How I Became the Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 86 - Journey To The East II

Jace and Allefin woke up from the loud noise in panic.

"What\'s happening?" Jace asked frantically.

"We\'re under attack!!" I heard one of the elves shout from outside. What the-

I exited the tent and examined the surroundings, some of the tents were blazing in raging flames and there were numerous bodies all over the ground scattered like worthless things. Then I set my eyes on what was causing the commotion…

"You two go check up on Naz and Malia. We\'re leaving. I\'ll buy some time, hurry!" I ordered and they immediately scurried on. The fear in their eyes was evident.

"ARISE! MY LEGION!" The man shouted and the dead bodies of the elves were covered in a cloud of darkness mana, suddenly they started to rise one by one and their once coloured complexion had transformed into one of darkness, with no facial features. 

Their bodies cracked and their movements were abnormal. The man in the hood pointed at me and the mindless beasts started to charge at me.

Sh*t! Wasn\'t this necromancy?

The lesser undead ran towards me like zombies. I dodged their desperate attempts to grab me or punch me, out of instinct I activated lightning aura and zigzagged around them, severing their bodies into smithereens with \'Indra\'s spear.\'

"Impressive! But what can you do against these? Ahahahaa…" The Necromancer laughed as the ground shook. 

Thud! Thud! Thud! 

Loud footsteps matched with the tremors in the ground. Something big was approaching or was it a group of somethings?


At the sight of the beasts, I cursed my luck. It was the herd of Ground rats we killed a couple hours back.

This time their mana pressure felt much more ominous and much stronger. They were definitely at B rank and the large one at the back was A rank. I didn\'t need my demon eye\'s \'inspect\' to tell that much.

"Enjoy your death while I go kill your friends." The man took off his hood to reveal his face. He was one of the Elven guards. His eyes were dark and streaks of darkness mana covered his face like an ugly infection. 

"Zeref! Let\'s go, hurry!" Jace and the others appeared from the burning tents.

"Naz take everyone back to the waterfall, I have to take care of this guy here." The ground rats charged at me screeching loudly.

I grit my teeth blocking a tackle from one of the Ground rats with my forearms making me tumble back.

"Bye!" Malia stepped back to hold onto Naz who held her wrist tightly. "HAVE FUN!" she added.

"Don\'t die Zeref." Naz said from behind me with a serious tone, before a dark smoke covered them.

"How touching. You want to die alone. Haahahha! After I\'m done here, I\'ll just go and play with those beautiful young girls that ran. I will kill you and your whole f*cking team!" He shouted with a sinister laugh.

"Shut up, peasant." I took off my eye patch and released the mana pressure and demon aura I was holding back.

The undead beasts froze in their tracks immobile under the immense increase in gravity.

I walked past the beasts with my hands in my pocket. My demon eye glowed in the night, making the elf shake like a frightened deer. He knew straight away what was before him: A Demon.

"B-But-" The man stuttered.

"Shhhhhh." I put my index finger against my lip making him shut up.

"I\'ll ask the questions. For every answer that dissatisfies me, I will break a limb. You understand?" I glared at the frozen necromancer, unable to do anything.

Tears of fear streamed down his face and he started to sob.

First, I clicked my fingers and violent bolts of lightning struck down from the sky decimating the undead beasts into dust. The elf shuddered at the sight.

[You have used 500 MP]

[You have earned 6000 EXP for killing a B rank beast!]

[You have earned 6000 EXP for killing a B rank beast!]

[You have earned 6000 EXP for killing a B rank beast!]

[You have earned 6000 EXP for killing a B rank beast!]

[You have earned 12,000 EXP for killing an A rank beast!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You\'re now level 79]

[You have 40 Total Available stat points]

"Now… Tell me, who caused the robbery at the Vrimeon Vault?" I asked, piercing his soul with my glare.

"I-I can\'t say." The mage stuttered and it started to smell like piss as he had wet himself.

I broke 2 of his fingers, making them bend backwards.

"AAarghh!!" He screamed as more tears started falling down his face.

"I can\'t say, please! I beg you, try to understand." He begged.

"Shhhhh." I shushed him, putting my index finger on my lips again. He immediately closed his mouth in fear.

"How did you learn necromancy and darkness magic?" I asked.

"Uh-Uhm, I was given it a-artificially. The organisation I work for experimented and in return for these abilities I only have 2 years to live." he replied, still stuttering and shivering in fear.

So these people were making fake mages using experiments. Interesting.

I placed my finger on a pressure point on his bicep and pressed down hard, he began screaming in response. I then passed lightning mana into him making his nerve cells cry due to the large voltage.

His screams became louder.

"Are you willing to tell me who\'s behind you?" I looked the man straight into the eyes with no remorse.

"Yes! Yes!"

I let go of the pressure point and the man took deep breaths. 

"Umbra hired me." He finally said.

I thought so, those guys were behind everything. Typical.

"So are they behind the Bank\'s issues and robbery?"

"I don\'t know." I gripped his collar and he started to tear up again looking at my demon eye and crumbling under my dominating presence.

"I promise you, I-I was only hired to take care of the group going towards the elven Kingdom and the seized land. I-I don\'t know anything else."

I turned around and started walking away. I got most of the answers I needed; I knew he wasn\'t going to tell me anything else, there was no point wasting any more time here. 

After a few steps I looked back at the still frozen man and lit him on fire with my flames.

"Go to hell you scum."


"You fool!" Naz scolded as she pushed through and hugged me. Jace smiled and joined in the hug. Finally Malia shot me a glare before joining the group hug too. Allefin was the only one still looking at us awkwardly.

"Okay that\'s enough,"  I said, "We\'ll set up camp a bit further, we\'ll move tomorrow morning."

It was still night time, so we could still get a couple hours of sleep.

Naz teleported us back to near where our original camp was situated, we walked past the countless dead bodies and the charred remains of the necromancer.

Naz and Jace grimaced at the horrible sight but it didn\'t last long, with a short walk we were already well and far from the rotting carcasses.

"We\'ll set up camp here." I stated pulling out a makeshift tent from my dimension ring. 

I was too tired to have another conversation and closed my eyes, lying down and cradling the warm comfort of my blanket. Malia and Naz slept in a separate tent, whilst Allefin and Jace ended up sharing one.

There wasn\'t enough space in mine and I only brought one extra, I knew one of them wouldn\'t be well prepared, so I just brought one in case.

Damn. I was knackered.

I couldn\'t help it as my eyes slowly closed and I dozed off to sleep...

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