man didn\'t know was the fact that deep within his Sister\'s mind. Something strange was taking place... Persia found herself in a Strange Situation. Dark Fog was enveloping her whole body, and the ground below her was jet black. Fear was slowly creeping out from the shadows.

"Where am I?" Persia question herself as she didn\'t know what was going on. She thought that she was sleeping in her Hospital room. But she seems to be in the middle of a Scary Place. She didn\'t recognize such a place with dark fog and jet black ground. Persia was curious and confused at the same time.

She began observing the whole place that was full of Dark fog. She turned her head downwards and also observed the Jet Black Ground that she stepped on. It took a while for Persia to gather her will and think about the strange situation. While thinking, A scary thought passes through her mind.

"Am I dead?"

"No! Don\'t think of such scary thoughts." Persia stopped herself before continuing the dangerous and scary thought that lingered deep within her mind. She didn\'t want to die, and she didn\'t plan on dying. She had many things she needed to do, and she had her Older brother doing whatever it takes for her to be alive.

"I need to get out of here." Persia began looking around the strange place. *Rumble* She was finding a way out until an Earthquake began shaking the ground. She stumbled down to the Jet black ground, and she quickly stands back up as it was dangerous to be on the ground. "What was that?" The Earthquake quickly disappeared as if it didn\'t exist.

An Ancient and Distorted voice echoed in the strange place talking to Persia.

*Hello There, Human.*

The Voice echoed in the Dark Fog. Persia, who heard the voice felt a chill coming from her spine. She began looking around in the darkness to find where the strange voice came from. But it was all for naught. Persia didn\'t find anything that leads to the voice. The Voice was Distorted and Ancient. It was scary for Persia to hear the voice in the middle of the Darkness.

"Who are you?" Persia asked with a cold tone trying her hardest to stop her fear from revealing itself. The fear was forced to stay deep within her heart with many emotions that Persia stopped from revealing itself. Whoever was speaking to her was probably the one that took her to this strange place.

*I see that you are dying*

"What?" Hearing such words coming from the Ancient voice. Persia was shocked at how it knew that she was slowly dying. She then quickly took control of herself and stopped any emotion from revealing itself again. Persia then spoke towards the Ancient voice with her cold tone as death was something she despised.

"What are you trying to say? What is your goal?" Persia had many questions. The Ancient voice was in complete silence and didn\'t answer Persia\'s questions. Persia was still checking everything around her. She was hard-willed, and although fear was in her. She didn\'t let it escape and take control of her body.

*Persia, with death creeping out for your soul.*

*Why don\'t we make a deal?*

*You can wish for anything possible for me to do, Only one wish.*

*With the price of your soul.*

"I will not accept your deals." Persia quickly spoke towards the Ancient voice. There was no way she would sell her soul to some unknown entity. Persia knew that it wasn\'t a good idea to sell her soul. She was also doubting the identity of the Ancient voice speaking towards her.

*You don\'t believe me?*

"Why would I believe you?" Persia felt that her heart was slowly getting heavier in the seconds that passed. She continued standing ignoring, her painful heart. The Ancient voice then spoke with a grand tone as if Persia was foolish for not believing.

*Believe me or not, It is your choice.*

*Now let us continue on our business, Persia.*

*I would like to introduce myself...*

Persia was in silence and let the Ancient voice speak for itself. Although the situation was strange. Persia was trying to calm herself down, which was why she was in silence. The Ancient Voice then spoke of its nickname.

*I am The End and The Origin, Jörmungandr*

"That is a strange name." Persia didn\'t understand the name of the Ancient Voice. Why did the Ancient voice have a strange title? Why did the Ancient voice have a strange name? She had many questions, but Persia kept quiet and let the Ancient voice continue.

*You are dying. You will get your soul dismantled after your death, and you will disappear from existence. So what is your wish?*

"Tsk..." Persia clicked her tongue. She understood what the Ancient voice was trying to say. Deleted and Forgotten. This will be the only choice she could get after her death. Her Older brother alone in this world without anyone. She promised her older brother she wouldn\'t give up.

*I can reincarnate you.*

*Your next life where you can keep all of your memories intact.*

*I have many deals with different wishes you can sign.*

*In your next life, Do you want to be Wealthy? Do you want to be Powerful? Do you want to be a Princess of the Strongest Nation? You can enjoy your life as this current life of yours is full of suffering.*

*With the price of your soul.*

"I want to continue with my current life," Persia spoke almost instantly after the Ancient voice finished speaking about the deals. Her death was creeping out of the shadows trying to reach her. She had one wish with the price of her own soul. Persia wanted to continue her current life with her Older Brother.

*I cannot do that.*

*Your death is already written by Fate. Breaking Fate would mean Rewriting all things that come after you. Breaking Fate would mean rewriting reality itself. Your death is unavoidable in this world. Those that live are just going through what Fate has written for them. But you? Your fate doesn\'t let you continue in your current world.*

"Then, I will not accept your deals." Persia quickly declined anything about the deals given to her. She didn\'t want to have a good second life. She wanted to repay her Older brother, and continuing with her current life was one way to do that.

*You will die, and Your soul will disappear.*

The two of them were in silence. Persia didn\'t speak a single word towards the Ancient voice. She wasn\'t well educated with myths and religions. But she heard a Creature known as a Devil. She didn\'t know if the Ancient voice was a Devil, but the Ancient voice kept talking about her soul. Such fact made Persia suspicious to the Ancient voice.

Persia was a hard-willed girl. It was hard to satisfy her desire, which was to be with her only family member. She didn\'t want to die and if the Ancient voice didn\'t agree with her wish to continue her current life. She wouldn\'t sell any part of her soul on the Suspicious Ancient voice.

But what she didn\'t know was that the Ancient voice was planning something that could force her. It was a Deal that could pull her heartstrings and force her to accept it. An Enticing deal that could entice Persia. With this in mind, The Ancient Voice then spoke to Persia.

*Persia, Your life is full of Misfortunes which grew into a Tragedy.*

*With the Misfortunes thrown by Fate. You didn\'t give up even if you were given a horrendous life. There were good memories within the Misfortunes. Nevertheless, all of your Misfortunes piled up against each other. Which created a Tragedy that will end your life.*

"What are you trying to say? Whatever your plan is... That won\'t work." Persia didn\'t know what the Ancient Voice was planning. The Ancient voice seems to be trying to tell her about her own past. Then Persia realized what was happening and quickly tried to stop the Ancient voice from continuing. "Stop-"

*Your Mother died after your Birth...*

*Your Father became a Drunkard and a Heavy Gambler... He ended up dead.*

*Your Older Brother was forced to throw his Future to create your own Future. But where did all that hard work end up?*

*You\'re a scourge Persia, You need to realize that you are lucky to have an Older Brother who didn\'t blame you for anything.*


*I see that you have already realized it. You don\'t want to accept the reality and truth forced upon you. So you worked hard to repay him... Such a magnificent plan failed since you are now in front of me.*

The words of the Ancient voice manage to tap on Persia\'s Conscious. The words fueled her raging emotions trapped deep within her heart. She tried to control herself again as she didn\'t want the Ancient voice\'s unknown plan to succeed. The deception was easy to counter, but the Truth was hard.

*I have another deal, Persia.*

*With the Price of your soul, A Deal that could change the life of someone who didn\'t give up on you. Someone who raised you alone even with the hardships thrown by fate. Someone who is right beside your deathbed.*

"Stop it... Stop it.." Persia covered her ears as she wanted to stop the Enticing words of the Ancient voice from reaching her ears. The Ancient Voice was heading deep within her heart as her weakness slowly reveal itself. It was something she couldn\'t decline. Persia knew that she was the Misfortune of her Older Brother\'s life. In the End, Such words were the truth presented in front of here. With the Birth of her Existence, The Downfall of her Family started.

*Will you decline this deal, Persia? His life would reach the greatest heights with the price of your soul. Your Existence caused his Downfall, but it can also cause the Greatest Turn of his Life.*

*Persia, A Deal that can change the Life of your Older Brother. With his Future destroyed and with you dying, not able to repay him. It is the only choice you have. What do you think will happen after you die?*

"I must not... I won\'t give up, and I have to continue living. That is what my brother taught me. I gave him my promised, to not leave him..." Persia gritted her teeth. She knew that the Ancient voice was playing with her emotions. She knew that she was heading towards the destination the Ancient voice wanted. But she couldn\'t do anything to avoid it.

Persia\'s emotions that she kept in a cage locked in her heart kept spilling. It was revealing her weak self who was masked by a strong presence.

*I see... Your Older Brother will be saddened by your death, which could lead your sacrifice meaningless. His sadness will overcome him and caused depression. This is the weakness of Humanity... Then let us tweak the deal a little bit.*

*If you accept the deal. He will forget your existence and will never fall with his emotions. Your Brother can use the sacrifice to its true potential. Ain\'t this a good deal?*

With the words of the Ancient voice. Persia felt a slight sting in her heart. It was heavy and painful, but the alternative was logical and easy to understand. She didn\'t want to admit it, but the alternative was better than her first plan. It was painful, but her wish to repay her Older brother will be given.

Persia\'s Iron Hard Will was changing into the Resolve to repay her Older Brother. Persia thought of her Older Brother one last time. She didn\'t want to give up, but death was unavoidable. She didn\'t want to accept the deal, but it was the only choice where she has the chance to repay her Older Brother.

If she accepted the Deal, Her Older Brother would forget her Existence, and Her death wouldn\'t cause any sadness and pain. Her Older Brother will continue with his new life in full motion without her. Persia didn\'t want to leave, but it was the only thing she could choose. She either dies not accepting the deal, or she could die accepting the deal and repay her Older Brother.

*Do you accept the Deal?*

The Ancient voice asked as its voice echoed in Persia\'s mind. With multiple thoughts that confirm the positivity of her choice. Persia asked one last thing towards the Ancient voice. It was an important question that she wanted to ask. "Will you follow the things written on your deals?"

*Persia, If I don\'t follow the things written on my Deal. Then what is the use of talking to you when I could just take your soul? A Deal is a symbol of trust, Towards the Contractee and the Contractor. You may be suspicious of me, but let the future you make your next decision about me.*

"What if I want to break away from my Fate?" Persia\'s fate was full of suffering. Persia had a little bit of hatred towards something as natural as Fate. It was devilish, but it was also an angel for people that had a good fate in their lives.

*You can\'t? Try speaking such words to me after you have the way to break away from your Fate. I hope to see you next time... So will you accept?*

Persia took a deep breath. She then spoke the word the Ancient Voice wanted to hear. It was the word of approval on her soul. The relationship between the Contractee and the Contractor starts with one simple word.


With the word spoken. The Dark Fog around Persia slowly dispersed into nothingness. The area around her slowly revealed itself. It was a Massive Plain with a Jet Black ground. Persia notices the sky, which was different than what she had accepted. It was full of bright stars that were plastered in the heavens.

She was surprised to see a beautiful night sky in this strange place. But the unexpected happens. Staring at the Night Sky in the heavens, Persia notices Two Giant Bright Red Stars moving in the night sky.

She felt fear overcoming her body. The Two Giant Bright Red stars were moving in the night sky. They looked like stars, but Persia knew that it was something different. It was the eyes of someone or something, and with these thoughts, Persia knew who it was.


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