The Geared Immortal

Chapter 863 - The Ruined Dwarven Village

Chapter 863


Shin Jiao and Tong Liwen began to discuss something while the other mages and warriors with the old man just settle around them.

Shin Jiao learned that the old man belongs to the Tower of Light, one of the main mage towers that stood against the forces of darkness in the last war.

The old man was very cordial and the two reached a consensus about cooperation with Shin Jiao\'s Mystique Shop. As a gesture of good faith, the old man gave Shin Jiao a few rare items and stones, while Shin Jiao gave him a basic Rifle Staff.

The old man was amazed at the staff he is now holding. It was something that he has never seen before and the weird shape that the staff has is something a bit off for him who is used to using a straight staff.

After a few interactions, the old man decided to visit the town after they get back from their assignment which is of utmost importance.

Shin Jiao and Loom on the other hand resume their journey to her village.

It was almost noon the next day when the two arrive near the boundary of the Dragon\'s Ridge. The village is located near a large mountain which is where the underground kingdom of the dwarves is located.

As the two enter the cave that looks like a mouth of a large dragon and the surrounding walls which look like large bones of a dead dragon, they soon discovered themselves looking at a large valley as far as the eyes can see.

Shin Jiao was a bit amazed at the sight because from where he stood he could already detect many old herbs and grasses on the ground which would be a good material for pills and potions. He was just a bit astounded that these things are really treated as ordinary grass and flowers in this place.

"So this is the Dragon\'s Ridge?" Shin Jiao said while he continuously scanned the area within 100 meters radius from them.

"Yes… But though it looks good on the outside, once you encounter the inhabitants living in this place, you will surely feel that they are too overbearing and harsh…" she said with a hint of sadness in her heart.

She could suddenly remember what happened to her village. The cries of her people while being slaughtered and the wild laughter of those evil folks from the Scavenger gang. She wanted to get her revenge, but she also knew that it would not give her anything but pain and anguish.

That\'s the reason why she just escaped this hell hole and decided to venture outside.

And her experience made her realized that the human are not all that bad. She has gained new sisters and brothers in the outside world and she has shown them her ability and her own unique skill to talk to and tame animals.

The two did not linger in the entrance and Shin Jiao followed Loom as they soon enter a small ravine and then a tall cliff which is a bit hidden by its surrounding tall trees.

As soon as they enter the border near the village, Shin Jiao immediately detected something within the bushes surrounding them.

"There are some… things coming towards us…" he said as he takes out a semi-automatic rifle inside his dimension.

The reason for this is because of the number of… \'things\' coming their way.

"Get to a high ground… go that way." Shin Jiao pointed in a certain direction.

Without hesitation Loom immediately maneuvers her Windfall to run towards the direction of the village path.

She looks back and then what she saw made the hair on her skin stand out.

This is because surrounding Shin Jiao is an army of one-meter size bugs of different types. It was like they are seeing him as their food and is scurrying to get a bite of him. She knew that her decision to run and follow Shin Jiao\'s command was correct. She would be a hindrance to him if she stayed in that place.

Soon she heard a series of rapid gunshots echoing through the forest air.

She did not stop and soon arrive at the borderline where there is a clearing towards her village walls.

From the path, she takes she knew that she has arrived in her village and immediately saw the large wooden gates which once stood majestic. But now, that majestic-looking gate has now fallen into ruins as traces of gnawing could be seen in them.

She knew that the cause of this is those insects that would always pester the village. Without the guards and the villagers defending the walls, those insects would rampage through the forest and would attack anyone every now and then.

She bit her lip as she knew that she has finally returned. But she also knew that what she would see in the village is a scene of death and tragedy.

As she carefully walks inside, she could see traces of dried blood and ruined houses everywhere. The smoke has already died down, but the dirt and trace of tragedy could still be seen everywhere.

Her heart ached and she could help but show a bit of tear in her eyes as she remembers the tragedy that day. The hopelessness she felt and the desperate cries she heard that would sometimes wake her at night all came back to her mind.

But she knew that she came back to this place to know the truth about her mother. Whether she is alive or dead, she needs to find out no matter what.

So she gritted her teeth and without hesitation walks deeper inside the village towards her old home.

When she stood in front of a half-burnt house, her heart ached more. She dismounted from the Windfall and carefully walks towards the house with a handgun on hand and at the ready.

She has been training for a while in using the handgun and it surprises many who taught her that she began adept in such a short time.

As an experienced hunter and forager in the forest, Loom can also adapt to any kinds of weapons especially daggers and weapons that use projectiles. Except for the staff that mages uses, she can use the handguns and the rifles that some of the people in the Mystique Shop are using.

As she carefully enters the house, she could see that everything is in ruins. Many of the valuable things inside the house are taken, the food storage was emptied, and even the potted plants were all taken. The almost empty house gave her a pang of pain as she could still remember how she and her mother gather those things little by little.

While looking around, she noticed something etched on the floor covered by a rag.

She carefully removes the rag and what she saw made her smile a little.

It was etched in an elven language and it says, \'Mother\' and \'underground\'.

She was told and taught by her mother to learn the elven language. It was hard for her, but her mother persisted in teaching her. The reason for this is because the elven language is a bit hard for many of the denizens in the forest to read.

So those who can learn it could easily communicate with the elves and also can have a chance to communicate with the forest. And for some unknown reason, Loom can easily learn the elven language which made her feel a bit surprised at that time.

And now it paid to learn such a language at this time for she knew that the message on the floor came from her mother.

She excitedly looks around and upon turning she suddenly saw two razor-sharp mandibles coming towards her head.

She was shocked! She was too busy looking around the house that her vigilance was lowered. She did not expect that an insect has lurked behind her and suddenly launches an attack.

Loom was very surprised, however, surprise she may be, Loom has another innate ability, and that is her quick agility.

She tilted her head to the back and the razor-sharp mandible barely slices her neck off. However, she was still pushed by the charging insect.

Her small body rolled to the ground as she hit the broken upholstery of the ruined house. But the insect that looks like a giant ant was relentless in its attacks. It did not stop as it continuously wanted to bite its prey.

Everything around her was destroyed as the giant insect rampages inside the house.

Loom did not have any choice but to jump out of the house from the window.

While jumping, she turns her head towards the giant ant and pointed the handgun muzzle towards the head of the insect.

One of her hands is already covering her head as she hits the window of the house which is made of thin wood and paper.

As she hit the window, she also pulled the trigger of her gun.


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