Overlimit Skill Holder (Web Novel JP)

Chapter Second Coming Of Goddess And Child Of Hope (1/79) 18.1

Reunion and Northward

★ Saint Knight Kingdom Royal Capital ★

Adventurers’ standings in the knight’s country were not very favorable — mostly because there was little work for them.

However, after the “World Union”, a particularly large number of monsters appeared in the Saint Knight Kingdom. The knights were hard pressed to eradicate the monsters, so they put up requests to attract more and more adventurers.

「We’re done over here.」

「As expected of the “GreatShield”. You’re strong.」

「Does your group need assistance?」

「Yes.–Heyyy, the “Silver GreatShield’ is here!」

A pack of wolves appeared in a forest area near the capital. These monsters with purple eyes were ferocious, poisonous, and slightly larger than humans.

The knights, however, were sent out to subdue a large spider that appeared in the plains. Deciding that ferocious wolves were a lower priority, they delegated the job to adventurers.

「Ohhh, that’s Dante. The Silver GreatShield!」

「Please take the vanguard!」

「Okay. Mimino, provide aid to the injured. Zerry, attack when you see an opportunity.」


「Aye aye sir~」

Silver Balance was active around the capital of the Saint Knight Kingdom. This is because after the “World Union”, monsters have begun to be subdued here and there, but it was reported that the Saint Knight Kingdom was short of hands.

Furthermore, there was information that Reiji was missing. The Saint Knight Kingdom has previously tried to solicit Reiji into joining their ranks. Silver Balance thought that the Knight Kingdom might help with his search if they gained the knights’ favor.

「We’ll crush them all at once!」

The adventurer team successfully subdued the wolf pack with the support from Dante.


The Saint Knight capital is a royal capital built by the knights for the knights, but there is an established Adventurer’s guild. The directly managed tavern attached to the guild was crowded with adventurers who came to receive their rewards for subduing the monsters.

「The GreatShield is amazing after all.」

「I was prepared to lose an arm or two, but after the GreatShield arrived, that worry left completely.」

「That’s a real hero.」

In the Adventurer’s guild in the capital, where the level of adventurers is low overall due to the knight’s presence being too strong, the “Gold-rank” Dante was celebrated and was asked to share a drink at every table without being allowed to refuse. By the time he got back to Mimino and Zerry’s table, he was pretty drunk.

「Dante… What would Non say if she sees this?」Mimino-said.

「S-Sorry, please don’t tell her…」

「It’s a joke. Everyone is in a merry mood, so it can’t be helped.」Mimino replied.

For adventurers, drinking and getting drunk goes hand-in-hand with victory.

「The knights did not fare well on their end it seems. They failed to defeat the spider monster, and a large number of them were injured.」Zerry-said.

「I think they would have fared better if some priests from the church accompanied them, but that option is a bit problematic at the moment.」Mimino-said.

「I want Non-san…」

「Non is…」

After the “World Union” at Brunstalk, the Pope announced that all the priests from every church would be managed uniformly, and so Non had to remain at the headquarters of the church.

「They could’ve at least lent us the priests while the monster subjugation is going on…」Zerry sighed.

「They do seem to be treating the injured who returned from the battlefield.」Mimino said.

「If they were at the scene, even soldiers who were in critical condition could’ve been saved. How many died because they couldn’t receive help in time?」

「You shouldn’t criticize the church so loudly.」

「I know.」

Zerry folded her arms and threw her head back. She had a troubled look, unusual for her.

「Don’t you feel like some of the bigshots have been acting strange ever since “World Union”?」Zerry said.

Dante had already fallen asleep, but Mimino thought that there was some truth in what Zerry said.

Adventurers are fully occupied with subduing monsters, but there are many strange movements in the top brass of various countries. Dante personally got in touch with Gurgio, the guildmaster in Valhalla, and obtained some important information. There were simply too many suspicious movements.

Retirement of Cardinal Thomason.

The murder of the People’s Representative Holiday.

Construction of the goddess temples.

The Saint Knight Kingdom was the headquarters of Cardinal Thomason, who opposed the construction of the goddess temple. But once he lost his position, the momentum for constructing the temple suddenly increased.

However, the government of Saint Knight Kingdom halted the construction. And in opposition to that decision, the Church stopped lending its priests, bought a private plot of land by themselves, and started building the temple from scratch.

「I hope Non is safe…」

Mimino was worrying over Non who remained back in Brunstalk.

「Hmm? Mimino-san, aren’t you worried about Reiji bochan too?」

「Reiji-kun going missing is the usual case, after all.」


Reiji went to another world at first, and when Mimino finally thought they were reunited, he went away with the Cardinal to prepare for “World Union”, but when she thought that was over, Reiji disappeared yet again.

However, Mimino has faith… that Reiji is alive.

No matter how many difficult situations he has been thrown into so far, he always survived and returned.

「For Reiji, “Silver Balance” is a home to return to.」

Mimino said, and drank the juice from her mug.

「—Reiji will surely come back to me.」

「—For me, Reiji-san is my “home to return to”.」

Taken aback by those two voices, Mimino turned around in a hurry.

Two familiar figures in a hood stood in the dimly lit bar.

「Sorry to have kept you waiting, Mimino-san. I am finally able to join you.」

Anastasia removed her hood.

「This is my first time visiting the Saint Knight Kingdom. It’s a wonderful place with good security.」

The other was Eva Sillys.


Eva and Anastasia did not come this far alone. Captain Maxim, the leader of House Sillys’ knights, and five other knights also accompanied them. However, their equipment was not that of a knight, but rather a traveler’s.

「I slept soundly for the first time in a long time!」

Eva came down to the inn’s dining room the next morning.

Her brilliant blonde hair and beautiful scarlet eyes were not a common trait, but it did not look too special because of the beautiful high elf, Anastasia, standing next to her.

「Uhh… I have a headache. Mimino, don’t you have a hangover medicine? I am seeing hallucinations of Anastasia and the noble lady.」

「I do have a good medicine for that, but what you’re seeing is not a hallucination.」

「I see… not a hallucination…!?」

Dante rubbed his eyes in surprise and looked again. The two girls certainly stood there.

「Anyway, I would like to know why the two of you are here.」Mimino said.

The two started explaining.

First of all, this trip is not something they acted out on their own, but that they have the permission of Earl Sillys. Therefore, six knights of House Sillys accompanied them. Captain Maxim is the head of Earl Sillys’ armed forces, but the Earl thought that he probably wouldn’t need to use force in the Holy City, and if he had to, it would be a last resort. And so Captain Maxim was attached to Eva’s escort mission.

Earl Sillys is in a very tricky position in the Holy Kingdom, so he wanted to secretly get Eva out of the country. Especially to a place where there is no goddess temple.

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