The Geared Immortal

Chapter 297 - The Crucible Of War 10

The big bang Part 2


As Shin Jiao and his group ran as fast as they could from the radius of the explosion. They were stunned by the loud burst coming from the ruined city. Those three riding two flying swords (as the cat woman Ming Si is with Wuji Jiao) almost miss a step on their swords as they immediately turn their heads towards the city.

"Don\'t turn and just run as fast as you can!" shouted Shin Jiao.

Although they are already far, Shin Jiao knew that the force from that blast would disturb the desert sand and there might be a strong dust storm to follow. So he didn\'t want to be complacent and just drove his hoverbike as fast as he could.

Not long later, true to his conjecture a surging storm dust cloud as black as the night sky roared as if a living creature was disturbed from its slumber.

From the side mirror of his hoverbike, Shin Jiao knew the devastation was too great that they might be unable to escape it. So with a quick-thinking, he took out something from his spatial tool.

As soon as he was about to do something, true to his worries the raging dust storm reached them in just a few seconds.

This explosion causes a very tall mushroom cloud to rise up in the air that can be seen for even thousands of kilometers away.

Inside the City of Glow at the top of a tall tower, the middle-aged city lord, Moon fang stood pacing back and forth as if he is in tenterhooks about something.

Then suddenly he noticed on the horizon just above the mountains of sand a dark mushroom-like cloud slowly ascended. In his years of experience as a warrior he immediately knew what it was and a bad premonition enters his mind.

"My queen… I hope that you are fine." He muttered under his breath.

Everywhere within a 90-kilometer radius saw the blinding flash, then the surging sand followed suit covering up to 300 kilometers.

Shin Jiao and his group didn\'t have a chance to escape the strong dust storm.

However, with his quick thinking, he was able to call out his group and quickly takes out a portable metallic shelter.

This shelter is like a square metal shipping container, which is made of low-level metal alloy. The purpose of this thing is like a portable house. Since Shin Jiao started to travel he made this just in case and so far he hadn\'t had a chance to use it, until now.

Once everyone was inside, he began to channel his crafting ability on the ground and the portable house began sinking.

While waiting for the sand storm to pass, Shin Jiao and his group stayed inside the portable house for two days. In those times, Shin Jiao busied himself crafting more tools and gears for the upcoming battles ahead. Meanwhile, his companions began to discuss their own travel experiences and their own circumstance.

The most talkative are Agnes and Ming Si as they began to bond with each other and share things.

Two days later…

The sand storm has already subsided and the sky is already out. However, Shin Jiao discovered that near the city there is a greenish light emitting from the already disintegrated rubbles of the ruined city.

The green light is coming from an orb of shining green floating in the middle of the city.

"Hmm… I think that\'s the place where I detonated the bomb. What is that orb thingy?" Shin Jiao muttered to himself as they came out of the buried portable house.

His companions also saw the green light and became cautious.

"Let\'s go! It\'s safe there." Shin Jiao said as he already scanned that place and to his surprise, he didn\'t even found any traces of radiation.

They didn\'t have any choice but to go through this path because if they would try to fly through the gorge they would encounter a strange phenomenon where they would be sucked inside that seeming endless ravine. Many have tried and all of them have been lost inside it.

It seems that only those huge and fast warships can cross through it and never be drawn inside.

As Shin Jiao and his group walk closer they noticed a warm feeling surrounding their bodies.

"This is like being in front of a spirit vein…" muttered Kie Jo.

"I think this is a pure Qi essence. This is a great treasure!" exclaimed Wuji Jiao as he quickly walks closer to the floating basketball-size object.

However, once he came closer to one hundred meters of it, he immediately feels a strong repelling force and burning all over his body.

Shin Jiao began analyzing the thing with his goggles as they walk to the side.

"This is… this is like the accumulation of the pure power of the bomb blast. How was it compressed to this state?" Shin Jiao thought.

Then suddenly he saw that under that orb the strange vines which have surrounded the city began swaying. The process of sprouting, growing, and dying is happening in a smooth cycle.

When he saw this he suddenly thought that the plan is actually trying to compress this thing and slowly turning it into its own food or energy.

"This is bad if this plant is able to consume this huge amount of energy that it has already refined, the cities around these parts would be devoured by this plant." Shin Jiao muttered.

This is just his hypothesis, so he immediately looks underground. He uses the maximum ability of the goggles to see through down below the sands.

And to his shock, there was a slumbering plant deep under the desert. This plant has burned all over its green body, and like a living creature, it\'s actually breathing. However, it seems that the plant is in great pain.

Shin Jiao stopped using his goggles and used his absolute sense and began checking the body of the huge plant creature.

And when he saw how the plant is slowly absorbing the huge amount of pure Qi from that basketball size orb, his heart could not help but skip a beat.

Shin Jiao has already stopped walking while doing this.

Then he suddenly had an idea.

Taking out a ball of lead and some other material, Shin Jiao sat on the ground and began crafting a ball size container. He also tests out his theories by throwing some small materials on the orb and test which one works.

After some time, he has already finished the container.

He then quickly donned a weird suit that confuses his companions.

"Hey, you guys listen. You have to run as fast as you can to the exit of this place if you don\'t want to die… Now go!" Shin Jiao commanded.

"What are you saying?" Agnes asked in confusion.

"We don\'t have time… Go now!" Shin Jiao said in a stern voice.

Though a little confused, the five people began running away casually. Seeing this Shin Jiao shook his head. He is now in a hurry to take that thing because using his spiritual sense; he has actually detected a group of cultivators and beast-men walking toward this place. Although they are still a few distances from here, he knew that they can reach this place in just half an hour and that is enough time for him to escape. However, his companions are just slowpokes.

"Hurry! Stupid!" shouted Shin Jiao.

Feeling annoyed Agnes actually stops moving and stare at Shin Jiao with an angry look on her face. Her old high and mighty-self began acting up again.

Seeing this, Shin Jiao didn\'t bother anymore and just dash immediately towards the orb.

As he got nearer his suit began heating up, but Shin Jiao knew that this is not fire but instead radiation.

"Qi and natural energy radiation!" Shin Jiao exclaimed in his heart.

But this made him feel more excited.

"This is a true treasure. If I can harness this energy, then not only my cultivation, I can also use this to do many more things. Haha…" Shin Jiao laughed.

With a swoosh…

The basketball size object entered the container he made and the fluctuation of energy within the surroundings became stable.

Shin Jiao didn\'t hesitate and just ran as fast as he could towards the exit which surprises the rest of his companion.

But before they can react, a loud roar from underground startled them.

The ground began to shake and their running became unstable.

This time, they were full of regret for not following his command and thinking of questioning him. This is especially true to Agnes.

Suddenly, a large number of vines began bursting forth out of the ground surrounding them.

"Run!!!" Shin Jiao shouted as he took out his black katana and began cutting the vines in front of him blocking the path of his companions.

Luckily for them, they were able to come out of the sea of vines.

"Why didn\'t you tell us about that!?" shouted Agnes while trying to recover her breathing.

But before Shin Jiao could reply, the ground began shaking one again. But this time the shaking is too strong that the ground began breaking up.

"I think you better run now!" Shin Jiao said as he looks at the people behind him with a challenging look.

Seeing his gaze, everyone already understood this and without skimping on their strength they began running. Kei Jo lifted little Jinyu Ji as he sprinted along with Wuji Jiao and Ming Si.

The path in front of them is the only safe path in crossing the wide gorge. It\'s like a very long bridge made of sturdy stone.

"Aren\'t you going with them?" Shin Jiao asked in annoyance.

"Humph, I\'m not scared," Agnes said lifting her nose high up.

"Suit yourself, it\'s your funeral."

Suddenly the whole area shook violently and a huge monstrous creature burst forth from within the depth.

When Shin Jiao saw this, his heart could not help but feel afraid.

Though the creature is wounded, it is still a force to reckon with.

"This bridge should not be destroyed." Shin Jiao muttered as he gritted his teeth.

"I will lead this thing out of here. You make sure they cross that long bridge!" Shin Jiao shouted.

"No! I will assist you. I am stronger than you remember." Agnes said.

She is already tired of being treated like a weak little girl by him. She had noticed this ever since they began traveling. Shin Jiao is subconsciously treating her like a weak human. Now, she will show him how wrong he is.

With that, Agnes chanted something and suddenly the sky turned dark.

"Lightning strike!" she shouted.

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