The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster


He trusts Amethyst with his life, he knows that she must have discovered perfect vessels for him to control.

At least, the other powers are much easier so he just leaves it to her, the Everlasting Whale Race is known to be powerful giants but are actually gentle giants, they live just like how normal whales would, not having an ambition.

The Sea Dragon Race is easy for Amethyst to takeover, she doesn’t even need to take an avatar, with both the dragon and Origin Bloodline, she can use his body to pressure them to serve her.

For the Black Turtle Dragon Race, Amethyst also does not need to create an avatar, they are cowardly and rather not want to participate in any conflict since for them, the longer they live, the stronger they become.

She just needs to inform them about the incoming invaders from the two universes and once they verify this, they will gladly accept an alliance with the other powers.

Only the Ocean Fairy Race is difficult to control and manipulate, it is because of their human-like intelligence and mentality, they might not be as sly as humans are but they are quite close.

This is the reason why he is taking over this race personally, only a human can truly defeat another human, he might not be as intelligent as the greatest minds in the human race but he is confident that with all the experiences he had, he can accomplish his plans.

After entering the mansion, he is greeted by fearful expressions of the servants, he ignores them and enters his room.


He then recalls something and calls one of the maids around, the expression of the brown haired maid becomes pale but she still grits her teeth and enters his room.

Inside, even with Shadowslash’s mental fortitude, he cannot help but want to throw up, multiple pieces of equipment are scattered, all of them are for pleasure, there is also a distinct type of smell that makes him frown.

He turns to the maid and orders “I am about to tell you to bring Alexander to me but on second thought, I should visit him, in my absence, I want you to clean my room and destroy these disgusting things.”

“Remember, my room must be spotlessly clean and get rid of all the unwanted things.”

He then leaves, stunning the maid, she does know why but she feels that her young master has changed, shaking her head, she feels like a fool.

She mumbles in a quiet voice “How can a piece of sh*t like him change? maybe he wants to bring new “toys” for his amusement.”

Meanwhile, in the royal garden, a magnificent looking Seahorse with the size of a war horse is lazing about, it was Alexander, Zedrick’s partner, since its other half is always lazing around, it was also affected.

Shadowslash approaches it and puts his hand into it, the seahorse is confused, if it were not for the fact that his partner is exuding the same soul type as his, it would have thought that it was an imposter.

Its instinct is spot on, since all the members of the Sea Horse Dragon Clan had to sign a soul contract with their mount, all of them are born with telepathic communication and as they grow older, they become much closer.

“It seems that you truly are special, hah, father said that you have the bloodline of the jade seahorse but you clearly have another bloodline that is much superior.” Shadowslash mumbles.

He then closes his eyes and explores the body of the seahorse in front of him, after obtaining detailed information regarding its entire body, he finally opens his eyes and sighs in relief.

It seems that the dragon blood inside the storage ring that he is carrying can enhance both his and its bloodline.

“Alright, starting today, the two of us are going to go in an extremely painful and arduous training regimen, do not worry, after our training, our strength will definitely increase exponentially!” Alexander’s expression turns to fearful and it tries to escape but you capture it easily.

Shadowslash then drags it into the Cultivation Pavilion inside the city, he books an entire room for himself and stay there.

The Cultivation Pavilion is one of the greatest treasures that the Ocean Fairy Race has, it consists of small domains that can house a great number of people for every room.

It is actually a special world that their former Void Warrior had discovered during his travels into the deep space, the room’s gravity is more than ten times as the normal gravitational pressure in Divine Realm.

The rooms are also filled with energies that will continuously temper the body of those that are inside, if one is not strong, their body would break down and they would die.

The news regarding his entrance inside the pavilion spreads throughout the city, stunning everyone, they know just how cowardly the old host of his body is, so this comes up as a surprise for everyone.

This news finally mellows down after two weeks, Shadowslash and Alexander still haven’t come out of the pavilion, on the other hand, Ellayne and Lucy are finally working inside the Sea Horse Dragon Clan mansion, the people regard them as Zedrick’s playthings, the reason for this is because of their exceptional appearance.

Even the other young masters of the clan are tempted to make a move on them but after recalling Zedrick’s status, their expression becomes gloomy, they can only look but not dare to touch.

According to the rumours, Zedrick’s father, the current patriarch has fought against the invaders and his ability to conceive children has been destroyed, that means that Zedrick is the only child he will ever have in this realm.

This is the reason why he spoils him very much, he is the only individual that can continue their bloodline, he is not willing to lose him.

Meanwhile, in the Cultivation Pavilion, the door in room 7 opens and a dashing and devilishly handsome young man comes out, he is riding a horse that has a dragon tail, wings and horns.

“See, what did I told you? Your current self is a lot stronger than your past self, those mares back in the mansion will not be able to resist your charm.” A voice that seems to be able to attract anyone regardless of gender can be heard.

The old man that is responsible for guarding the pavilion looks at the person in front of him with a blanked expression, he hesitates a little bit but he still asks “Young master Zedrick?”

Shadowslash turns to him “Yes?”

He then quickly realises that after fusing with his dragon and fox bloodline, his appearance has greatly changed, he is no longer the same “Zedrick” as before.

Actually, other than the dragon bloodline, his fox bloodline should not be able to fuse with the bloodline of the Ocean Fairy Race.

After all, the restriction of the Ocean Fairy Race bloodline dictates that only aquatic or reptile bloodlines can fuse with it but with the help of The Fragment (Big Bang Universe) he bypassed this limitation.

The two of them travel back to the mansion, everywhere they go, everyone looks at them with a stunned expression, not only are they radiating intense bloodline pressure but their appearance also causes the people to admire them.

When they reached the entrance of the territory of the Sea Horse Dragon Clan, they were stopped by the guards, one of them approached him and said “This young master, can you tell this little one of your glorious name?”

Shadowslash frowns, he acts like he was angry, causing the guard to become nervous, after all, the bloodline pressure that he is exuding indicates that he is someone of nobility.

“Open your eyes and look! It is me!” Even though he shouts in anger, the guard cannot help but wonder why he feels so attracted to his voice.

“Yes, yes, I apologize for not recognising you, you must be the seventh prince, you come here for young lady Perchia, right?” Shadowslash smacks his head.

“Why would I be here for my second younger cousin?! And I am not the seventh prince! It is me! Zedrick!” Everyone around was frozen stiff, this information is just too much for them to digest.

“Get lost and open the door, I want to visit father.” Hearing this, the guards behind the gate quickly open it and they let him enter, they might not believe him but if he is truly looking for the patriarch, he will not be able to escape if he is an imposter.

One of the guards “kindly” proposed to escort him to the mansion, he, of course, accepts it without any change of expression.

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