The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 394

After tying his injured foot he looks at the warrior who was having a hard time fighting with Chinbu.

He then started shooting once again but this time his shot is a bit weaker as he couldn’t make a stance properly as his foot aches.

The other warrior was also having a hard time but since he had more experience in fighting compared to Terriz he was having a rather easy time compared to the other warrior.

The other warrior was waving his broadsword as he hacked Chinbu numerous times and the wounds started to multiply as Chinbu was having trouble of healing them using earth energy.

His eyes then started to glow in brownish light as he activates his trump card.

[Earth Guardian]


His aura and size increased as he lets out a loud roar when the warrior saw this he knew that his defeat is now close but he couldn’t help but feel very remorseful as he wanted to show everyone he is no pushover but fighting Chinbu he realised that even if he had the will as long as his strength isn’t enough he is deemed to lose.

But he did not want to go down without a fight he lets out a loud battle cry as he raised his broadsword and leapts towards Chinbu.

Chinbu easily smacked him away as he flew towards the wall of the arena Chinbu then locks towards the archer that has his foot pierced with his [Earth Spikes].

He then slams his paw in the stage as the stage below the archer started to soften and finally became a quicksand.


As the archer felt his body sinking his expression changed as he shot an arrow with a rope attached to it at one of his members.

The warrior that was fighting Terriz saw this and quickly retreated away from him as he jumps and caught the arrow.

Bam! He was then hit by a powerful force as he flew away but because of his will he still managed to capture the arrow as he pulled the archer together with him as he was hit.

Chinbu couldn’t help but be stunned he never have thought that he indirectly helps the archer to escape his Active Ability [Quicksand].

When the warrior jumps earlier trying to catch the arrow he used his last skill to slams himself towards his enemy but to think even with his powerful tackle the warrior did not let go of the archer.

Third Skill! [Charging Tackle]

Bam! As the warrior slams himself at the wall even with his sturdy armor he still felt the shock from the throw.

He took out his helmet as he spat out some of his blood.

He then saw someone rapidly flying towards him and saw that it was the archer.

Even if he took a powerful blow he still forced himself to catch the archer unlike the armor they were wearing the armor that the archers were wearing were leather armors.

As he caught the archer the force caused him to stumble a couple steps backward before spitting out some more blood.

Even though the three of them took the powerful blows of their enemies not one of them was taken out which is the only good news they have.

Terriz rode on Chinbu as he charged towards the warrior and the archer each step causes a tremor.

On the other side Dave and Big Bear was getting more heated as their strength continuously increased as they fought.

Big Bear was having a great time so did Dave both of them were equal in strength and they fought using all of their combat techniques.

Suddenly Lilia who was chanting since earlier shouted “Great Tier Magic: Flood Domain!”

As a large amount of water burst out of her creating a flood that started to ravaged the whole stage.

Dave was stunned then an ecstatic look appeared on his face upon seeing this Big Bear knew that it was bad news he then remember about Hermosa being a thunder mage so their trump card must be her.

But he knew that since the flood domain was cast Haze and Teeth would immediately move out.

As the water kept on scattering Big Bear stop fighting as the water was now in their waist level.

Browny was also having a hard time fighting because of the water so did everybody else who were fighting since earlier except for Slicer who could fly.

Using this to his advantage he quickly attacked the assassin and quickly defeats him this mark the first elimination in this battle.

Suddenly Hermosa who was chanting opens her eyes and was about to shout when suddenly a sharp objects nearly cuts off her head.

Thankfully for her Shadowslash spiritual sense barrier managed to block the attack.

This turn of event stunned everybody they saw that the one who attacked Hermosa was Slicer.

After defeating the assassin he quickly charged towards Hermosa and with just one second he managed to arrive next to her and with his skill [Flashing Slice] he did not give her any chance to used her skill.

Dave was looking dazed their plan was ruined seizing this chance Big Bear sent a strike towards him eliminating him.

The rest was immediately taken care off as this signaled the defeat of The Hunters.

Reias announced the winner of the battle and Shadowslash quickly dispersed the flood by lifting the water up in the air.

The blob of water was floating above everyone they then saw Shadowslash throwing a tiny ball of fire towards it and it started to boil as quickly it evaporated.

This shocked everyone except those from his group everyone then looks at Shadowslash and their expression became more respectful and fearful.

But Shadowslash was unfazed by this he then nods at Reias as she quickly shouted the name of the next groups that would be fighting.

“Monstrous Adventurers!”

“Golden Spear Warriors!”

The two groups entered the stage the audience quickly bet on the Golden Spear Warriors as their performance were extremely great.

Shadowslash saw all of this with his spiritual sense and shook his head the only reason why the Monstrous Adventurers looks so miserable in their last match is because they fought with a totally unfair group which could even cause fear to a kingdom.

With the two group looking at each other tension quickly rose.

The members of the Monstrous Adventurers wanted to show what they got as they heard the ridicule of the audience and the contempt in their eyes.

On the other hand the Golden Spear Warriors knew that the group they are facing aren’t weaklings and knew that they need to go all out to defeat them.

Zielong grips his spear tightly he wanted to measure how strong he really is compared to the Genius Group as they managed to overwhelm the Monstrous Adventurers.

With the sound of the gong the battle starts the Monstrous Adventurers quickly summoned their monsters as they told them to attack.

As the hord of monsters charged the arena started trembling it was a monster stampede and the monsters were no ordinary monsters at that.

Just like before there was a Treant in the midst, 2 pairs of jaguar monsters, 3 bull monsters with different appearance and build, a large scorpion 2 bear monsters with different colors, 4 eagle monsters.

Together with Rosa’s four monsters the giant beetle, Earthen Tortoise, Golden Giant Elephant, Barbaric Wolf and Rock Lion there were a total of 22 monsters on the stage.

With their sheer number they caused even the fearless members of the Golden Spear Warriors to have sweats trickling down their backs.

But like Spartans they shout their battle cry and charged.

For the next couple of minutes it was utter chaos the stage was full of monster cries as the stage looks s bit cramped as numerous skills were thrown.

The result well it was a shocking result for the audience because the invincible Golden Spear Warriors actually lost.

They took down more than half of the monsters with their fighting spirit and teamwork but even with this the difference between numbers was just too staggering.

There was even one time when Feilong threw his spear only to be stabbed towards the monster body and wasn’t able to return to him for a long time.

Zielong took 8 monsters down all by himself but he was still overwhelmed by the skills thrown at him while he was fighting.

He looks unrivaled in close combat as he weaves his body around the monster with great speed but the skills thrown at him at a distance took a toll to him.

The two old men from their group also fought bravely the binangon wielding old man even managed to take down one of the Tamers of the group.

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