The Geared Immortal

Chapter 645 - The Ancient Ruin Of Samsara

Chapter 645


The battle resume as the contestants takes their seat near the stage. The seven proud youth from each clan and schools are sitting along with their clan\'s men. Ling Hu Yu is calmly looking at the stage while his mind is going through what he has discovered with the mysterious gloves that Si Ji has given him.

He truly found it fascinating and unique. Plus it gives him security and confidence although it now looks like a bandage wrapped around his arm.

Suddenly the names of the battle matches were displayed on the overhead board. When he saw his name going against the very person who made his cousin suffer, Ling Hu Yu suddenly feel the desire to take revenge.

He would be in the third match, so he just sat there and observe the other fights.

Meanwhile, Shin Jiao is watching things happening on the roof when he suddenly saw the same person who gave those weapons to the participants. Actually, at that time he had noticed something. Although that person has the same aura as humans, he could clearly see that it is only a camouflage.

"That person is a bit weird…" Shin Jiao muttered as he suddenly jumps down from the roof and immediately follows that person.

He activated his suit and his figure blended in with his surroundings.

That person walks calmly and goes through a complex terrain until he reaches a small house. After doing some rhythmic knocking the door\'s peaking hole slightly open.

"What do you need?" the voice from the other side said.

The disciple then looks around and then talks in an unfamiliar language. When Shin Jiao heard this, he was a bit astounded. This is because the language that this person uses is that of the Li\'angs. Though he is not familiar or could not understand it, Shin Jiao has already heard the Li\'angs talk to each other. He is sure that this disciple is a Li\'ang.

When he noticed this, his interest was immediately piqued. He didn\'t know why those weapons are being used in the battle, and he didn\'t know what a Li\'ang is doing outside of the \'prison land\', but he needs to know what is the mystery behind all of this.

His gut feeling is telling him that he is now on the correct path in determining the answer to his eerie feeling and that tingling danger in his senses.

He tried to scan the house, but he could feel that his spiritual and absolute senses are being blocked. He already has an idea why, so he immediately covered himself with the energy that negates the effect of the black and white stones.

When that Li\'ang enters the room, Shin Jiao did not hesitate and immediately step inside. And true to his conjecture, when he enters the room his body was immediately bombarded with the strange energy of the black and white stones.

If he was not ready, it would have been disastrous and his camouflage suit would sure stop working.

And so with that, he was able to enter the house. He could immediately feel that there is a number of Li\'angs inside the house.

The people began asking the Li\'ang disguised as a disciple. However, Shin Jiao is unable to understand them, so he just looks at the reaction of the people.

Then not long later, the group began walking towards a room. Shin Jiao followed quietly and from his location at the ceiling, he could see the Li\'angs opening a passage underground.

They all then enter the passage and before the last person could close it, Shin Jiao suddenly dashed inside. The last Li\'ang felt a strong breeze which made him a bit taken aback. He then looks around but found no one, hence he proceed in closing the secret trap door.

Shin Jiao secretly followed the group and was a bit shocked to discover that the said ruin is actually just below the city itself. He could immediately see the runes and the array formations.

"So this is the continuation of the array from the Practice Hunting Ground… that\'s why I find that place incomplete." Shin Jiao thought as a smile crept on his face.

Not long later, they soon arrive at a large stone door. The Li\'ang at the front stretches forth his hand and the stone door opens.

Shin Jiao could see that inside that seeming ancient stone door another tunnel could be seen. Then at the end of that tunnel, he could see a group of Li\'angs wearing somewhat modern looking suits.

"Are those steel armor and… guns?" Shin Jiao thought in surprise.

However, upon checking the weapons on the hands of those Li\'angs he suddenly discovers that they are not normal guns from the earth, but instead energy weapons.

"Those energies… they are the same as the black and white stones."

The Li\'angs greeted the guards when they reached the end of the tunnel.

Suddenly, Shin Jiao noticed the guards scanning the Li\'angs and this made him feel that something is wrong.

"Well, since I\'m already in this place, let\'s explore it." He thought as he took out a bunch of silver needles.

Shin Jiao immediately rendered all of the Li\'angs in the area unconscious.

Then he strode forward and opens the locked door by breaking the array.

Shin Jiao did not hesitate to copy a Li\'ang appearance. He didn\'t know what he would see, but he knows that he would find something in this place.

As he strode around, he soon arrives in a huge and wide chamber where there are many statues and unknown writings. Shin Jiao then carefully study the chamber and noticed that those statues are lifelike. Then he saw a familiar pair.

When he walks closer, he suddenly notices the writing on a steel plate below the arm-size statues changes into English. This immediately made Shin Jiao take a step back. He then looks around and checks if there are others in the huge chamber. When he saw no one and even his senses could detect none, he took a step forward and decided to read the information.

"Humans… From a small blue planet with a dangerous spatial coordinate. Explorer called that place, death zone…" After Shin Jiao read the first line and introduction, he was a bit confused.

However, he decided to continue reading.

"Strength… weak. Physical stamina… weak. Energy manipulation ability… weak. Mental strength… weak… but not susceptible to mind reading. Lifespan… short… Potential… infinite." Shin Jiao suddenly stop at this part.

Each of those attributes he read on the other side of it there is a word that made him feels depressed. The word is… failed.

However, at the last part, he was a bit taken aback as he didn\'t know why is it that even though humans failed in every aspect of their attribute, yet their potential was determined to be infinite.

He now has a lot of questions in his mind which is making him feel more confused. He now wanted to know where humans do come from, and why is that his race lives in that place is called \'death zone\'. Then a particular being came to his mind and remember him to be the overseer of the human race on earth.

Then something caught Shin Jiao\'s attention below that information plate. The name is very familiar as he is currently on that planet, Gaeus Ro.

He hesitated for a bit then presses that name which appears to be blinking a bit.

Upon doing so, the entire information plate suddenly changes, and new information was written on the plate. Shin Jiao began reading the information and his facial expression has many changes on them. He now feels complex emotions raging inside his heart.

Then he decided to try and read as much information as he could from the other statues inside that large chamber. He knew that what he could learn in this place would give him an edge once he decides to go to the cosmos and explore it.

He has now discovered why the human race is called a weak race.

This is because most beings in the known universe and other galaxies started out with the power equivalent to an infant soul realm cultivator when they were born. Some are even born with the power comparable to a nascent realm cultivator.

Shin Jiao arrive at this conclusion because of the power rating that the information plate is showing. Below the information plate are the words.

\'Information requestor: unknown, power level: 65\'

When he saw that, he already knew that the number of spheres in his dantian is what that thing is calling as power level.

After reading all of the information plates inside the chamber, Shin Jiao decided to go out and explore some more. But this time, he wanted to know more about Gaeus Ro. Is he really just a fallen deity who died? Is the planet itself is his own flesh and bones? Or is he something else?

There are now tons of questions in Shin Jiao\'s mind as the information about Gaeus Ro is becoming more complex. The rumors and the data seem to be not connected to each other. Although there are still those that he could deduce on his own, yet everything is blurry.

However, Shin Jiao knew that those questions in his mind would be answered in this place. According to the information plate that he read, this place is owned by Gaeus Ro. So he might find more concrete information in this place.

While he began strolling about, Shin Jiao suddenly noticed a few figures walking his way. When he saw them, he was a bit curious. This is because those figures are actually humans.

The humans are wearing a suit that covers their whole body while they are talking to some of the Li\'angs wearing something like a lab coat.

Shin Jiao just bowed his head on the side as the figures pass by him. He could hear them talking about some device. With a flick of his hand he took out a small transmitter and it flew towards the last person wearing the suit.

Shin Jiao then continue roaming the place while he listens to the conversation.

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